Chapter Nine- "What Are You Doing Here?"

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Chapter Nine- "What Are You Doing Here?"

One Month Later,

"Louis, you're going mental!" screeched Eleanor as she starred at him.

"That's because, I haven't seen my kids in six months already!" Louis replied back yelling, throwing a vase in the action.

"Then just call the mother, besides she has to let you see your kids"

"She won't answer if I call and she isn't here in London"

"What do you mean she's not here in London? Where is she?"

"I don't know Eleanor, a month ago two photographs by Mario Testino were published out but didn't say were she and our kids were!"

"Louis no need to yell, just hand me your phone" ordered Eleanor.

Louis obeyed and handed his phone to Eleanor who already had the phone in her ear and left the room into the kitchen.

Moments later, Eleanor came back in the the room fixing her eyes on Louis.

"I don't know how this person that I just called from your phone new where Dakota and the kids were, but they told me that Dakota and the kids are in Vienna, Austria"

"What are they doing there?"

"Dakota apparently left London with her kids to get away from the press and media, tired of having paparazzi following with her constantly with her kids"

"I am on my way to Austria" responded back Louis getting up and getting a luggage, filling it up with clothes.

"And, you're just leaving me here alone after I called to find out where they were?!"

"Well, obviously you don't like Dakota so why take you to her? And, I promise to make it up to you once I come back from Austria babe"

"You're unbelievable, Louis" muttered Eleanor as she walked out of the room, leaving Louis packing his stuff.

Louis didn't care if Eleanor was going to make such a big deal of not taking her to Austria, yes, Eleanor did have a point but Louis needed to go on his own.

Two Days Later,

Dakota and her kids were walking towards this little park for kids, as her eldest daughter insisted they do something active.

"None of the kids here look like they want to play with me" Stella spoke sadly.

"You never know Stella if they want to play with you, if you never ask them" responded back Dakota as she pushed the pram towards the benches, "Look, here comes a little girl."

"But, I don't speak-" Stella was saying, but soon stop when she saw the girl coming towards her.

"Hi I'm Cordelia Doutzen, do you want to play with me?" spoke the girl in English with a slight Austrian accent.

"Hello, I'm Stella Tomlinson, and yes I would certainly love to play with you" replied back Stella in a posh accent.

"I'll be back mum" said Stella as she ran off to the swings with the little girl right next to her.

"And, she said that nobody wanted to play with her" perked up a voice that made Dakota jump.

Dakota turned around to see her ex-husband Louis, making stare at him bewildered.

"What are you doing here?" firmly spoke Dakota.

"What? Can't I see my kids without the mother of my children telling me where they leave off to?" questioned Louis taking a seat next to Dakota.

"How'd you know where me, Stella, and George were?" Dakota said not talking in a firm tone and talking in a more curious tone.

"Eleanor called somebody, and they told her" replied Louis making Dakota frown.

"Who'd she call?"

"I don't know, she never told me who she called. On to something else, why didn't you tell me that you were leaving with the kids Dakota?"

"Because, I didn't want you to make the press and media aware of us. I was tired that the press would always want details of me and the kids, tired of paparazzi following me and the kids, tired of articles coming up with rumors and I didn't want you to come here because now look" Dakota said pointing to the paparazzi.

"Oh" was all Louis could say, "I'm sorry Dakota."

"No, Louis it's not your fault. I know that what I said just a few seconds ago sounds like I'm blaming you, but you have nothing to be sorry of."

"Dakota, please do this favor for me and the kids"

"What is the favor?"

"Can the kids be with me for a least a month?"

Once the words left Louis mouth, Dakota tensed. She didn't know if she could trust him being with a twelve year old and a six month old baby, but she knew also that Louis hadn't see their kids in a long time.

"Uh, came we talk about once we get back in London?" Dakota responded back.

"No, I want my kids to be with me once you get back from London"

"Fine, but once one month is finish you bring them to Paris, France and there will be a limo for the kids to in and of course George's and Stella's nanny Mrs. Annie Vay will be there"

Louis broke into a grin, "That's all I wanted to hear, Dakota."

Love always, Kara xoxo

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