Thank You

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Hello lovelies! I wanted to thank you for reading the sequel for 'It's You' and I hope, you guys enjoyed as much I enjoyed writing it.

I know some chapters in the story will not make sense, please ignore that. Pardon me, for any grammatical errors because is know it bothers me but when I write and do a mistake I never really care but on other works I do. But, I don't say it because I don't want to sound rude and I keep the comment to myself.

Anyway, I am going to write another story but there's a catch. The catch is that, the story will be in Spanish due to the some characters characters being Spanish and some places being Spanish and so I thought why not write it in Spanish. I don't know Spanish quite a lot, but I will use a translation or either ask my friend but most likely the translation.

Who saw the football game yesterday for the Copa Centenario? I saw it and was crestfallen, that Mexico had lost and that Chile won. I am British and French, but I support the Mexican football team and I am a big fan of football. Chile won by seven goals and Mexico had zero goals, but I will support my love for Mexico! Go Mexico! We could do it Mexico!

Love always, Kara xoxo

P.S: Mexico is my favorite football team! We could do it Mexico! I have faith in you Mexico! ⚽️

I Still Love You (Sequel To It's You)Where stories live. Discover now