I Am Zero

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A baby blue sky. a warm hearted family and a mother in the fields with her 2 year old son. a father a man carrying a axe after a long hard day of chopping wood splitting it so his family can stay warm tonight. the man looks over at his wife and son and smiles.

Elena? Elena Run take Zero and run.

But it was to late. The man looks down into the ditch to find a shadow wolf starring back up at him. another 2 of them come behind his wife and son.

The man backs up slowly to them both as they are cornered by the 3 shadow wolfs the one that was in the ditch jumps out to face the man and turns into a human like form.

We told you we would be coming for your son did we not

The 2 wolfs facing the wife and son turn into a human form as well and smirk at them both.

Yes we did didn't we Rouge

Indeed we did Frost

Zero curls up in to his mothers arms, "What do you want from us Frost". Elena says looking over at him with a fearful expression. "We want your son Zero the blue sapphire wolf" Frost says with and smart ass voice

You can't have Zero says the father protectively, he's my only son you can't have him Frost I will not loose another child to you not this time. frost looks at them both irritated. "I told you that I will take the first born daughter and son that you had in exchange you get to keep your souls now give me zero"

Zero starts to shack in his mothers arms tears rolling down his face. the father looks at them both and the goes to his wife.

I think it's time that we give up are lives in this world are immortality is not worth are sons life or for that matter any child, we had a good run but its time to leave this planet.

his wife starts to cry. "you right but what about are son who will take care of him.

Jack looks at his wife and says The orphanage will have to take him.

But are son, Elena says crying

It is for the best darling. Jack says

Jack looks over at frost. "Frost my brother you have what you want witch is for us to be dead in exchange you are to leave are son Zero alone"

Frost looks over at them both and smirks, its either both of your lives or Zeros he says in a kind of laughing voice

The blue sky had faded to grey and zero can hear this screaming voice right before his parents leave him forever at the door step of the orphanage.


He suddenly awakes to find Daniel screaming at him to get up. Zero rubs his sapphire blue eyes and one of his ears goes down as if he was a little confused.

A little girl named Tasha looks over at Zero. good morning zero are you finally going to do it today are you finally going to talk to the head and tell her that what she's doing is wrong?

Zero looks over at the little girl and smirks, now now I did say I was going to do that now didn't I Tasha. Tasha smiles at what is now the 16 year old boy as she walks over to him and hands him a fresh apple.

Here I stole this from one of the guards I though you might like it. she looks up at him zero looks down at the 7 year old girl and smiles a little his heart warmed a bit, Daniel looks over at him. dude i am not going to stand here and get in trouble with you we have work to do.

It was 7:00 am the large bell started to ring and people started to get ready to start there day.

This place is more of a prison then it really was a orphanage. the kids and teenagers wore rags the blankets were terrible and the food tasted terrible and any kid that tired to escape was killed. Zero was a troubled child all through out his life people made fun of him for people didn't really understand the fact the Zero was a sapphire wolf. but the owner of the orphanage knew that and found a weakness to all immortals that came her way to make sure they all stayed in check.

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