Where On the Run

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Zero wakes up and it's 4 am. Tasha is still warped up in Zeros arms and Daniel is packing up things that they would need to survive.

Dude it's 4 am and every one gets up in 2 hours hurry up. says Daniel

Ok ok I'm going I'm going.

Zero gently sets Tasha on the bed and she warps her arms around the old musty blanket that lay upon the bed. Zero grabs up some of there clothing and stuffs it in a back pale they had managed to get from one of the kids. he grabs up a blanket and looks out the window.

The guards are still sleeping. said Zero

That's good Daniel says as he stuffs more things in the back pack.

Zero turns into this beauty full sapphire blue wolf and spreads open he's blue wings. his fur was shines lightly with the little light out side and Daniel sets Tasha on Zeros back. Zeros eyes were still sapphire blue and his claws were black and teeth as sharp as a vampires.

Try not to set off alarms and no matter what don't stop running said Daniel as he turns into a dragon just a bit bigger than the wolf

Tasha eyes start to open and she tightly hugs Zeros back she loved his soft fur and his bright smile. Zero feels the hug and smiles a little. as they walk out of there room quietly and out side they hear the cook starting breakfast.

Don't make a sound says Daniel

Don't plan on it Zero thinks in his mind as they slowly make it to the gate. Suddenly they hear the cook come out and there facing her and the 2 helping her and then she screams


Zero and Daniel freak out and fly up and by that time the guards had grabbed there guns and started shooting at them. 2 bullets hit Zeros left wing and 1 hit his back leg but Zero didnt give up easily. he kept going until he heard the last shot.

BANG went the last shot and the Zero felt blood dripping on his back. his heart raced his eyes got really big and Daniel looked back at him in shock. every thing went silent until they made it to the hill.

Zero started crying he knew what had happen and he felt as if it was his fault. NOO TASHA WHY HER WHY NOT ME WHY. Daniel got Tasha off his back. and set her lifeless body on the ground and they both cried.

They killed my sister they must pay Zero said in a angry voice No Zero let them be we can get revenge on them later. said Daniel but Zero was to hurt to listen he charged off back over to the orphanage.

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