With Pain Comes Revenge

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Zero felt a lot of pain in his heart. the bullet wounds in his back and leg he didn't want Tasha death to go silenced. he made it to the edge where the forest was set when Daniel stopped him.

Zero I am just as angry and frustrated as you are but you can't go back there yet you will be killed. said Daniel nearly crying at the though of Tasha being dead.

Zero let out a huge burst of tears and crying. Daniel hugged him and sighed. dude I know that it's sad but we have to stay strong.

They both headed back to the hill were they left Tasha's body. Zero picked up her lifeless body and snuggled her in his arms and cried. Your just sleeping tears rolled down his face as he moved her hair out of her face and he said your just sleeping as he closed his eyes and Daniel came next to him and hugged them both as he grabbed a shovel

Hours later Zero awoke still covered in Tasha's and his blood he picked her up and took her to the grave that was dug for her on that hill. he cried as he set her gently in the hole. Daniel put his hand on his shoulder. she's in a better place I promise that her death will not be silenced.

I love you little sister. He said

as night fell Zero spent most of the time next to Tasha's grave until it was time to sleep. Daniel had decided to got to sleep under the trees away from the cliff of witch Tasha was barred. it was about 3 am and all seemed quite and calm. when zero heard a sound coming from the trees.

Suddenly a golden wolf steps out of the trees and licks her lips. she was covered in blood and had perusing golden red eyes. she did not notice Zero or Daniel. she walked over to the edge of the cliff and stared down at the town as Zero watched her.

Such a shame that he tired to hunt me

She licked her lips more from the taste of meat and blood all over her. She sniffed the air and picked up the sent of something barred under the flower. she sighed as she got up to go in cheak it out.

This is not the place to be barring the dead. she said

She walked up to the flower and sniffed it. as she started to law at the ground Zero quickly turned into the sapphire wolf and attacked the strange wolf.

He clawed at her side and bit into her neck. the golden wolf bit into his neck deeply flipped him over and pinned him to the ground. Zero let out a yelp and Daniel awoke and saw the to wolves fighting. he sprung up and attacked the golden wolf nearly sending her off the edge of the cliff.

Daniel shoved her off the edge of the cliff and he though it was over. suddenly the golden wolf spred her wings and flew up and grabbed Daniel and had him hanging over the edge of the cliff.

NO STOP PLEASE, screamed Zero


The golden wolf looked over at the flower and sighed. she gently set Daniel on the ground and sighed. Zero turned into a human and hugged Daniel tightly.

The golden wolf turned into a human form. Her eyes were blue and you could tell her smile hid years of pain and suffering. but it was bright and welcoming her hair was black with red tips on the ends of it and her skin glowed with the moon light. the lighting bolt was a symbol of Zeus.
Zero stood there in shock of her beauty.

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