Chapter 10

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Lorna was on Interstate 710, driving south from Glendale to Long Beach to meet up with Kitt and Marina and the new guy Marina was seeing – Kitt’s former colleague and mentor, Dr. Arnold Briar. What the hell was Briar up to, anyway, sneaking around behind Rita’s back?

Well, thought Lorna. Isn’t he going to get a shock when I turn up to dinner?

Lorna stopped herself though, her train of thought jumping tracks.

Or will he? It can’t be a coincidence he met my sister, can it? Wait, wait, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. Maybe it isn’t Dr. Briar, after all. Maybe it’s just another scientist…Who just happens to work with marine animals…Who just happens to be named Arnold…

Lorna had tried calling Marina and had left several voice-mails and text messages. Eventually, however, after not hearing back from Marina time had run out and Lorna drove down to the dinner nearby the Aquarium, at Rooftop 360 above the Hyatt hotel in Long Beach where Lorna and Kitt had their first –

Well, yes, thought Lorna. I guess that was our first date.

Then, of course, there was their second date, at the Aquarium’s after-hours event.

“Lorna,” Kitt had asked. “Where are you parked? I can drive you home.”

This non-sequitur had taken Lorna by surprise, coming as it did on the heels of her recent if unintentional swim with the sea lions.

“I’m sorry,” said Lorna. “What?”

            “I said if you like, I’ll drive you home. We can take your car; it will save you having to come back to Long Beach for it,” explained Kitt. “I’ll take a taxi back here from Glendale.”

Part of Lorna, strong-willed and independent, had wanted to politely decline this offer, had wanted to insist that she would be fine. Another part of Lorna, however, wanted to be closer to Kitt -- wanted to be closer to him and to never let go.

“Yes,” said Lorna. “Please, Kitt, take me home.”

Sensing this was her cue, Dr. MacAvoy excused herself.

“I’d best go see what Arnold is up to, Kitt. Who knows what havoc he might be wrecking outside?” she said. “Lorna, it was lovely to meet you.”

“Thank you, Dr. Mac – I mean, Rita.”

“Good night, Dr. Dawson.”

“Good night, Dr. MacAvoy,” said Kitt, smiling. “Let’s go, Lorna.”

Ten minutes later, Lorna was sitting in the passenger seat of her car, her head resting against the window, looking out at the lights of the city while Kitt navigated the late-night traffic that never really ceased in Los Angeles, heading north on Interstate 710, heading to Glendale, heading home. Lorna must have fallen asleep. The next thing she remembered was the cranking sound of the handbrake, the jangling sound of keys and then, a minute later, being lifted into Kitt’s arms. She pressed her face against his shoulder, her lips close to his neck, the stubble of his beard tickling her nose.

“I think I’m falling in love with you,” whispered Lorna, softly, ever so softly. Kitt did not react or speak and simply continued to carry her, supporting her behind her lower back and her knees, walking up the stairs to her apartment. Kitt fumbled ever so briefly with Lorna’s keys and then had the front door unlocked. He carried Lorna over the threshold and into the darkened interior of her apartment, lit by the soft blue glow of the fish tank’s UV lamp and the distant yellow glow of the light above the stove – the lights that always welcomed Lorna home, the lights that made her feel like the apartment wasn’t empty. And it wasn’t empty, not now that Kitt was here. In view of this unexpected development, smelling his subtle Guess cologne, Lorna didn’t panic that Kitt might see the unwashed dishes piled up beside the kitchen sink nor the blanket-covered pile of books about mermaids in the corner near the television nor the unmade bed towards which he carried her now.

Kitt lowered her gently to the bed, removed his arms from around her and moved to standup.

“No,” said Lorna. She reached a hand up and held it to the back of his neck. “Please.”

He kissed her, their lips meeting as waves meet the shore on a moonlit night over the Pacific Ocean, land and sea meeting as they always have and always will. Lorna never wanted this moment to end but she knew that it must, just as every wave, once it has kissed the shore, must roll away again.

Lorna could feel herself falling asleep.

Kitt removed Lorna’s hand from the back of his neck and placed it over her chest. Before leaving the Aquarium, Lorna had removed her wet dress and Kitt had taken a T-shirt for her from the Aquarium gift shop, a T-shirt several sizes too big for her. He looked down at her with the print of sea otters gamboling across her hips, along her breasts, rising and falling as Lorna slipped deeper into the calm blue waters of sleep. Kitt pulled the bed covers over Lorna and then took out his cell phone and called a taxi and waited for it to arrive on the street downstairs, not leaving Lorna’s side. When the taxi arrived, Kitt let himself out of Lorna’s apartment, locking the door behind him and slipping Lorna’s keys back through the mail slot. Before he left the apartment, however, Lorna came up out of sleep just enough to hear Kitt’s whispering voice.

“I think I’m falling in love with you, too.”

Lorna arrived at the hotel and let the valet take her car. She walked into the lobby and found Kitt waiting for her, sitting in an arm chair and reading a paperback novel about Africa. When he looked up and saw her, Kitt stood up and barely had time to open his arms before Lorna stepped into his embrace.

“Oh, Kitt,” said Lorna. “Isn’t this just awful?”

“I take it you weren’t able to contact your sister?” asked Kitt.

“No,” said Lorna. Kitt opened his arms and Lorna took a step back. “Were you able to talk to Dr. Briar?”

“No,” said Kitt. “His voicemail message says he’s at a conference in Washington.”

“The state or the capital?” asked Lorna.

“The message didn’t say,” replied Kitt.

“I feel bad for Rita,” said Lorna. “I -- ”

Lorna was interrupted by her phone beeping with a text message.

“It’s Marina,” said Lorna, checking her phone. “She’s here with Arnold on the rooftop.”

Kitt took Lorna's hand and together they walked to the elevator.

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