Chapter 4

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Lorna waited, nursing a glass of white wine at a courtyard table of Rooftop 360, the bar on the roof of the Hyatt hotel in Long Beach just a block away from Aquarium of the Pacific. She had to admit that she was curious to talk to Dr. Kittridge Dawson further on the subject of mermaids, and had to admit to herself that she was in fact rather flattered. Lorna had not dined with a man other than her father in quite a while.

It doesn't hurt that he's a good-looking guy, either, thought Lorna. She figured, however, that she already had enough craziness in her life right now without the complications of... Well, Lorna didn't quite know how to finish that thought.

Dr. Dawson had said he would meet her that evening at Rooftop 360, Lorna agreed and had spent the rest of the day exploring the aquarium; watching the sea otters -- which were adorable -- and visiting the penguins, which Lorna had never particularly liked. After leaving the aquarium, Lorna had walked across the pedestrian bridge over West Shoreline Drive to the Hyatt to wait. The table was adjacent to the rooftop pool and Lorna looked across its length, beyond which could also be seen the Aquarium and Queensway Bay with its trio of oil refineries on White, Freeman and Chaffee Islands off the shore of Long Beach itself, seeming to float on the sparkling sun-jeweled water. Lorna sipped her wine, taking in the view.

"Thank you for waiting," said Dr. Dawson, walking up to the table from behind Lorna. She jumped a little at the sound of a voice that would be perfect for reading books on tape. "I'm sorry, did I startle you?"

"No," said Lorna. "No, not at all."

Dr. Dawson pulled out the facing chair and removed his sports coat, hanging it over the back of the chair. Lorna could make out the lines of the toned chest and arms beneath the cotton of his carbon-blue Fred Perry Oxford shirt and felt her cheeks flush. She took a sip of wine, which was no help at all.

"I apologize for running late," said Dr. Dawson, raising a finger to signal a passing waiter. "I was helping the dolphin team skim pennies out of the tank. It's terrible the disregard visitors sometimes have. The dolphin tank is not a wishing well."

"I completely agree," said Lorna, finishing the last of her wine as the waiter arrived at their table.

"Good evening, miss, sir," said the waiter. "Welcome to Rooftop 360. My name is Derek and I will be your server this evening..."

Dr. Dawson ordered the Mediterranean salad with grilled chicken, and a beer. Lorna asked for a second glass of wine and ordered the Angus burger with fries. Lorna realized she hadn't eaten all day and wanted something substantial. Also, to his credit, Dr. Dawson didn't even raise an eyebrow at her order. She'd been on dates before -- This isn't a date, Lorna -- where the guy would make some snide comment about her food choice and that would be that.

"So, Ms. O'Shene, you asked if I knew a thing or two about mermaids," said Dr. Dawson.

"Yes," said Lorna. "But, please, you can call me Lorna."

"OK, Lorna," said Dr. Dawson. "First names are good. Much less formal. Call me Kittridge, or Kitt, if you like."

Lorna did like, but thought Kittridge was a good middle ground for now.

"OK, Dr. Daw -- I mean, Kittridge."

"So, mermaids..."

"Do you think they're real?" asked Lorna. "I know you said there has never been any actual proof, but that doesn't necessarily mean that mermaids are impossible, does it?"

"In my career as a biologist, as a scientist and marine historian, I've seen a lot of things that should be impossible. Oceans cover two-thirds of the planet and in all that space sometimes it seems that impossible is not a word but a way of life. And deep seas comprise something like seventy percent of the earth's inhabitable volume," said Kittridge. Their drinks arrived at the table, and he sipped thoughtfully at his beer while Lorna's wine went untouched for the time being.

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