A/N: Epilogue (?)

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So, my original plan was to create a whole separate "story" for the epilogue because it was going to have more than one part to it, but I didn't want to make another cover photo and stuff and I didn't want it to be too complicated.

I'm going to consider this A/N as a little break point in the story, and after this I'll update the epilogue parts.

ALSO after this story I'm going to try to write a Vampire!Gerard Frerard fic and I'm really excited for it! Its going to be called Dark Paradise (yes I named it after the Lana Del Rey song) and it would be great if you guys checked it out once I upload some of it!

Anyway, thanks for reading and the next few parts in this should be uploaded quicker than the rest since I have a good idea of what I want to happen in them already.



Yo I'm so bad at keeping my promises all of the Frerard fic I said I was going to write never worked out bc I got writers block and just kinda gave up and unpublished them
Maybe someday I'll do a one shot book so I don't have to worry about a whole plot but until then I'm gonna be writing a Jily fic (James Potter and Lily Evans) so if you're into that check it out 👌

Also thx for reading this story bc I actually love it and I'm super proud of it so you go all of you who are reading this I love you all thanks for motivating me 💖


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