1# the kyuubi

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Naruto who was sadly strolling down the road on his fifth birthday, most of the time most kids would be happy or over joyed. It's their birthday! However... Naruto has no one to celebrate with. Everyone hates him.
He kept strolling around until he bumped into a man.
Oh I am sorry.
Naruto apologized as politely as possible.
It's al- YOU! YOU DEMON!
the 'clearly' drunken man yelled making a mob join in on the insults and beating.
Is what came out of their mouths.
Naruto was slowly beaten until he was unconscious.
Kurama, who was outraged by the humans torture, took over his body as red chakra enveloped his body.
Everyone backed off.
It's escaping!
Kill it!
They all shouted.
Kurama (naruto) pulled up her hands and expelled as much chakra to push them back. She rushed towards the hokage tower and jumped up as high until she got to the window of the hokage and then crashed into the window then fell unconscious from lack of controll.
Hiruzen was shocked. He felt the sudden surge them suddenly, their Naruto was almost dead with red chakra receding into his form.
Neko! Come with me.
Hiruzen demanded as Neko jumped down from her post.
Neko picked up the critical condition boy and they rushed to the hospital.
Once they got their.
We need help!
Neko shouted to get their attention. Once they saw who it was they just turned around.
If you don't heal this boy your all executed!
The hokages voice boomed as doctors began rushing over.
They rushed Into the emergency room.
Naruto awoke to see a blue sky. He blinked to focus where he was. He looked around to see trees around.
he saw a lake with a mountain in the distance.
Naruto asked.
Kurama who was a little ways away. Walked towards the blonde.
She asked heistantly.
Naruto looked up slightly afraid. Mostly all teens and older alduts were mean to him so he always whimpered back in fear.
Kurama was a good 16 years old (how she wanted to look) girl with long red hair. Her eyes were red with slits and wore a dark red dress.
Kurama lightly placed a hand on his head and stroked his blonde locks out of his face.
It's okay naruto... your safe.
Kurama said. She opened her arms lightly and wrapped around him.
Your okay now.
She said lightly making the little boy sobbed into her dress.
She lightly petted his head to calm him down.
I'm sorry...
Naruto mutterted pulling away lightly.
For what?
Kurama asked lightly.
I got your dress wet.
He said making her chuckle.
That's alright.
Kurama reassured him.
I'm sorry miss... but where are we?
Naruto asked confused looking around, not recognizing his surroundings.
We're in your mind.
She answered.
Who are you?
Naruto asked more confused, he knew he didn't see anyone with red hair like that.
Why is she in my mind?
Naruto thought confused.
I'm kurama... the kyuubi.
She said making him freeze.
Your not the blood thirsty demon everyone says you are.
Naruto said making her chuckle lightly.
No... I was controlled on the night of the attack... the yondaime stopped me but couldn't kill me. He sealed me inside a new born baby... you.
She said making him frown.
Why me?
Naruto asked sadly laying down on his back.
He was to noble to ask anyone else's son.
She said making naruto have a mini heart attack.
Naruto started making her nod.
So gramps did know...
Naruto said dejectedly.
Yes. But the Sandaime did not want your father's enemy's after you. This is why he dinit tell you.
Kurama explained as naruto lightly nodded.
Did you know my mother?
Naruto asked.
Yes her name was Kushina Uzumaki she was my container before you.
Kurama said.
Now Naruto. I must ask what do you want to become of this village.
She said becoming serious.
If he chose to go with or destroy the village, she would follow.
I.... I want to become hokage. To protect people that acknowledge me.
He said making her smile at his pure soul.
I see. Then I shall help you.
Kurama said making Naruto look up brightly.
You will?
Naruto stuttered.
Kurama nodded as she was tackled in a hug with a bombardment of thank yous.
So.. you will help me train?
Naruto asked.
Yes I will kit... but it's not easy training.
Kurama warned.
I don't care. I want to beat all the bad guys.
Naruto said tossing his fist in a punch motion in the air.
Kurama chuckled at his antics.
Okay. May you rip a quarter of this off?
She said pointing towards her wrist where a sealing tag with the kanji 'seal' was on her wrist.
Naruto nodded and ripped of a quarter of it off. Naruto looked up at her with a smile.
Thank you kura-chan.
Naruto said making her blush.
Your welcome little naru-kun.
She said.
Today is your birthday... would you like me to give you a gift?
kurama asked as naruto's eyes widen.
Naruto asked hopefully.
Yes. I would like to give you apart of a bloodline. Once your older I will give you the rest of it.
She said smiling at his confused face.
What's a bloodline?
Naruto asked clueless.
A bloodline is a special tool in clans. It runs in the family essentially.
Kurama explained as naruto nodded.
How can you give me a bloodline?
Naruto asked curiously.
All bijuu have special abilites. Changing Dna is one of my unique quality of being the kyuubi.
Kurama said making him nod in understanding.
So what's part of the bloodline your going to give me?
Naruto asked.
I will give you all of the affinities of the elements. Meaning you can use ice release, lava release, wood release, that kind of thing.
Kurama explained making naruto nod in the process of thinking "Coooool!"
Kurama smiled at his smile that was beaming directly at her.
she chuckled lightly.
Kurama pressed her fingers against naruto's forehead before a flash of light happened. It died down while they were standing their seemingly unchanged.
There. I arranged your dna to have all of the affinities.
Kurama said before sitting down.
Naruto wanted to sit down with her until he saw his hand fading.
What's hapining?
Naruto asked scared.
Your waking up. Don't worry we can talk from your mind.
Kurama said before waving at the fading naruto.
Naruto slowly opened his eyes to feel he was bandaged all over.
He groaned slightly.
I'm glad your awake.
Hiruzen said as he got up from his chair to let naruto see him.
I know why... people hate me.
Naruto said making hiruzen eye him.
Why Is that?
Hiruzen acted confused making naruto fume.
Kyuubi was sealed in me by the yondaime...
Naruto said making hiruzen eyes widen.
Who told you?
Hiruzen demanded making naruto whimper.
Kurama did.
He said making hiruzen confused.
Who's kurama?
Hiruzen asked.
Kyuubi is kurama's title.
Naruto said as he lightly pealed the bandages off seeing he was fully healed.
Hiruzen sighed before waving everyone except for him and naruto to stand outside.
He put up silencing barriers.
What else did it tell you.
Hiruzen said making naruto glare at hiruzen.
She's not a it! She's the only person I trust now!
Naruto yelled making hiruzen frown slightly.
Hiruzen exclaimed.
Naruto nodded.
She told me everything... the night of her attacking. She was controlled. Dad fought him to get rid of his control!
Naruto shouted making hiruzen's eyes widen once again.
She told you that as well huh.
Hiruzen said making naruto nod.
That's why I said she's the only person I trust now.
Naruto said crossing his arms.
It's not like I would gloat that my father was the fourth. You could of told me!
Naruto said as he started crying. A light glow appeared making them cover there eyes. They put their hand down to see a little fox.
She cuddled up next to naruto.
It's me kit.
The fox said now revealed as kurama.
(They talked telepathically.)
Naruto shouted in happiness and hugged the fox.
Hiruzen however had a kunai out making naruto growl and glare.
She's the one who saved me from YOUR villagers.
Naruto reminded making Hiruzen sigh, kurama began licking Naruto's face making him giggle.
Kurama that tickles.
Naruto said giggling as Kurama rubbed her nose on his whiskers making him go with a full blown laughter.
Hiruzen sighed and walked out. He knew he lost all the trust he has for his surgated grandson.
Naruto got up and put Kurama in his jacket to hide her and rushed out to check out.
The nurse sneered her way to check the demon brat out but glad he would be gone.
Naruto ran out of the hospital and went straight towards the park to play. He knew he would train but wanted to play atleast once more.
Kurama, regrettably allowed it.
Naruto saw a couple of kids playing. One had a dog on his head, one was cloud watching and another was eating a bag of chips.
Naruto ran over to them.
Naruto said very excited.
Kiba looked over sniffing the air while kurama popped her head out of his jacket.
Kiba flew backwards out of surprise.
Is that a fox?
Choji asked.
Naruto said sheepishly.
Akamaru barked making naruto do a protective jester for kurama.
Hmm why do you have a fox?
Shikamaru asked.
Shes like my companion. Like ninja dogs... except she's a fox.
Naruto said as kurama yipped in agreement.
This is kurama.
Naruto said rubbing kurama's head lightly.
She's the only thing I have...
Naruto muttered making them look at him with confusion at what he neant.
Kiba and choji waved it off but shikamaru eyed him for a moment.
He shook it off but still had it in his mind.
Naruto and them introduced themselves making naruto smile lightly.
So. Are you guys going to the academy next year?
Naruto asked making them nod.
Yeah we are.
They all said as there was a relief rush over naruto.
Well atleast I won't be completely alone in the academy.
Naruto thought.
You have me kit.
Kurama said looking up towards him.
I know.
He said back hugging her close to him protectively.
Shikamaru caught his distressed look.
You alright naruto?
Shikamaru asked.
Oh. Yeah I just had bad memories.
Naruto said as Kurama licked his nose.
Naruto giggled lightly.
Shikaku, shikamaru's dad, and tsume inuzuka, kiba's mother came to pick the three kids up.
Naruto felt a little dejected as he watched the three kids go off to their parents. (Shikaku picked up choji for chozau)
Naruto sighed before walking towards the hokages office.
Ask him for your father's house adress.
Kurama suggested.
Naruto agreed with the idea and walked in the hokage tower getting glares with whispers.
Great the demon Fox and a fox together.
Was heard around making naruto just unleash kurama then and there.
Naruto slowly went up to the secretary who gladly dinit care that he was the container.
She waved him up to the office telling him that the hokage was free.
Naruto knocked on the door and walked in.
He still didnt trust anyone in the village. He only liked Inu and Neko but they were his anbu guard.
May I have my inheritance.
Naruto said as hiruzen knowing what he was talking about. He gave him a envelope and three scrolls. The envelope containing the adress.
Naruto nodded before leaving.
The anbu in the room was slightly confused.
Three anbu, Inu, Tenzo, and Neko. They didnt know what he meant by inheritance.
They shrugged it off as Naruto and Kurama went straight to the adress. It was directly behind the hokage monument.
He kept walking until he came across the Namikaze estate. It was as big as the hokages tower. There a blood seal was on the door. Naruto lightly pricked his finger and rubbed it across the seal making it glow bright blue and then the door slowly creaked open.
Luckily for Naruto, Minato and his mother wasn't seal masters for nothing. There was auto cleaning seals. And preserving seals.
Kurama immediately told him to go to the library and learn a technique called Kage bushin. When he first opened the door he thought it was going to take days for him to find the scroll, the library was massive! He looked in the non elemental section. He was lucky when he saw it on a nearby table. He immediately studied it and did the hand signs. He was able to summon 10 clones. Naruto was very happy about this, he studied the scroll inside out. Even the special ability. He told the clones to start reading all of the information they seem fit to read.
Naruto, who was exhausted crashed on his parents bed and passed out.
Once naruto got up he went to the library to see the shadow clones still reading with a good stack of books next to them. He smiled and dispelled the clones getting a rush of memories hit him like a train.
Chakra... controll.... ninjutsu...genjutsu.... taijutsu...
So much information came to him. He lightly smiled until kurama broke the silence.
Now. We need to get your chakra controll up so you can summon more clones.
Kurama said making naruto groan.
And this is the start of at wonderful adventure....
grammar fix...  a bit of it anyways.

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