10# forgiveness and... fluffy ^-^

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Kurama opened the tent that was set up for medic ninjas during the invasion and began looking around. She saw naruto in his old looking form and rushed over towards him.
She looked down at his form before looking around to see anyone watching.
She picked him up and channeled youkai into him. She breathed in and out before she opened her eyes to see naruto as a white fox with a red tipped tail and ears.
naruto asked mentally making kurama smile and nod.
She said and rushed away playfully as naruto was hypnotized by her movements before following.
Kurama and naruto ran down the streets of konoha getting weird looks from all the pedestrians.
They kept running and kurama lead him into a forest before stopping.
She turned around meeting naruto's blue eyes.
She slowly walked up to him before putting her head in the crook of his neck and under his chin.
Naruto's legs wobbled with delight as his tail snaked around them both as did kurama's.
Kurama opened her eyes before leading naruto under a tree where it was big enough to fit.
She swayed her tail before she went in while naruto followed her. It was quite spacious for the two foxes as kurama curled up to naruto, mewing at all of the contanct.
Naruto slowly closed his eyes whispering one thing making kurama's heart do back flips.
I love you kura-chan...
He whispered making kurama wiggle slightly.
I love you two.
She whispered back curling her tail up to his.
The heat and scent of their mates slowly let them sink into a deep sleep...
Council chambers.
Hiruzen was in a number of things annoyed, tired, and did I say annoyed? He was in front of the council as they were frantic about the new kyuubi taking over.
We must find the demon brat! He must have shown his true form! We must kill it!
Shouts happened from the civilian side.
The shinobi were silently talking to each other, of what the new bijuu could be and where it came from.
The elders had a slight gleam in their eyes but stayed silent.
hiruzen shouted making them jump.
Now.... the reason I called you hear was the promotions of the chunin exams, the new bijuu that appeared "Saving us" from the one tailed racoon.
Hiruzen pointed out pausing for a moment.
And my stepping down as hokage.
Hiruzen said making all go wide eye except danzo who smirked slightly but went gone just like that.
I have already picked my successor.
Hiruzen stated making danzo frown.
Who might that be hiruzen?
Danzo asked.
He said making all eyes widen.
You can't be serious. She hasn't stepped in this village sense her brother died.
Koharu said making a few nod.
Why not Jiryia-sama or... kakashi?
A few suggested.
Jiryia has his spy network while kakashi has a genin team.
Hiruzen said.
Who will send for her?
Inochi asked.
Jiryia and who ever he wishs for.
Hiruzen said making a few nod.
Alright. The new bijuu is nothing to worry about, it did save us alot of trouble from another fight with a bijuu.
Hiruzen said, shutting up the civilian side.
And the promotions will be decided here and now.
Hiruzen said as a few began discussing before saki haruno stood up.
I say Uchia-sama be promoted.
She stated making all of the shinobis sigh and the civilians nod.
What is the reasons?
Hiruzen asked.
He beat his opponents.
Some said lieing making hiruzen sigh.
I was watching and sasuke did not beat garra, the invasion happened and stopped the fight before it ended.
Hiruzen said making a few grumble.
But he was going to.
Haruno said making the shinobi side sweatdrop.
Hiruzen said sarcasticaly.
Shikaku stood up with a few papers.
Lord hokage if I may.
Shikaku stopped to see hiruzen nod.
I suggest grading the genins that dealt with the invasion, aswell as the exams.
Shikaku said making the council nod at it being logical.
That being said. I think naruto uzumaki and shikamaru nara should be promoted.
Shikaku said getting a ear full from the civilian side.
the demon brat!
They shouted making a few sigh.
Shikamaru lead all of the genins during the invasion.
Naruto however in my opinion should be promoted to special jounin.
Shikaku said making all of their jaw drops except for hiruzen.
Naruto after helping sasuke and sakura against garra before the unknown bijuu appeared rushed to save Hokage-sama. He got their when orochimaru summoned the first and secound hokage. He, not only held them off while Hokage-sama dealt with orochimaru, but defeated them sending them back to the grave, kurama was able to break down the barrier letting the anbus come in while naruto killed orochimaru... isn't that right Hokage-sama.
Shikaku read off before asking.
Hiruzen nodded.
Yes. He did a fine job defending the village, and very well saved my life.
Hiruzen said making all of the slack jawed civilians find themselfs.
They tried to protest but knew they were cornered.
Alright. I think that's fair.
Hiruzen said making a few grumble.
Shikamaru Is promoted to chunin while naruto to special jounin. Dismissed.
Hiruzen said making them disperse.
Hiruzen sighed before walking out.
Naruto... when will you forgive me.
He thought before walking into his office.
Naruto opened his eyes and saw he was cuddled up to kurama's fox form. He moved slightly before noticing the roots slowly unwrapping around them.
Must be the mokuton...
He thought before he noticed he was in his fox form.
He nudged kurama snoat with his before she slowly opened her slitted eyes.
She stretched slightly before yawning a cute fox yawn making naruto's heart flip at the cute noise.
She said making naruto smile.
Morning kura-chan.
Naruto nudged her snoat making her close her eyes in delight...
naruto paused for a moment, before remembering yesterday.
Why did we sleep here?
Naruto asked.
Kurama smiled before nudging naruto under his chin again.
Because your my mate... my fox mate.
She said before backing up.
She looked outside of the tree roots to see it was sunrise and she jumped on out.
She glowed before turning into her normal form.
How do I do that.
Naruto deadpanned making kurama giggle.
Just focus on yourself, think what you want to be.
Kurama instructed.
Naruto glowed like kurama and transformed into his fox like human form before the necklace the sandaime gave pulled up his genjutsu.
Which kurama explained to naruto quickly.
Naruto smiled slightly.
I think I should forgive him...
Naruto thought with a slight smile.
Naruto pulled off the necklace undoing the genjutsu.
Kurama looked confused.
Put it on... I don't want you to be targeted for your... add-ons.
She said making him smile.
I want to be me kurama... I want the world to see me....
He looked down to his tails.
The white kyuubi and the red kyuubi.
He said with a chuckle.
Weird pair we are.
Naruto said making her giggle.
Yes... we are.
She admitted before naruto flashed threw handsigns before blurring out of wind with kurama.
Hokage office.
Hiruzen sighed as he was talking to jiryia.
He won't do it jiryia.
Hiruzen said making jiryia sigh.
I know he's mad at me for not being the god parent, but he's who I want.
Jiryia said making hiruzen rub his temples before naruto and kurama blured into sight.
Naruto chucked the necklace towards the sandaime.
I want to be myself old man.
Naruto said making hiruzen's eyes widen.
Did... he finally forgave me.
He thought with a smile.
Who's the gaki.
Jiryia asked making naruto look over.
Jiryia of the sannin... trained the fourth hokage and my supposed godfather.
Naruto glared slightly making him freeze. He looked down and noticed the nine white tails with red tips making him go wide eye.
Your the new bijuu?
He asked making him shrug.
Kurama glowed once again to reveal her nine tails.
We are a weird pair.
She admitted.
Jiryia was slack jawed but had a slight idea pop into his mind.
Bijuu's icha icha.
He giggled in his mind before naruto punched him in a flash.
That is what you get for abandoning me for 'research'.
Naruto growled, he knew all about Jiryia's so called 'spy network' was a excuse. The most he gets is breast sizes while getting information from toads.
Jiryia dropped to a knee at the sudden punch.
Kurama and naruto could of sworn he heard a familiar voice say.
Had that coming.
They looked up to see neko.
Ohayo neko-san.
Naruto said as the anbu waved from her hiding place.
You know naruto could have done worse.
Kurama pointed out.
Jiryia got up not looking winded.
I know.
He said simply making naruto have a deadpan look on his face '_'.
Hiruzen coughed to get the attention of the three which worked.
Anyway naruto-kun...
Hiruzen started and grabbed a vest.
Thanks to shikaku naras facts, my witness, and your hard work in the exams.
He chucked the vest getting naruto to catch it.
I'm promoted to chunin?
Naruto asked.
Hiruzen said with a sly grin.
Special jounin.
Naruto's eyes widen before his own grin adorned on his face to the glee of the sandaime.
Thanks gramps.
Naruto winked as he put it on.
I never got to ask.
Naruto suddenly said.
Could kurama get a headband?
Naruto asked making kurama shrug.
Get the look.
Kurama said with her shrug.
He opened his drawer and rummaged threw it before tossing a headband towards kurama who caught it.
Naruto and kurama's tails and ears glowed before vanishing.
And as your first mission as special jounin is to find tsunade of the sannin and bring her back with jiryia.
Hiruzen instructed making naruto sigh.
Alright. What's the rank?
Naruto asked.
He said making naruto's eyes widen.
I'm stepping down as hokage.
Hiruzen said making naruto frown.
I see...
Naruto said until he had a grin adorned his face.
You could always give it to me.
Naruto winked making hiruzen chuckle.
How I wish I could, but the damyio would give me a earful for stepping down for a teenager.
Hiruzen said making naruto nod.
Alright. Let's go oh great pervy sage.
Naruto said making neko burst out laughing with a few chuckles from the other anbus and hiruzen.
Jiryia grumbled something about blondes always ruin his fun, he did train minato.
Naruto and kurama walked out of the hokage tower with jiryia following after him.
You got everything you need gaki?
Jiryia asked.
Of course I do pervy sage.
Naruto said making jiryia twitch at the clear new nickname for him.
Baka gaki.
He muttered making kurama giggle.
They stood in silence as they walked out of the gates of konoha until naruto said..
....what were they like?
Naruto asked making kurama and jiryia look over.
Mom and dad.
Naruto said making Jiryia's eyes soften.
Your mom... she was a fiery red head like her.
Jiryia said pointing towards kurama.
She had the purest amethyst eyes you could imagine. She had a mean temper but had a serious alterego.
Jiryia chuckled
She had this obsession with ramen and a verbal tick that she was born with by being impatient... she also wanted to become the first female hokage.
Naruto's eyes widen at the end.
Ya know.
Naruto said making Jiryia's eyes widen.
How did-
I have it two.
Naruto said with a sheepish grin.
Your father, he was a idiot.
Jiryia said making the other two face fault.
He was a goofy idiot that trained hard to protect his friends and mostly kushina, he was a prodigy amongst everything he did. However.... he had this switch, like he could turn off his emotions In a flash to turn serious. He did wipe out a whole platoon with one jutsu...
Jiryia paused.
The three said making jiryia nod
I see... thanks.... pervert.
Naruto said making jiryia face fault.
I'm not a pervert... I'm a super pervert!
Jiryia proclaimed making them sweatdrop.
He just insulted himself more.
Was the thoughts of the two bijuu.

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