12# kiba's jealous and... back again

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Tsunade slowly opened her eyes to see white. She blinked before groaning and looked to her left to see hospital equipment.
Nice to see your awake.
A voice said, she looked over to see naruto.
Where am i?
She asked making naruto grin slightly and scratch his head.
Konoha hospital, you blacked out when I beat you.
Naruto said making her sigh.
How long was I out.
She asked.
Oh a good week, don't worry though, jiryia dinit do anything perverted I promise.
he said with a chuckle.
Well that's a relief.
She said sarcasticaly.
Naruto only grinned at her missfortune before the sandaime came in.
Gramps I have a discussion with you and the elders we need to clear up.
Naruto said seriously. Hiruzen was slightly taken back about the serious attitude but nodded anyways.
Naruto nodded towards him before walking out of the room.
Hiruzen watched quizicly at naruto left still confused about the sudden change, he looked over towards tsunade who sighed.
You shouldn't have provoked and underestimate a ninja, I taught you better.
Hiruzen lectured making tsunade roll her eyes.
I'm to old for lectures sensei.
Tsunade said making hiruzen nod.
I have no choice, that gaki won the bet fair a square.
Tsunade said making hiruzen chuckle.
Of course he brings her back from a bet.
He mused.
Then I here by instate you as the gondaime hokage... but do me a favor.
Hirzuen said making her look over.
When you pass down your seat... give it to naruto.
Hiruzen looked out the window towards the hokage mountain.
Minato probably couldn't be more prouder then he already is...
Hiruzen said...
Naruto was heading towards the training ground 8 for a meeting with the rookie teams and with the adding of gais team.
Naruto walked in the field to see ino flabbergasted at shikamaru for being a chunin... still. Sakura fawning over sasuke, who was brooding. Choji was next to asuma eating chips while his sensei was peacefully watching the interactions. Kurenai was next to hinata and shino who were sitting quietly. Kiba was filtering with tenten who threatened said mutt with a kunai to the needed man part. Neji was thinking over things. Naruto looked around for gai and lee... he wish he dinit cause he saw them hugging, crying anime tears about how youthful everyone was being. Naruto sweatdropped before looking away, so he wouldn't see the eternal genjutsu of youth.
Kurama, in her human form walked up to him from behind and jumped on him making him yelp and crash down onto the ground making the others look towards him...
Just then kakashi poofed in.
kakashi said with a closed eye smile.
Your.... on time?
Sakura said slightly amazed
That's a first.
Asuma muttered on his ciggrate.
Well... the reason everyone was called here.
Kurenai started before kakashi finished.
Was to congratulate naruto and shikamaru for their promotuons.
Kakashi said happily.
Naruto was promoted two?
Ino and kiba shouted.
Naruto was a special case... he was awarded special jounin for the efforts in the invasion.
Asuma explained.
Congrats by the way.
Asuma winked making naruto grin.
Thanks asuma.
Naruto said with a grin.
How did he get promoted and not me!
Sasuke shouted.
Mabey cause you were dismissed of being chunin when you left naruto to face off orochimaru.
Kurama deadpanned while the other rookies eyes widen.
Tenten asked making kurama nod.
He probably left thinking naruto was not strong enough for him.
Sakura shouted making kurenai sigh at her fan girl tendencies.
Naruto was the one who killed orochimaru.
Kurenai stated making there jaws drop.
So much for celebrating... troublesome.
shikamaru stated before he layed down in the grass and closed his eyes.
Naruto sighed before he turned around.
Ima leave... if people want to criticise me.
Naruto said and walked away with kurama following.
Kakashi called out but sighed and glared at his team.
Pft what's with him.
Kiba taunted making asuma slap him upside the head.
Let it be known that naruto has had it worse, them anyone here... even sasuke.
Asuma said making a few eyes widen while a few were not convinced.
Yeah right... that idiot couldn't have it worse then sasuke-kun.
Sakura's mind raced.
Worse then having your family taken away?
Ino and shikamaru thought.
Naruto walked towards the hokage tower knowing hiruzen should still be there seeing tsunade still in the hospital.
He walked inside to see Mia sighing at the amount of work she has just from the invasion.
He walked up the stairs before opening the door to the office to see hiruzen with the three other elders.
Ah naruto-kun... you wanted to see us?
Hiruzen asked as naruto nodded.
You might want to have the anbu leave.
Naruto suggested making hiruzen nod and snap his fingers for the three anbu to leave.
Why dinit you tell sasuke.
Naruto said making danzo quirk a eyebrow.
Tell him what?
Hiruzen asked.
Why itachi killed his clan.
Naruto said making homura and koharu tense.
Itachi confronted me on a mission, I got information out of him with a special jutsu.
Naruto said simply making danzo eye him after the words 'special jutsu'.
We never told him because we wanted him to have a better life then to side with someone who killed his family.
Homura said making naruto roll his eyes while kurama chuckled behind him and remarked.
If he is in a better life then how he is, then sasuke must be horrible in the other scenario. Sasuke doesn't care for anything except revenge.
Kurama stated making koharu glare at her.
And who are you? I only thought naruto was here to see us.
Koharu stated.
His girlfriend.
She stated simply making hiruzen chock on his pipe.
I dinit mention that did I?
Naruto said with a foxy grin.
Well your girlfriend needs to show us respect.
Homura stated making kurama twitch before bursting out laughing.
If I respect anyone in this room it would be danzo for his sneaky acts of crime.
She said before she saw his eye widen slightly making her grin more sadisticly.
What do you mean kura-chan?
naruto asked.
Oh... just wondering how much sasuke would hate danzo for the truth... ain't that right danzo-chan.
She said making him shake his head. (Ahh he's in denial 《<3》)
Remove that eye and you would say other wise.
She said darkly making koharu and homura look over towards each other in confusion.
Danzo's left eye under the bandages morphed into a for sided shuriken making her grin more.
That won't work on me...
Kurama said in a sing song voice.
She blured out of sight before stabing her fingers in his eyes and ripped out a sharingan all to familiar to the elders, shizus mangeko.
I suggest.
She said in a serious voice.
You fight back against me. Sarutobi and naruto might hold back... but I know better.
She said before her tails appeared around danzo.
Homura and koharu said in shock.
Her tails slowly squeezed around her prey before he screamed in agony...
She dropped the paralysed man before hoping over to naruto.
Their. I'm done with ya.
She said happily before kissing naruto and shushing away.
Koharu and homura looked over at hiruzen before noticing he fainted...
Naruto and kurama appeared in naruto's bedroom before she pushed him down onto the bed.
naruto said slightly shocked but she jumped up on top of him and straddled him.
Ah, ah, ah.
Kurama said as he tried to wiggle out.
You won't be going anywhere my little bijuu.
Kurama said before she kissed him on the lips...
Naruto whined with a frown.
I want to traaaain.
Naruto pleaded.
Nope. You and I will be staying her until we are called out on duty.
She gave him a smirk.
naruto groaned before he disappeared out from under her.
Uggh you won't hide from me naru~.
She sang and disappeared after him.
She appeared next to the shopping district and looked around until she felt someone grab her hand.
She was pinned to the wall making her eep. She opened her eyes to see kiba staring down at her hungerly.
What do you want mutt.
Kurama growled out.
He purred out. (doggy no?)
Kurama said slightly dumbfounded by his response.
Who would of thought you had a hot body as a fox... you will be my mate.
Kiba purred and pulled her shirt down slightly revealing her neck.
Get off!
Kurama shouted.
Kiba's eyes were on her shoulder where naruto's mate mark was.
Who marked you! I will fight them for the right to have you!
Kiba shouted.
Kurama had enough and pushed him back.
None of your business mutt. Your lucky I don't report of offence of my being as a kunochi of konoha.
Kurama growled before vanishing in flames before kiba could grab her.
He growled before racing off to find his mate.
Kurama appeared on the fourths head to see naruto and glomped in the hug.
He paused his groan seeing her tears.
What happened?
Naruto asked concerned.
That mutt... tried to mark me.
Kurama sobbed.
Naruto growled knowing exactly what possibly happened
Kurama it's alright... he won't hurt you.
Naruto reassured.
Don't let anyone touch me....
She whispered making nod.
I will... I promise.
Naruto said making her nod in his shoulder.
She pulled off of him and looked towards the gates of the village to see the sun slowly setting over the horizon making her lean on naruto.
This is the best spot...
She mutterted making naruto nod in agreement...
A boy with circular glasses and grey hair did the final handsign on a red headed girl.
Curse seal: resurrection.
He muttered as the seal glowed... it paused for a moment before a white growth sprouted out of her neck.
She screamed out in agony until the growth formed a body...
Ku ku ku ku, food job kabuto.
A ominous voice cackled. The suns light slowly decended to reveal the boy. Kabuto, and the growth to see orochimaru... he's back.
Ooooooooh that cliff hanger.
Alright well this is my schedules of what I'm updating.
Naruto his fox.
Attack on titan-naruto.
Raging dragon blood.
Neglect redo.
Love redo.
I'm going to be focusing on all of these. Please don't complain, I have 22   storys so I can't update every single one. My fault really (xD).

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