6# the final showdown.

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1 week latter.
After the training with his genin team naruto came back and he confronted naruto... not surprised that naruto knew tree walking already he dinit pester him...
However they started to head towards the bridge without naruto seeing as he had chakra exhaustion from late night training.
Once they got their they saw a mist with all of the workers unconscious.
Kakashi was about to look of anyone was councious until a chuckle was heard around the bridge.
The team went into a taijutsu stance.
Where's that blonde gaki... I got a score to settle with him.
Zabuza said making sasuke scowel.
Why flight that weakling and fight a uchia.
Sasuke bosted.
Really now?
Zabuza said before looking back...
What looked to appear a hunter nin with a mist mask.
Haku... entertain the uchia.
Zabuza stated before rushing at kakashi.
As you wish.
Haku said and rushed at sasuke.
With naruto.
It's basically a cannon fight until naruto arrives... you all know it...
Naruto jolted awake when he heard a massive bang from the front door.
He and kurama rushed in to see two thugs holding tsunami and inari rushing at them with a kitchen knife.
They easily threw him away until they felt something stab both of them in the back... they looked behind them and their last sight... was purple eyes glaring at them.
They fell dead while inari rushed into his mother's embrace.
Thank you naruto...
Tsunami said as naruto bent down and ruffled inari's hair.
Your dad would be proud.
Naruto said making their eyes widen with tears.
You were very brave... just like your father.
Naruto said before he and kurama disappeared.
Sasuke was panting, exhausted while his eyesight became strange and he looked around confused until the fake hunter ninja voiced her sights.
So you have a bloodline to...
Haku said making sasuke grin.
YES! with this I will kill itachi!
Until he felt a senbone hit his pressure point in his neck making him fall over in a death like state while naruto appeared.
Atleast he's not dead.
Kurama deadpanned.
So your the one who saved zabuza?
Naruto asked making haku nod.
Hmm... you only look a year older then me? Why are you with a guy like zabuza.
Naruto asked making haku flinch behind the mask.
He's my precious person...
Haku said quietly.
He's the one who took me in...
She said.
I see...
Naruto said before smiling slightly
If only we met under diffrent circumstances... we would of been the better of friends.
Naruto said making haku look up confused.
I guess your right.
She went back into her mirror.
Until she heard chirping.
She looked over and saw zabuza pinned by dog summons.
I guess my time has come...
Haku said making her disappear from the mirror and in front of zabuza taking the full force of the blow.
Zabuza raised his sword intending in cutting both kakashi and haku in half.
Kakashi grabbed haku and pulled away before the swing hit them both.
Naruto who saw everything was enraged and disgusted by the fact he would of killed his partner to kill another.
He was about to shout until they all heard clapping.
Well done leaf nin... you killed the apprentice.
A voice all to familiar with zabuza and tazuna.
Zabuza snarled.
Kurama was slightly appaled but she began working on tending to haku's wounds.
Haku uttered but kurama kept doing handsigns.
Demon style fate undone.
Kurama whispered for no one to hear.
a purple glow went around her hands and around the wound.
Go boys... who ever brings me the girls.
he licked his lips.
Will get triple the pay... and to mess with them.
Gato finished his line making the temperature around all of them drop.
Courtesy to naruto.
Naruto's eyes shot up to reveal a sight making everyone gasp even kurama.
So it's finally complete.
Kurama thought before going back to haku.
In his eyes was a ripple pattern that was a eary grayish purple that seemed to glow.
However in the first circular line in the eary eye, three commos like the sharingan was in the eyes pattern.
However right before their eyes... the grayish purple turned blood red.
You... your worse then scum... I WILL BRING YOU TO HELL MYSELF!
naruto shouted and brought his hand up and channeled his deva path.
In his hands was a small black ball of gravity until it split and shot around the bandits.
Naruto's eyes glowed and said one word before everything went to hell.
His hand made a fist.
The balls of gravity seemed to glow until all of the bandits were ripped apart from the gravity pulling them in opposite directions.
Naruto was slightly thankful that most of them was in the mist.
Naruto's eyes went back to blue and he fell over unconscious...
Zabuza and kakashi were slightly pale when they saw his eyes... they heard myths but they always thought the legendary rinnegan was a legend.
Kurama was slightly taken back by the new change in the rinnegan and the new jutsu called consume.
She saw the effects of the jutsu and felt nauseous... sakura couldn't see and sasuke was faking death.
Haku slowly sat up when kurama was finished... she slowly got up and pulled the senbones out of sasuke's neck.
Kakashi smelled the gore and looked over at zabuza who got the silent message and dispelled the mist...
He wish he dinit...
He was called the demon of the bloody mist for killing all of his class mates to pass the genin exams... but... this was in one jutsu and body parts were Litterly everywhere... the most attached was the head and torso... which he can only make up two people.
Kakashi... he was afraid for his students sanity.
He grabbed his student and jumped away from all of the gore and did handsigns and washed away all of the gore.
Kurama went over to kakashi and picked up her mate and did another handsigns before her hands went green.
she put it on his forehead and took took a breath and exhaled.
Naruto's eyes slowly fluttered open.
Congratulations my kit... you completed your rinnegan.
Kurama whispered to him making him smile slightly but remebered what he did.
Kurama saw his green face and rubbed his back.
Don't think it was wrong..
Kurama started and saw his confused look.
They were going to rape every girl here... even me in this body.
Kurama reminded making clutch his fists in agitation.
Kakashi finally came over after talking to sakura and a now conscious sasuke.
How are you holding up?
Kakashi asked.
They deserved it.
Naruto said making kakashi nod, he agreed.
Sasuke knew something happened so he got up and walked towards them with sakura in tow.
What happened.
Sasuke asked.
Gaki... wiped all of the thugs and gato out in one go.
Zabuza said before looking over to naruto.
Who would of thought the legendary rinnegan, was inherited by you.
Zabuza said making kakashi nod.
Rinne... what?
Sasuke and sakura asked.
It's the legendary doujutsu that was belived to be the doujutsu of the sage of six paths.
Zabuza explained.
Sasuke, once again wanted the power.
Give me your eyes.
Sasuke said making them face fault.
Haku sighed before hitting the same spot she did and made him fall over.
Is he always like this?
Haku asked making him nod.
Well... I guess we're no longer enemys.
Zabuza implied making kakashi nod.
I guess not.
Kakashi replied.
What will you guys do?
Naruto asked making zabuza look over at haku.
It is getting annoying to run more... could we go to konoha with you?
Zabuza asked, kakashi shrugged.
The hokage might put you on probation for a while.
Kakashi said making zabuza nod.
Well it looks like we're going haku.
Zabuza said making her nod.
Mission complete.
Kakashi said and bowed to tazuna.
Naruto smiled and closed his eyes to rest.
Naruto opened his eyes to notice that he was in his room in tazuna's house.
He looked around and saw kurama with a few storage scrolls packing stuff.
He got up and hugged her from behind making her eep.
Morning kura-chan.
Naruto said making her smile.
Morning... I'm finished packing... the rest of the Team is downstairs waiting.
Naruto nodded.
He unwrapped his arms and grabbed his stuff and went downstairs where a glaring sasuke, a unhappy sakura and a porn reading cyclops (o.o)
Come on baka.
Sakura screeched making naruto sigh until he felt something hugging his leg, he looked down and saw inari.
Don't go nii-san.
Inari said making naruto pat his head.
Don't worry little ottou... I will visit as soon as possible.
Naruto said making inari nod hesitantly.
Come on!
Sakura screeched again.
Alright, Alright I'm coming.
Naruto said and walked back towards konoha with zabuza and haku.
Once they arrived at the gates kakashi reminded himself of what to report... he shuddered at the things he would say.
They walked to the hokage tower and opened the door to the room.
Ahh team 7... and extra?
Hiruzen rose a eyebrow at zabuza.
Report... please.
Hiruzen said making kakashi replay what happened... until he got to the bridge.
After haku saved zabuza from my lighting blade... kurama here... saved her after seeing gato betray them... however gato threatened to rape all the girls there... and naruto awoken the...
He paused and looked at naruto for confirmation.
Rinnegan... he yelled at gato to send him to hell himself when his eyes turned blood red... I couldn't see what he did in the mist but he said the word consume... zabuza dropped the mist... and it was a blood bath... and then we waited a day to pack and now we're here...zabuza wants to stop running...
Kakashi explained.
Hiruzen was surprised.. he heard about the rinnegan...
I see... thank you... zabuza you will be on probation for three weeks... haku here isn't a signed as a ninja so she will be hailed as a genin under apprenticeship towards you.
Zabuza nodded in agreement.
Naruto... your bloodline has to be taken up with the council.
Naruto scowled, he knew they would try to pair him with a girl or he would be breeding stock.
He sighed but nodded.
I also have a bloodline... the ice release.
Haku said making him nod.
You to.
Hiruzen said making her nod.
anbu! Tell the council members to be in the council room in fifteen minutes.
Hiruzen said making the anbu bear nod.
Dismissed except naruto haku and zabuza.
Hiruzen said as the rest of team 7 left.
Hiruzen said.
They slowly walked out of the hokages office and down a few doors until they entered a large room.. there was chairs with tables and chairs labeled with three chairs that stood out to be the elder spots.
One after another clan heads, the three elders and civilian council members entered.
Why have we been called hiruzen.
Koharu asked.
The mist ninjas and naruto raised a eyebrow.
Yes why have we been called hiruzen.
The other two elders danzo and homaru.
I never knew the elders had that privilege.
Naruto commented making the council look over at naruto.
And what privilege is that d- boy.
A civilian council member asked.
Calling Hokage-sama his first name.... the council has no power... or shouldn't seeing as their advisors.
Naruto pointed out making the shinobi side smirk at the smart boy and the rest pale.
Hiruzen coughed in getting attention.
That's true naruto-kun...
Now why i called you all...
Zabuza and haku here.
He paused to see their reaction.
Would like to become ninja here.
Zabuza and haku nodded in confirmation.
Zabuza offers the skills of silent killing and swords master... and haku here has a bloodline... of ice release.
A few hands shot up.
I say we give her to uchia-sama.
Haku scoweled.
I'm not marrying that prick.
Haku said making naruto and kurama snicker.
I'm marrying who I choise.
Haku said making them scowel.
WE are the council!
A fat merchant said.
Yes.. your advisers.
Naruto said again making them scowel.
And what of the d- boy.
Haruno said.
He awakened a bloodline as well...
Hiruzen said making him nod.
His eyes morphed into the red rinnegan with three commos.
A few eyes widen.
The few sputtererd.
The rinnegan.
Naruto said making all of them gasp.
The doujutsu of the six paths?
They asked with a hungry grin.
I call a vote.
Hiashi hyuga said.
A few raised eyebrows.
For a marriage contract between naruto and my daughter.
Hiashi said making kurama scowel.
Naruto said simply.
I am already claimed.
He said with a grin.
Then we enact CRA on you.
Danzo said.
Sorry but the person who is inacted on gets a choice... and I say no.
Naruto said making them grumble.
Fine... but what does the rinnegan do?
Koharu asked.
I will only give you one bit of information... and that is controll over all five elements.
He said making them go wide eye.
He deactivated his rinnegan.
Is that all?
Naruto asked.
Where did this bloodline come from?
The nara clan head asked.
Mutation perhaps... my parents did have a weird combination.
Naruto said.
Your a orphan... you have no parents.
Haruno said making all of the shinobis face fault.
I have to give someone the talk?
Naruto deadpanned making them laugh.
I came from my mother but she died during the kyuubi attack. Same with my father.
naruto said.
Who are your parents.
The inuzuka clan asked.
You have to ask Hokage-sama... anything else?
Naruto asked hiruzen who shook his head.
Okay... bye haku and zabuza.
Naruto waved and left.
Chunin exams?

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