14# Let me go. (end of book I)

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naruto's white blur past trees and trees before stopping on a massive statue of the first hokage.
naruto's eyes scanned ahead before seeing sasuke on top of the other statue of Madara uchia.
naruto snarled at the uchia who turned around with a smirk on his face.
Naruto growled.
I heard about the third hokage.
sasuke stated while his face contorted into a grin.
he always tried to make me feel better after the massacre of my family...
sasuke said as he blew up into a maniac laugh.
how ashame the weakling died!
he roared making naruto see red and disappeared in a burst of speed.
he sent his fist straight towards sasuke who he took and flew towards the first hokages statue and made a decent crater.
sasuke coughed but still was smirking as he let the curse mark grow on his body.
I see your as special as I am, naruto.
sasuke looked up as his hair grew to the midsection of his back.
sasuke's eyes swirled until three tomoe's appeared before his eyes.
he held out his arm before it erupted in black lightning.
naruto's eyes narrowed before his hand swirled into a rasengan with wind rapidly spinning around it.
Naruto lunged foward at sasuke aiming to kill the traitor, as did sasuke. there attacks collided and a swirl of water appeared around them until naruto was kicked across the valley of end..
Naruto's form receded into his body and he looked up weakly to see orochimaru and sasuke.
come sasuke-kun.
orochimaru waved him foward as they disappeared for naruto as everything went black.
kurama sped across the trees as quickly as possible.
she dealt with the sound 4 with a bit difficulty. when she was removed from naruto her chakra was spreaded across the elemental nations.
she landed on a branch and looked around.
Where did their chakra go?
she wondered and closed her eyes.
her eyes widen and looked over towards a massive lake.
she felt naruto's chakra... in the bottom of the lake.

(play song up top)
her heart clenched. she knew he was still alive... but that dinit mean he couldn't be put in a coma or be brain dead.
she glowed as she turned into a fox and dived into the lake.
about a minute latter kurama resurfaced with naruto in her jaws from his shirt.
she quickly swam towards the shore and placed naruto down.
she glowed turning into her human form and began glowing a fluorescent light.
she placed her lips on naruto's and forced the light into naruto.
naruto's eyes shot open as she receded.
(song ohhh)
naruto muttered before he shot up and looked around.
where did that snake bastard go!?
he shouted making kurama's eyes widen.
he's still alive?
kurama asked surprised.
I'm going to kill him...
Naruto growled out.
kurama grabbed ahold of him and rooted him to the ground.
(song-let me.... go)
let me go kura-chan.
naruto whispered as his eyes was pricked with tears.
if I wanted you to be suicidal then I would let you go! orochimaru seems to be more powerful then last time.
(song-Ahh  let me go)
kurama shouted.
Naruto froze.
I wont... I won't let him find a way to kill you...
she whispered before slowly laying her head on his chest.
he found away around death... I won't let you go!
(song- sweet dreams are made of screams)
kurama shouted in his chest.
Naruto's eyes slowly soften as his rinnegan turned back to his blue slitted eyes.
I'm sorry...
Naruto whispered.
kurama looked up slightly confused.
I made you cry..
Naruto whispered sadly.
your fine... that's all that matters...
kurama whispered back curling herself in a comfortable position.
she cried silent on his chest.
you... scared me.
she whispered.
please don't do that anymore...
she clenched his shirt in her fist.
promise me.
she choked out as naruto was silent of her whispers.
I promise...
Naruto whispered back.
she nodded slowly and stood up.
we should head back...
kurama whispered.
(and they found you)
Naruto nodded and slowly stood up.
they slowly walked towards the direction of konoha and looked around the path.
naruto's face contorted in a pained expression as he fell to the ground and screamed in agony.
kurama shouted.
three medic ninjas dropped down next to them
(and they found~ you~)
what's happening!?
she shouted as they pushed kurama away.
he has a deadly poison in his system.
one ninja said making kurama's eyes widen.
(sweat dreams are made of this)
that shouldn't be possible.
kurama thought.
there shouldn't be a poison to kill us... or even hurt us.
she thought as naruto screamed more.
her eyes poured tears seeing her mates agony.
then... it stopped.
kurama's eyes widen at this and quickly the ninja checked his pulse.
he's... alive?
(some of them want to use you)
the doctor asked shocked as kurama sighed in relief and happiness.
she crawled towards his head and placed it In her lap.
your okay... thank god...
she whispered as tears gushed out.
thank you...
she whispered towards the medic ninja.
(some of them want to abuse you)
she slowly picked him up bridal style and slowly walked towards konoha not leaving her eyes on naruto.
the medic ninja looked at each other in questionable thoughts and walked after kurama.
they arrived at the gates of konoha to see worried konoha 12.
they all shouted and rushed towards them. they stopped when they saw naruto in her arms.
(the corrupted ones)
Naruto had a purple mark around his chest.
(they'll crawl on your walls and they'll spread their disease)
she whispered before she dropped.
help him.
she passed out In stress and pain from naruto.
[end song]
tsunade wasn't in the greatest of moods... she was mostly depressed until...
she heard shouts from outside of the building making her stand up in confusion until shizune ran in.
Naruto-kun and kurama are under critical condition!
shizune shouted making tsunade's eyes widen.
she immediately jumped out from the window (wooo!) and rushed towards the hospital.
she past worried genins and went straight into the critical room and rushed in to see a purple glow from naruto and a light line linking naruto and kurama.
their lives are.
her mind immediately registered.
all doctors focus removing the poison from naruto!
tsunade ordered.
all the doctors was confused but did as they were told and began pulling out bits and pieces of the poison from naruto.
tsunade placed her hand on naruto's chest and pumped massive amounts of her medical ninjutsu.
her eyes widen at the sheer amount of poison that was in naruto and she cursed. her diamond on her forehead immediately wrapped around tsunade and onto her arm.
creation rebirth release!
she shouted making all the nearby doctors eyes widen at the legendary technique being displayed.
her chakra poured into naruto as the doctors was able to get more and more of the poison each time.
they all shouted as kurama and naruto's charts both refreshed and said stable.
tsunade sighed in relief as her jutsu receded back into her forehead.
how is that possible?
the doctor said looking at kurama.
it seems there linked.
tsunade stated tiredly.
the doctor stuttered.
just ask later... I need some sake.
tsunade muttered.
tsunade walked out of the room and into the waiting room to see the whole konoha 12.
are they okay!?
they all shouted.
their stable.
tsunade said making all of them sigh.
how did they injure naruto-kun so much...
hinata stuttered out a question.
I don't know... it was poison so it could of been from the kidnappers.
tsunade sighed.
we will just have to wait and-
She was interupted by a anbu.
tsunade-sama, the council asks for your presence.
the neko anbu stated making tsunade sigh.
alright... shizune. could you watch for naruto if he wakes?
tsunade asked her aprentice.
shizune nodded.
tsunade walked towards the hokage tower knowing how to piss off the elders and the civilians by being slow'
she got there 5 minutes later and opened the door to reveal the entire council.
What's it about now.
tsunade muttered annoyed.
the demon brat failed to bring uchia he should be banished!
the civilians shouted.
tsunade gained a tick mark.
why? because he couldn't bring him back? he was in critical condition!
tsunade shouted.
he failed his mission!
they all shouted.
tsunade growled and ignored their complaints...
naruto's eyes fluttered open.
he blinked slightly before looking to his left.
he saw that he was in a hospital and he groaned.
why do I get back here all the time..
Naruto mused.
he looked towards his right and he almost had a heart attack when he saw kurama in a hospital gown on another bed.
he shot up but immediately groaned in pain.
he looked down to see multiple tubes connected to him.
shizune walked in and immediately rushed towards where tsunade was seeing naruto awake..
Naruto climbed out of bed and ignored the pain from the tubes.
Naruto whispered.
naruto sighed hearing the heart montor.
he slowly curled up next to kurama.
I won't let go.
Naruto whispered before kissing the atop of her head.
he laid down pulling her close to his chest.
never again.
he whispered.
kurama smiled silently in her sleep and burrowed herself more into his chest.
tsunade slowly opened the door to see naruto not taking his eyes off of kurama.
I'm sorry.
naruto interupted.
sasuke willing went to orochimaru.
naruto's eyes wattered.
and the snake killed grampa...
Naruto sobbed making tsunade rub his back.
it's alright naruto.
tsunade comforted.
Hey there... ero-sennin.
naruto whispered as he looked towards the window.
glad your awake brat.
jiryia said not looking towards them
there was a knock on the door making them stop what they were doing.
tsunade got up and opened the door revealing haku in her medical uniform.
Hey there haku-chan.
Naruto whispered making her smile towards him.
hey. how are you felling?
she asked.
he muttered.
I've decided.
jiryia said making everyone look towards him.
brat your going to be my aprentice. we need to train to get back orochimaru and to get back the akatsuki.
naruto's eyes widen at the fact.
how long.
naruto asked.
three years.
jiryia answered.
I'll... go.
Naruto decided.
kurama slightly moved and yawned
she lifted her head up and looked around.
she saw naruto smiling amused at her before she glomped him.
naruto! do you know how much you scared me!
she shouted before she pulled away.
next time. don't get poisoned!
she scolded making everyone grow silent before the few ocupants began laughing at naruto's demise.
b-but kura-
no buts!
she waved her finger making jiryia laugh harder and almost fell out the window.
Naruto whined.
the laughing died down until jiryia cleared his throat.
we leave tomorrow.
jiryia said and hoped out the window.
I guess I should get packing...
he looked towards tsunade and haku before he and kurama flashed in a purple flash (naruto is blue and kurama is red so purple!)
naruto and kurama looked out towards the village of konoha as all the rookie 12, now 11 formed with a few ninja around them.
we have to be heading off.
jiryia said making naruto nod.
naruto... I'm sorry how I acted..
sakura said with a large bow.
I hope we can restart when you get back.
she smiled making him smile.
yeah. that sounds great.
naruto smiled. he turned towards kiba with a look of distain.
I'm sorry to..
Kiba said shyly looking at the ground.
it's fine... but.
naruto clenched his fist before bopping him into the ground.
now we're even.
naruto smiled innocently
the rest of the rookies and ninja were quite after that and naruto nodded towards them.
remember three years! then I will become hokage!
naruto shouted making all the ninja smile.
the three forms of naruto namikaze, kurama, and jiryia... disappeared for three...long...years.
end of book 1.
Hey guys this of course is not end of the series of his fox. seeing as I said book 1. their might be 1 or 2 more books latter. but I will try to update my other storys. if you like the song it's called sweet dreams are made of screams. Jeff the killer.
see ya In the next book!

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