7# chunin exams?

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Naruto clicked his tongue in a impatient manner... it's been three weeks ever sense the c-rank that turned A-ranked... and they went back to doing d ranks.
He sighed slightly and looked over at his other teammates... sakura dinit improve at much of anything except to get under naruto's skin. Sasuke kept pestering him and kakashi to give him power making naruto scowel and leave the seething uchia.
Kakashi dinit help much of eather.
Once this day was over he was going straight to zabuza and going to ask him to train him in the art of silent killing and the sword... he might actually learn something from someone other then kurama.
... it took thirty more minutes until kakashi shushined in and proceeded to tell them they had a day off making naruto sigh in relief and annoyance.
Relief seeing that he has more time with zabuza, and annoyance, seeing that he let them wait a hour to tell them that.
He got up a shushined towards haku's and zabuza's apartment before sasuke could demand him power.
Naruto appeared via leaves in front of a apartment complex... he walked up to the number 4 and knocked.
He heard shuffling before he saw haku open the door.
Oh hey naruto.
Haku said.
Hey haku. Is zabuza here?
Naruto asked.
Haku motioned to come in.
Who's here now?
Zabuza groaned...
Zabuza? Could you train me in the art of silent killing and swordsmanship?
Naruto bowed making zabuza blink before chuckling.
Sure gaki... but rule number 1.. dont bow to me.
It's been a week sense naruto seemingly disappeared from team 7 and they were waiting in front of the academy for the chunins exams.
Sasuke and sakura waited until they saw a blonde appear right next to them. He wore a red shirt with black undershirt with dark blue shorts, with blue eyes and three defined whisker marks with a fox next to him.
Let's go.
Naruto said ignoring the glares from sasuke, for power, and sakura, for being almost late. They walked in and walked up a flight of stairs to hear arguing.
Let us in!
A mist genin team shouted making sasuke look over and snort.
Pull down the genjutsu.
Sasuke sneered making naruto fave palm.
Good job sasuke... you made it more difficult for us.
Naruto said making him shrug.
The teams walked in and they all looked around.
All of the killer intent was directed towards them making him shake his head.
Kurama seeped out killer Internet making them freeze for the moment of intent the fox produced.
Naruto looked over to the door and noticed a familiar chakra signatures.
In came teams 8,9, and 10.
Looks like we're all here.. even the looser.
Kiba sneered making naruto sigh.
What did I do to you?
Naruto asked making kiba open his mouth but couldn't think of anything.
Thought so.
He rolled his eyes.
A grey headed teen walked up to them.
Hey you guys should keep it down... names kabuto.
Kabuto said.
Kurama sniffed and slightly groweled.
He smells of snakes.
Kurama mentally said.
I'm like a veteran in these exams... seeing it's my 7th try.
He blushed in embarrassment.
You must suck!
Kiba laughed making kabuto leak a little killer intent.
You must have alot of information kabuto-san.
Sakura commented making him nod.
He pulled out a deck of cards.
Yes... these are info cards... everything I know about someone will come up.
He pulled one out.
Try it. Name someone.
Kabuto jestered.
Naruto uzumaki and garra of the sand.
Sasuke interjected.
Ah let's see.
He pulled out garra's card.
Garra of the sand. He has 20 c ranks.. and wow a b rank. Apparently he hasn't gotten a scratch on him.
Kabuto said making them go wide eye.
Naruto uzumaki.... he has had thirty d ranks... woo a A rank... apparently he has a doujutsu... and that's all.
Naruto sighed while everyone began pestering.
The loser has a bloodline?
Kiba shrieked.
Yeah... so?
Naruto asked.
Your a orphan!
They all shrieked making kabuto and naruto face fault.
That doesn't mean I don't have a bloodline.
Naruto pointed out.
Ibiki walked in.
Okay sit down and shut up!
He shouted leaking killer intent.
They all did while naruto and kurama sat down next to hinata who blushed.
Kurama rolled her eyes at her mates denseness.
Alright... we will be doing 9 questions... if you get caught cheating, your score will be lowered... I will give you the tenth question after.
Ibiki explained.
He finished.
They all turned there test over and started to think... well sakura and shikamaru did while the others found ways to cheat.
About forty five minutes after...
Alright now for the tenth and final question. You will have a choice.
Take it or leave it. If you take this question and fail, you will never be able to retake these exams.
Ibiki said and was amused at the shock and outraged faces of the genins.
You can't do that!
Kiba shouted
There's people who took the exams more then once!
He added.
They got lucky.
He shrugged making kiba grumble.
A few teams left while naruto and the rest of the rookie teams were sitting calmly except for a few twitching hands, from sakura and hinata.
They handled it and ibiki spoke up.
Alright, for all of you here, you all pass.
Ibiki said cheerfully.
What! What about the 10th question!? Most shouted.
This was a do or die type situation.
Ibiki explained and showed him his scars.
Now... wait for-
He was interupted by a ball of purple coming threw the window.
Naruto and kurama sweatdropped at the banner.
The sexy and single anko Mitashi.
Alright maggots! Follow me!
She shouted and proceeded to jump out the window that she flew from making the rest sweatdrop.
Ibiki sighed and waved them to follow the crazy instructor.
Naruto shushined towards the forest of dearh, knowing anko she would be here.
He met her before when he was younger... they played tag.... with kunai.
He shuddered remembering that he lost... alot.
he turned to notice all the genins were front and centered.
Alright! Once you get into this forest here. You will have to retrieve both heave and earth scrolls. Extra scrolls are extra credit.
Now line up for your scroll!
She shouted making them scramble  a line.
Naruto's team got a heaven scroll.
Now get to your gates!
Anko shouted and shushined towards the jounin lounge.
Sasuke and sakura decided to give it to sasuke... while naruto sighed with kurama.
I'm sorry you have to put up with them naruto...
Kurama deadpanned.
Don't worry kura-chan.
He mentally replied until the gates opened.
They shot fowards and began heading towards the middle...
Kurama and naruto sensed a team and they slowly waved them to follow... they did begrunginly. They saw a team from the mist. Naruto and sasuke knocked them out with a quick chop and grabbed the heaven scroll they had.
Easy.... now let's head to the tower.
Naruto said with a smile...
They kept leaping for tree branches to tree branches until naruto froze.
That chakra signature... it's insane! Kurama!
Naruto shouted mentally as naruto and kurama went back to back in the fox style.
Someone's coming!and there not genin level.
Naruto stopped the other two.
Ku ku ku ku... the little fox brat sniffed me out did he?
A ominous voice said as a grass genin came out from a bush.
Who are you.
Naruto questioned.
Kurama looked behind her and noticed sasuke and sakura were rooted to the ground from the killer intent.
Straight to the point... how about you guess, naruto-kun~.
The grass ninja asked with a sadistic smile.
You reak of snakes... orochimaru?
Naruto asked making the now revealed orochimaru chuckle.
Your good...
Orochimaru purred evily.
Let's see then shall we?
Orochimaru finished and shot towards the half demon.
Naruto glared before activating the rinnegan that was purple with the tomoes surprising orochimaru. Naruto sent a quick leg swing and hit the confused sannin across a tree which was leaning from the force.
Oooh... who would of thought you had the rinnegan...
Orochimaru said drawing kusangai.
Naruto smirked. He pulled out maetor.
Kusangai... the sword that can cut mostly everything... sadly maetor is not one of them.
Naruto said and disappeared with kurama in her human form with her own sword.
Naruto's rinnegan flared to life as Shockwaves appeared from there clashes.
Sasuke and sakura finally got out of the daze and slowly snuck away from them and ran towards the tower.
Kurama and naruto noticed and scowled before smirking.
Good.. now I can go all out.
He released his weights and disappeared in a burst making orochimaru's eyes widen at the easily Kage level speed.
Kurama did the same and swiped at orochimaru's head, he barely dodged and scowled slightly knowing he wouldn't be able to win.
I guess I must retreat.
Orochimaru frowned and disappeared into the mud.
Naruto and kurama sighed before rushing towards the direction the others ran to.
They reached them while they were next to the tower.
Naruto sent a glare at the two who ignored him.
They got in the tower and looked around.
Open the scrolls.
Naruto instructed making sasuke scowl at the command but did it anyways.
Iruka popped out.
Good you got here safely.
Iruka said making sasuke and sakura nod while naruto sighed.
I need to talk to Hokage-sama.
Naruto said.
He's at the top of the tower.
Iruka said making him nod and shushin up to the towers until he stumbled upon a door. He opened it and hiruzen was writing a few things with paperwork.
Hokage-sama.. we ran into orochimaru in the forest.
Naruto said making him go wide eye.
Hiruzen said sternly.
Naruto explained the whole time in the forest and hiruzen scowled at the fact that sasuke and sakura left them to fight off orochimaru.
I'm glad your alright.
Hiruzen said making naruto nod.
Do not worry about sasuke and sakura's punishment... they will not be chunin at the end... if they make it that far.
Hiruzen reasured making kurama sigh.
She mentally groaned.
Thank you.
Naruto said as hiruzen nodded.
Naruto walked out of the office and looked around.
He saw a few jounin's and looked around before seeing zabuza haku and kakashi talking.
He walked over and sat down next to haku.
Hey no brows.
Naruto said with a slight grin while zabuza twitched.
I told you not to call me that.
Zabuza snapped.
Naruto rolled his eyes.
So how was the forest.
Kakashi asked making naruto sigh.
Sasuke and sakura left me to deal with a certain snake..
Naruto said making kakashi's eyes widen.
He stuttered out making zabuza's eyes widen and haku tilt her head.
Who's orochimaru?
Making them face fault.
One of the three sannins that gone rogue.
Zabuza said making her jaw drop.
Well I held him off with kurama while sasuke and sakura snuck away.
He said making kakashi's eyes darken.
I see... well after the exams I have to run them threw the importance of teanwork.
He said with a glint in his eyes making everyone in the room shiver.
They kept talking until naruto got bored of the conversations and went into the rooms to rest in for the teams.
Naruto layed down and waited as the days passed on, waiting until the time for the preliminaries.
The preiliminaries!

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