13# naruto broke.

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Naruto sighed, he was in front of the new hokage, tsunade senju. It's been two weeks after the retrieval mission and things was slightly bumpy for naruto. naruto and kurama were avoiding kiba as seemingly possible. kurama knowing kiba wanted to touch her via marking her was always in her fox form with naruto.
sakura was slowly taking things more seriously then how she was and started getting taught medical ninjutsu by shizune and sometimes tsunade, sasuke was brooding about trying to copy anyone's hard work as much as possible.
kakashi... he was reading his icha icha paradise while we took d ranks and often c ranks around the village.
tsunade finally started talking snapping naruto out of his musing.
you guys have been doing missions all of the two weeks with alot of effort. I would like you to take a rest for a week.
tsunade stated firmly making naruto frown but nod.
thank you tsunade-sama.
kakashi bowed before walking out with his team following.
naruto walked with kurama next to his side out of the building... once they walked out they saw kurenai and her team coming back from what looked like a c rank mission... and kiba was staring at them with a superior look in his eyes. kurama grabbed naruto's hand and walked with him making kiba growl.
so he's the one who marked you...
don't worry I will free you from that idiot...
Kiba growled in his mind.
Kiba walked away from his team in the confusion of kurenai and hinata while shino raised a brow.
Hey dobe.
Kiba shouted making naruto turn.
naruto said lazily but he was ready to kill.
I challenge you for that piece of work next to you.
Kiba shouted gaining a crowd around them.
hinata frowned at what kiba said but naruto cut off her thoughts.
and what do you think of kurama.
naruto said with his eyes narrowed.
a trophy that doesn't belong to you.
Kiba sneered. akamaru was whining slightly, not liking what kiba was getting to.
like every other woman.
now that got everyone pissed around them at what kiba said.
naruto had enough and was behind kiba with maetor pressed against his back.
you don't know what you just said.
naruto said with a growl.
it's the truth.
Kiba began with a smug look.
all girls are to be play things men.
Kiba sneered.
and your bitch of a fox is mine.
Kiba licked his lips until he felt killer intent.
he looked towards his left to see two figures that made his heart drop.
his mother and sister.
Oh really now.
tsume said in a sickly sweet voice making naruto sweat slightly before pushing kiba towards the two feral women ready to pounce.
naruto thought and grabbed kurama's hand and disappeared in a flash.
naruto appeared in the library of his house and hit the couch with kurama on top of him.
naruto deadpanned out a question making kurama mewed slightly.
you wouldn't belive.
kurama replied making naruto sigh slightly. he was slightly comfortable as well until they both glowed and snuggled up as foxes.
I could stay like this.
kurama stated as she snuggled up into naruto's naruto blue like fur.
me... two.
Naruto agreed with a fox yawn.
in a cave outside of the land of rain, a Colossal figure with 9 closed eyes appeared from the ground and raised up with its hands out in front of him as figures appeared on the finger tips.
we failed to capture the jinchuriki of the kyuubi.
one hologram said, revealing it to be kisame.
yes... he was able to break my tsukuyomi.
itachi said with a monotone voice as a man with a ripple pattern in his eyes widen slightly.
he also to appear to have the same eyes as you.
kisame stated shocking a few there.
I see..
the leader said in thought.
fine... hidan, kakazu.
the leader ordered.
they both replied.
Bring the nibi jinchuriki.
the hologram disappeared.
that damn brat has been a thorn...
a ominous voice stated with a sneer.
I know just the thing.
a grim smirk appeared a crossed his face as he formed a hand sign.
blood clone.
the voice said as another figure appeared from him.
mark sasuke-kun. kukuku.
the voice ordered the clone.
soon... I shall have the sharingan.
back in konoha.
tsunade rubbed her temples and looked up at hiruzen.
how did you deal with this paperwork?
she demanded making hiruzen sweatdrop.
she's worse them me.
hiruzen mused.
I don't know.
hiruzen sighed with a slight grin.
I retired.
he joked making tsunade glare at him.
her glare had improved.
hiruzen mused more.
tsunade looked outside the window to see the sun setting.
well, I'm packing up for tonight... good night hiruzen-sensei.
tsunade said with a yawn.
good night tsunade-chan.
hiruzen waved off as he walked back towards the sarutobi compound.
with sasuke early in the morning.
Sasuke walked down the street in the uchia compound until he heard a devious chuckle.
my my sasuke-kun... you've grown sense I last saw you.
a all to familiar voice stated making sasuke spin around with a kunai in hand.
sasuke saw orochimaru and 4 others.
don't you want power to kill your brother sasuke-kun?
orochimaru said with a evil grin.
how are you alive, you were killed.
sasuke stated.
I have my ways, of course my dream is mortality and to learn every jutsu.
orochimaru stated.
but first.
orochimaru grinned before creating a clone.
you know what to do.
orochimaru stated to the clone who grinned evily and jumped away.
now... join me sasuke.
orochimaru said making sasuke think.
fine. give me the power your telling me.
sasuke said dropping his kunai.
orochimaru extended his neck and bit sasuke on the neck.
sasuke dropped unconscious as 3 tomos formed on his neck.
grab him... this body is out of chakra.
orochimaru stated to the sound 4 as he poofed away in a red smoke.
the for unsealed a large wooden ball which had seals around it and stuck sasuke in it and activated the seals as dark purple chakra flurries around it.
let's go.
a red headed girl instructed harshly towards the other three.
I wonder what sasuke-kun is doing.
sakura wondered as she past the uchia district, she looked towards the opening with a frown on her face until she felt dark chakra, she rushed towards the area close to a tree and heard a evil familiar voice.
grab him... this body is out of chakra.
the voice said as sakura looked around to see sasuke unconscious.
she gasped but placed her hand over her mouth.
Let's go.
a girls voice said as they vanished.
sakura immediately rushed towards the hokage tower as fast as she could.
she had to get there. for sasuke's sake. (Ima try to lower the sakura bashing cause once we get to the shippuden she won't be bashed. sorry for sakura haters</3)
she reached the building and rushed in and past a protesting shizune and rushed up into the office.
sakura shouted as she entered out of breath.
tsunade looked up with slight confusion and worry.
what is it?
tsunade asked with a sigh.
Sasuke-kun has been taken! there was for others so I couldn't take them so I rushed here as fast as I could. we have to save hm! they had sound headbands.
she explained quickly still out of breath.
tsunade's eyes widen until she looked behind sakura to see shizune.
shizune get naruto and shikamaru in here immediately.
tsunade ordered until a anbu appeared next to her and whispered something in her ear making her eyes widen.
free tears ran down her cheeks.
tsu tsunade-sama?
sakura asked worried for her hokage.
she chocked...
... inform jiryia...
she whispered to her anbu.
shizune shushined in with a upright naruto and a lazy shikamaru.
sasuke uchia has been...
tsunade paused still not use to the information she just heard.
What's wrong granny?
naruto asked with kurama in his shirt looking out worriedly.
tsunade's eyes widen knowing how close her sensei and naruto was.
hiruzen sarutobi sandaime of konoha... was assassinated by a sound ninja... who kidnapped sasuke uchia just moments ago...
naruto's world stopped as shikamaru and sakura's eyes widen.
(song play Sulliman's spirits chanting (go on YouTube you will see it))
gr- he...
Naruto chocked before naruto's eyes rippled as his eyes added three extra tomoe's to his rinnegan.
Naruto whimpered as flashes of hiruzen's face entered his mind.
Naruto's henge dropped to the shock of the people in the room.
his shadow became frozen like time stopped.
Naruto whispered.
naruto roared as he crashed threw the window as he morphed into a horse size of his bijuu form and ran across konoha's streets, his nine tails bouncing up and down but we're feral like as naruto's rinnegan scanned in front of him.
naruto thought as tears flooded his eyes.
all the ninjas eyes widen as naruto passed them in a burst of speed, his mind clouded by anger he was slowing down.
kurama immediately jumped off of him and morphed to her horse sized form and ran along side naruto in hopes to calm him down but to no avail.
she thought as she remebered naruto's memories of the old man.
naruto roared as he past the gate making the gate guards and a few close to the gates freeze from the killer intent.
the ball glowed before it popped open to see a smirking sasuke.
this power...
sasuke thought greedily.
the sound four immediately stopped sensing two massive chakra sources converging on them.
go... kimimaru should be up ahead.
they demanded making sasuke nod.
he ran across the clearing into the trees putting good distance quickly.
five minutes passed until naruto and kurama appeared in front of them
Naruto growled in his fox form.
naruto roared leaking killer intent.
so that's what lord orochimaru did
not affected by the killer intent of the blond.
naruto's eyes widen.
the snake bastard....
Naruto growled.
kurama deal with them...
Naruto whispered as naruto bursted into dust, not a clone, but from speed
naruto ran as fast as he could feeling two strong chakra signatures and dropped down in front of the two.
so... you went on a free wilm.
naruto snarled at sasuke who smirked.
I have more power then you idiot.
sasuke stated smugly.
Kimimaru stayed his eyes on naruto knowing he killed orochimaru and is cautious.
go sasuke... Lord orochimaru awates.
kimimaru whispered as sasuke disappeared in a leaf shushin.
naruto swished one of his tails making ice arise quickly towards kimimaru as he dodged most of the spikes.
naruto had enough, he had to kill orochimaru once and for all.
Naruto's tails paused there swishing as blue and red orbs converged on one point as his rinnegan spun wildly.
tailed beast bomb.
naruto stated calmly as the ball of purple condense chakra pushed it's way into Kimimaru and shot him towards the sky as the ball exploded.
naruto smirked to the sky before turning back around and towards where sasuke vanished.
I will avenge you... GRAMPS!
naruto shouted knowing his tears did not stop from when they originally started.
I will...
Naruto whispered.
end song.

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