9# invasion.

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Number 2 wins by a landslide.
Naruto kicked away a chunin from sound and was back to back with kurama.
What's going on... do you know kurama?
naruto asked.
Invasion from sound and wind.
She said before throwing a senbone at a suna nin.
Naruto nodded before he ducked from a kunai.
Kakashi shouted from another side of a few ninja.
Me and genma can handle this, you two go help sasuke and sakura against garra.
Kakashi said before he dodged a punch.
They both shouted before jumping away towards where they saw the sand siblings retreat to.
With sasuke.
Sasuke was dodging sand shurekens from the monster like garra.
He dodged once again until he felt a arm around him making him scream from the pressure.
Asura's cannon!
A voice shouted as a massive blue beam sailed past garra grazing the arm breaking it from sasuke's hold.
Naruto appeared with kurama as a cannon like object was from his arm.
The cannon retreated into his arm before landing in his taijutsu stance as kurama looked around to see sakura pinned to a tree by a claw.
Damn shukaku.
She cursed seeing the hand slowly contracting on sakura.
Naruto flipped out of the way from shikakus hand before looking towards kurama.
He did handsigns before focusing on the trees and moisture before shouting.
Water style, bijuu's tornado.
He shouted as a miniature tornado appeared in his hand before sending it towards garra...
Naruto whispered seeing garra not noticing the tornado, it expanded into a vortex of water washing all of the sand away and into mud.
Garra shouted in rage before doing a hand sign and shouted.
Mother wants to play!
Garra shouted and his head fell until a booming crazed laugh echoed across the forest.
Finally! I'm free baby!
Shikaku swirled in and appeared from a sand tornado.
Naruto deadpanned slightly before jumping away from a massive gust of wind.
Naruto looked up to see shikaku got a hold of kurama.
Always a idiot eh kurama.
Shukaku bosted with a laugh making naruto boil in rage.
naruto shouted and jumped up at the one tailed bijuu.
His arm reformed into a cannon.
naruto shouted as a Blue beam hit shukakus chest leaving a large crater in the bijuu's chest.
Shukaku swiped naruto away and sent him hurtling into the trees.
Kurama shouted.
Kurama looked back to the one tailed racoon who was laughing and was about to bomb him with her bijuu bomb until.
a shout happened as a blinding flash light shot towards the sky. Three blue, red, and white lights (9 total) shot out from the pillar before shooting right back into it. The pillar of light vanished as the lights dashed around each other before surrounding a area and it glowed a light blue color... before revealing a nine tailed fox with light blue fur and red tipped tails (can't explain great, just look at picture, you did vote for it).
The fox's eyes were the red rinnegan but instead of three commos... there was six.
The fox lifted it's head and shouted.
Wind water lighting style, combination jutsu.
The fox's voice boomed as a torrent of water surrounded the three bijuu.
the fox whipped it's head as kurama was pulled by gravity as the jutsu landed on the one tailed racoon.
The water was getting shot out from the cyclone of water with a force of wind to back it up while lighting shocked the wet bijuu.
Garra was shocked awake.
No no no NO! I just got out!
Shukaku shouted as his body crumpled to the ground as mud.
The fox's eyes darted towards kurama.
She asked hesitantly. The fox nodded and glowed slightly. Naruto was now wearing a light blue shirt with white edging with a jacket covering it which was black. Naruto's pants were light red with white edging around it... but the noticeable difference was white red tipped ears and tails (9)
Naruto looked over to garra until he saw the other sand siblings.
Why.... why do you protect them.
Garra whispered weakly.
To protect someone that is precious to me.
Naruto said making garra's eyes soften.
I don't have anyone precious.
Garra whispered.
Your wrong garra... your precious to us.
Temari said as kankuro nodded in agreement.
Garra had the faintest smiles and nodded.
Naruto smiled before waving them off to leave.
Kurama. I'm going to aid hokage sama. Go help sakura and sasuke... begrudgingly.
He added after seeing her "really" face.
Naruto bursted in a sonic boom of speed making kurama eyes widen before shaking her head fast and rushed towards the other two.
Hiruzen (before)
The sandaime panted. He was way past his prime. He mused to himself until he saw orochimaru appear right in front of him.
Your better then I expected old man.
Orochimaru taunted.
Hiruzen chuckled a humorless chuckle until both the Kage level ninja froze in shock. They looked to their right to see nine colorful lights dancing around each other while the one tailed beast watched in confusion.
The white fox was shown making hiruzen eyes widen.
He thought.
What is that? A nine tailed white fox?
Orochimaru thought before a water cyclone obscured their vision.
I must finish this quickly.
Orochimaru said before doing hand signs.
Edo tensei in pure resurrection!
Orochimaru shouted as two coffins arose from the ground.
They opened to reveal the first and secound hokage making hiruzen eyes widen.
Orochimaru said as the body's opened their eyes.
They muttered before they went stiff
Your senseis vs you.
Orochimaru said until a sound boomed breaking the purple seal for a moment.
Am I late Hokage-sama?
A voice asked as they turned around to see naruto in his new attire.
No... just in time naruto.
He smiled making naruto nod.
I can take the first and secound.
Naruto said before blurring out of sight and hitting at the first hokage.
You seem really confident.
Tobirama said.
It is my dream...
Naruto looked over showing his rinnegan.
he twisted his body to hit both the previous Kate's away.
Kurama should be here in a few minutes just need to hold them off.
Naruto thought before dodging a few trees roots.
Naruto smirked before doing handsigns.
Wood style sapping roots.
Naruto shouted making hashirama's eyes widen and looked down to see roots sprouting at a incredible rate. He jumped away from the deadly roots until he had to dodge a tree limb.
Bansho tein.
Naruto shouted pulling tobirama towards him while his asura path took affect.
A blue beam disintegrated the 2nd hokage.
Naruto looked at the remains to see them rebuilding. He cursed.
Use your sap roots.
Tobirama shouted while reforming.
He did handsigns rooting the 2nd to the ground sapping the chakra.
Naruto turned around to be hit towards a tree by hashirama.
Naruto smirked before vanishing in a flash of white.
Naruto's hand channeled chakra until he slammed it into the back of hashirama.
Naruto shouted blowing him towards the original sap roots.
He landed as roots grew around him.
You did good young ninja.
Tobirama said with a smile.
You will be a wonderful hokage.
Hashirama added with a smile.
Thank you Lord hokages.
Naruto bowed before the reanimations whittled away.
Naruto sighed before glaring towards the area where clashes are heard.
Naruto flashed out of sight.
Naruto appeared next to the sandaime.
I dealt with the other two.
Naruto said making orochimaru's eyes widen.
How! They should of been able to beat you.
Orochimaru shouted until he saw naruto pull out maetor.
The barrier fell and anbus and kurama appeared next to naruto.
Naruto smiled.
This is the end orochimaru.
Naruto said making orochimaru smirk sinisterly.
He did a hand sign for replacement jutsu but he noticed his chakra gone.
He looked down to see roots around his legs.
I will not be killed! I'm immortal!
Orochimaru shouted before thrusting kusangai towards naruto.
Well I'm sending you to hell!
Naruto shouted as kusangai stopped midair.
Shinra tensei.
Naruto said making the sword be blown back as fast as a sawblade the blade cut off orochimaru's head.
Naruto sighed in relief until he fell unconscious.
Kurama caught him and looked towards the sandaime for a explanation.
He fought the first and secound hokage.
Hiruzen explained making all the anbus eyes widen.
One of you take naruto. I need to help the others.
Kurama said handing naruto to neko.
Neko nodded as kurama disappeared.
Kurama flashed in front of a few of the genins before she began cutting down all of the sound and wind ninjas.
She brought out her own version of maetor and began to slice all of the ninjas until they were no more.
All the genin and chunins there began to cheer as kurama sighed in relief.
Who are you!
Kiba shouted making kurama sweatdrop.
It's kurama... the rabbid fox you keep saying about.
She growled.
Kiba paled but couldn't retort when she poofed into her fox form and rushed towards the hokage tower.
A few of the genins were confused at the speed she never shown.
Shikamaru shook it off, knowing something was off about the fox ever sense she and naruto went to the park ever so long ago.
Kurama appeared in front of the tower before looking around to see a few civilians hiding.
We drove the invasion force out, it's safe to come out.
She said making the secretary stand up and sigh in relief.
The hokage walked in behind kurama in his battle gear and sighed in relief.
Lord hokage.
Kurama said without looking behind her.
Thank you... kurama.
Hiruzen said making her wave it off.
Where's naruto?
She asked.
He's with the medic team.
Hiruzen said making kurama glare.
And Pray tell why you gave him to them who might kill him seeing his unnormalitys.
She said glaring making hiruzen sweatdrop.
I put a genjutsu on him with a necklace bounded by it. No one should sense it.
Hiruzen defended.
Kurama nodded hesitantly.
Never knew you cared... kyuubi-sama.
Hiruzen joked making kurama snort.
I hope so... I dinit make him a bijuu for nothing.
Hiruzen chocked at the words that left her mouth.
You what!?
Hiruzen shouted frightening everyone making hiruzen cough and found himself.
You did what?
He asked calmly making kurama snort in amusement.
You heard me.
Kurama shrugged before walking towards the medic teams area.
Ok ik it's really shirt but I'm leaving a cliff hanger for naruto's bijuu power.
So comment what YOU think naruto should have. But no creating kekkai genkai, and copying kekkai genjai nothing like that.

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