Chapter 1 - I Hate School

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Ann's POV

   "But Mom!" I yelled.

   "No buts. You're going," she told me.

   "I hate moving. I lost all of my friends back home. None of this is fair!" I nearly screamed as my mom left the room. I'm no brat or anything, I'm just very P.O.'d at the world, which doesn't happen too often. I force my stupid school uniform on, and gather my things. I ride the bus to school; but this would be my only time using it, my mom had said. After today, I will take the train. I have only been in the red, double-decked busses of England once. But now, it will become the norm for me.

   This whole thing sucks. I mean, I haven't been at a solid-set school for more than five years. Although I guess that since I only have two more years of high school, it won't be so bad. But still, being the new kid is always bad. And that was just in America.

   My dad is never around; his company is pretty much always taking him on trips and he has meetings all over the world. I only see him, like, once every month. I've learned to live with not having him do his job of actually being my father. Most of the time, I just act like he doesn't exist. If he doesn't acknowledge me, I don't acknowledge him.

   The bus ride to the school isn't terribly long. The school uniform that I wear is a bit too big for me; I wonder if my mom got me the right size. This uniform consists of a white, long-sleeved, collared shirt, a blue tie, and a blue skirt that ends at my knees. The dress code doesn't say you can't have your hair dyed an unnatural color, which is good because I have a red streak in my hair. My black sneakers squeak in the hallways as soon as I get in the school; probably because they're wet from the rain.

   I shake the raindrops out of my hair with my hand. My dark purple nail polish is chipped from biting them when I get anxious. I walk into the office, and I ask for my schedule, since I'm a new student. The lady behind the counter is fairly old, and she looks at me like I have a third arm. She's probably thinking that I'm some sort of freak; what with my partially fire red hair, one cartilage piercing on my left ear, and with dark nail polish. That seemed pretty normal to me back home. I guess it is frowned upon to have fun with your life here. Great.

   I get my schedule, and promptly leave the office. I go downstairs to my first class; math. Algebra two, to be exact. I don't even care to talk to anyone, and I just answer what I can. I'm a dreamer, no doubt; that whole class period could be summed up by saying that I answered a few questions and stared out the window at the rain. One thing about this school is that it has a relatively short day; six class periods in all, plus lunch. I get out of school by three o' clock.

   Second period was the most boring class I've ever been in. It's English class; and the teacher's voice is so monotone that he sounds like a robot. A fat, middle aged, balding robot with a gray mustache. But fifth period is sure to spice things up; it's chemistry - my favorite class ever. I have five minutes between classes to go to my locker and get my ass to third period. Since I don't want to be late to any classes on my first day here, I'm walking pretty quickly. I somehow get distracted for a second, and I run right into someone. He drops his books and scrambles to get them.

   "I'm so sorry!" I tell him, bending down to help him get his stuff.

   "It's okay," he says, his black hair getting in front of his blue eyes.

   "What's your name?" I ask him, trying to make conversation as I hand him his homework.

   "Phil. You're new here, aren't you? Do you need help getting to your next class?" he offers.

   "Yeah, I'm new. My name is Ann Nixon. Um," I tell him, fumbling around in my bag for my schedule. "Do you know where Mrs. Keel's class is? I have her for History next period."

   "Really? I have her next, too. Just follow me and I'll get you there," he says, gathering the last of his stuff into his arm. I put my schedule back into my backpack, and I follow him up the stairs and down a long hallway to the left. We eventually reach Mrs. Keel's class. Phil sits down in a seat, and I sit down near him because well, he's the only kid I've talked to around here so far. While the teacher is talking, I take enough notes to fill up two pages, but that's mostly considering that I've never heard of this stuff before, since I'm not from England. Lunch divides this class into two parts, so pretty soon we're leaving the class to file into the cafeteria. Since, obviously, I'm a misfit at this school, I sit at the only table I think contains "my own kind". There are only four people at this round table. A boy with closely shaved hair and dark green eyes, along with tan skin; a girl with brown hair and teal bangs; a very small, light-skinned girl with blond curls and three ear piercings; and a boy with a scar on his neck, along with reddish hair that sweeps across his forehead. Five minutes after I start eating my sandwich and getting plenty of looks from the other people at the table, Phil shows up, along with another boy our age.

   Phil and the other boy sit down at the table. Since the table only holds eight people, Phil's friend sits next to me. I look away; I feel awkward enough as is. I try to focus on eating my food and not making eye contact with anyone.

   "Ann, where are you from?" Phil asks, slapping me back into reality.

   "Huh? Oh, I'm from Texas," I tell practically everyone at the table.

   "Really? You don't look like- " Phil's friend starts before Phil literally shuts him up.

   "Dan! That's kind of rude," Phil scolds him quietly. Dan rolls his eyes. I'm beginning to like this guy.

   "It's okay. I get that a lot; I know I'm pale," I reassure them both, looking at my hands. I pull my sleeves down.

   "Okay then. You're going to have to excuse Dan; he doesn't know how to act," Phil comments.

   "Hey, at least I wasn't talking about tits or something, bro," Dan counters.

   "Ugh, whatever," Phil scoffs, rolling his eyes and resuming eating his rubbery cafeteria pizza.

   Maybe I'll like it here more than I thought.

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