Chapter 2 - My Chemical Romance

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   I run home, tightly gripping my bag. I unlock the front door of my house, and dash up the stairs. My mom doesn't get home until six, and my dad is never home, like I said before. I made three friends at school today - Penelope, Dan, and Phil. Penelope, a small girl with blond, purple dip-dyed hair, is in my fifth period class, as is Dan. As I was walking to class today, I thought I saw Dan being taunted, but I'm not too sure. I had to get to class.

   Penelope, Dan, and Phil want me to go to the local shopping centre, or as it's called in the US, a mall. I don't know how long I'll be gone, so I just leave my mom a note.


   Went to go do stuff with some friends. I'll be back later.

   Love you.


   I go upstairs, and I practically rip off the uniform I'm wearing. I change into my faded skinny jeans, paint-splattered sneakers, and black My Chemical Romance t-shirt. I then stuff my phone and my Oyster card in my back pocket, and I leave the house, making sure to lock the door back as I go.

   I'm supposed to meet Penelope and the others at Phil's house, which surprisingly isn't that far from my house. I walk four blocks and find myself at Phil's doorstep. I knock, and a woman answers the door, who I assume is Phil's mother.

   "Hello," I say.

   "Hi! Are you Ann?" Phil's mom asks cheerfully.

   "Yes ma'am," I answer politely.

   "Come on in! Everyone's in Phil's room. I think they're playing some sort of game," she tells me.

   "Thank you," I slightly nod as I step into the house. I go up the stairs and find Penelope, Dan, and Phil in Phil's room, playing Mario Kart Wii.

   "Hey guys," I greet. They pause the game to talk to me.

   "Hello, Ann," Penelope smiles.

   "How are all of you?" I ask, trying to make some sort of conversation.

   "Great," Phil grins.

   "Fantastic," Penelope answers.

   "Fine," Dan replies quietly. I slightly frown, but not to where Phil or Penelope can see. Dan, though, catches it. He turns away, fiddling with his shoelace. I plop down on Phil's bed, and I let out a nice sigh.

   "Can I play?" I ask, gesturing to the TV screen.

   "Yeah; there's an extra controller over there," Phil points under his bed. I grab the controller from the plastic box it sits in, and I plug it in to the Wii. I choose to play as Luigi, since Penelope - or Penny, as she told me to call her - already chose Mario. I see Phil check his watch.

   "Hey, after this race, do you want to leave to go to the mall?" Phil suggests.

   "Sure!" Penny, Dan, and I all say at once. I giggle, and I spot Dan crack a smile. I have never seen his dimples before; they're pretty cute. I quickly look away; I think I'm blushing.

   The next race is at Bowser's Castle. I've got this, I think. I've played this a thousand times. I do the start trick to get a boost, and I'm in second. Penny's the only one ahead of me. Two laps in, I finally get a red shell, and I hit her Kart with it. She grunts competitively as I gain a huge lead ahead of her. In the end, I win, and everyone is shocked. I don't know why; it's an easy game.

   We go downstairs so we can leave, only to discover that it's raining. I know the mall's inside, but the nearest underground tunnel is a few blocks away, and none of us want to waste our money on a bus ride or cab.

   "Well this sucks," Penny groans unhappily.

   Tell me about it.

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