Chapter 8 - The Bullet

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Dan's POV

   I walk through the cold wind of outside and back into my house. My stupid jacket is useless at keeping me warm; I need to go get a different one from upstairs.

   Just as I closed the door, the phone rang.

   "Hello?" I say.

   "Is this Daniel?" a voice asks on the other end.

   "Yeah," I tell them.

   "Okay, well, I'm Ann's mom," she replies quite shakily, "And...uh...something bad's happened."

   "What's wrong?" I wonder, becoming worried.

   "She's been shot...she walked into a store, and that was it," Mrs. Nixon tells me. "Meet me at the hospital," she cries before hanging up her phone.

   I run into the lounge, and I find my mum sitting on the couch, watching some cooking show.

   "Mum!" I exclaim as I nearly fall over onto the couch.

   "What, Dan? Who were you just talking to on the phone?" she asks, puzzled.

   "It was Ann's mom-" I begin.

   "You mean your girlfriend?" she tilts her head.

   "She's not my girlfriend! And that is not important!" I nearly yell.

   "What's wrong, then?" she questions.

   "She's been shot! Can we go now, please?" I plead.

   "Wait...what?" she seems baffled. She quickly gets up, and we get into her car in a flash.

   We drive away from our house, and I am so worried. Please, please don't let Ann die. My mum drives past a few more neighborhoods, and I'm on the brink of crying. But I really don't want to cry. Suddenly, I hear sirens. That must be Ann's ambulance! Just to be sure, I watch it as it goes past. I can't tell, but something in my gut tells me that my mum and I should follow it.


   As we pull into the parking lot of the hospital, we follow the ambulance to Accident and Emergency. My mum starts to turn to park in a spot, but I see the ambulance doors open, and then I catch a glance of Ann, bloody, on the stretcher. The medics start to rush her through the doors of the hospital, and I have to follow her. I unbuckle my seatbelt, and I get out of the car, not caring to close it as I get out. I run, and I see a woman in plain clothes following the stretcher as well. I can only assume it's Ann's mother.

   I finally catch up to Ann's mother, and I place my hand on her shoulder briefly to get her attention. I keep a jog going after I reach her.

   "Daniel?" Ann's mum asks.

   "Yeah, it's me," I reply breathlessly, "what happened?"

   "I don't know everything. I just need to make sure she's okay," she replies. Just then, we are stopped by a nurse, who tells us we can't go into the operating room. I didn't even know we had gone this far. Ann's mum starts to cry. I don't really know her, but I start to cry as well, so I just hug her. She's about nine inches shorter than me in height, so I have to bend down slightly, but she just throws her arms around me anyway.

   "Thank you for always being there for my baby girl. I'm sorry I never talked to you before! I was so caught up in my work and trying to keep a relationship with her father that it just all--" she sobs, then gets choked up. I then wipe away my own tears and I supress any more from coming.

   "It's okay. Life can be hard sometimes. It'll all be okay, right, ma'am?" I try to reassure her. She releases me - I can breathe again - and nods her head, still crying a bit. Then, my mum finally makes it here.

   "Don't ever jump out of the car again," she tells me tiredly.

   "Sorry, mum," I apologize.

   So, we're all at the hospital, some of us crying - some not, and Ann's life is hanging in the balance. What now?

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