Chapter 12 - You, and Only You

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Ann's POV

   I can hear the last worries being exchanged between Dan and his mom downstairs. They have been talking for about an hour, about heaven knows what. As I'm playing with my hair, I hear Dan's little brother come in.

   "Hey, Adrian," I greet him.

   "Hi," he smiles. Then, he sits down next to me and asks, "Did your dad really hit you? Why?"

   "He did it because he hates me," I sigh, looking down at my hands.

   "But why would he? You're a cool girl," he tilts his head with a sad smile on his face.

   "I don't know. But I'd rather not talk about that, okay?" I ask of him.

   "Oh, okay. That's fine. From what I heard, our mums are almost to the point of agreeing to let you stay over here for a week," Adrian spills.

   "Really? Why? Not that that's a bad thing..." I taper off.

   "Because your mum doesn't want you around your dad whilst he's here," he informs me. Oh, thank God.

   "Alright. Hey, thanks for telling me," I thank Adrian as he walks out of the room. Just then, Dan reappears.

   "What did he want?" Dan asks.

   "Oh, he was just talking to me," I wave it off.

   "Okay," Dan mumbles.

   "So, uh..." I try to start a conversation, but I fail to form words.

   "What?" Dan smirks.

   "I'm cold," I change the subject, trying to shake the water out of my hair with my hand.

   "Here, let me help you," he replies, sitting down next to me and taking a hair tie from my wrist. He assists me in putting my hair up in a ponytail. "Has your dad always been like that?"

   "Not when I was little...but around the time I turned thirteen, he got distant and cold..." I reply slowly.

   "I'm sorry," he sympathizes, hugging me and holding me close. I let the tears flow briefly. I will not let myself be emotional. I wipe the tears away forever and I look over to Dan. I love him so much...I'm sorry that he has to deal with me. I then quickly look away, realizing that I stared for too long. He then outstretches his hand and brushes my loose hair behind my ear. I look up into his radiant, mahogany eyes. He gets closer, and I know we're together now, but I'm afraid.

   "Thanks for helping me," I whisper as I turn away from him.

   "I was glad to help," he replies, both honestly and sweetly.

   I turn my head back towards him, and I ask a simple question, "Do you think I'm worth it?"

   "You're worth everything, especially to me," he answers.

   "I want to believe you, but I can't. You are too good for me. When I met you, it was like Christmas morning. I felt butterflies and my heart stopped. I wanted to ask how an angel such as yourself managed to be here, and to get beaten by people at school. I wanted to help you feel safe, but you ended up being the one protecting me. It's my fault that we have to go to an online school now. Everything is my fault. I shouldn't have treated my father like that. I - " I try to finish, but Dan cuts off my words with a kiss.

   "It's okay," Dan simply whispers.

   "No!" I shout as I stand up.

   "What?" he asks.

   "I'm sorry, but," I begin, "I don't want you to love me because I'm a terrible person. I don't deserve you. I love you to the moon and back but I just can't put you through this. I'm so sorry! I'm going to go to Penelope's house and get everything sorted out. I'll be back tomorrow after we have both had time to decide whether we really want this or not." And with that, I bolt out of the room and down the stairs. I don't bother to converse with any of Dan's family as I leave. I give them a small smile, and I rush out the front door. I grab my phone and dial Penny's number.

   "Hello?" Penny asks.

   "This is really short notice but would you be willing to take me in for the night?" I ask hurriedly, getting far away from Dan's house.

   "Sure, what's wrong?" she asks, because she knows me all too well.

   "I think I'm losing my mind; over everything," I answer.


   "Bye." I hang up the phone, and I eventually make it to Penelope's house.

   Dan's POV

   After Ann leaves, I am left shocked, sitting on my bed. She doesn't want me to love her? Okay, something's happening with her and I've no idea what it is. Well, actually, I sort of do. Ever since she came here, she's felt neglected and hurt. For God's sake, she has been molested, abused, and shot. Oh, and don't forget the cut hand from fighting Roman.

   "Why did your girlfriend just leave?" my mum asks whilst passing by my room.

   "She's just scared about what happened at her home...she needed time away to think," I honestly answer.

   "Are you sure she'll be alright?" she asks. I nod in return. She then gives a slight nod and goes back to whatever she was doing before. I know I should think about everything that's happened, but I decide to take a walk to clear my head. It's still quite wet outside from the rain, but I leave anyway, not telling anyone where I'm going. I put my earbuds in my ears, and I navigate the streets until I find the dimly lit park. I sit in a bench, listening casually to some Panic! at the Disco. I'm tapping my foot to the beat and I'm enjoying the privacy of this nearly empty area, when suddenly I feel a powerful force yank me over the back of the bench. It pulls my earbuds out of my ears, and I had the breath knocked out of me. Why does this shit always happen to either Ann or myself? It's like we're in some sort of dramatic story, or something.

   "This kid will be good for ransom," one burly guy tells the other, kicking me in the ribs. It feels like I'm being beaten by Roman again.

   "Little emo faggot," the other laughs, "out here, sitting all alone."

   "Knock him out before he tries to scream or something," the first says.

   And in one swift kick to the head, I'm down for the count.

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