Chapter 7 - Bête Noire

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One Month Later

Ann's POV

I take the short walk to Dan's house; he's invited me over to celebrate the fact that Roman will be behind bars for at least two years. My steps are even and measured. One thing, though, is that despite the fact that Roman is gone, I always find myself afraid to be touched, and looking behind my shoulders. I'm super protective of myself, and I don't like it when people look at me a certain way. Roman forever changed the way I look at people. I'm not sure if it'll ever get better; and I hate him for it.

I stuff my freezing fists into my jacket pockets; it is now December. My knuckles are red from the cold, so that means my nose probably is as well. My birthday is in about a week, and I don't want much. My father told me he is supposed to actually be home for my birthday that weekend, but I highly doubt he'll keep his promise. I have learned, through experience, to treat every word he says as a lie. It has spared me much dissappointment and tears through my life.

I find myself knocking on Dan's front door. His little brother, I think his name is Adrian, answers it.

"Hi, Ann," he greets.

"Hello. Where's Dan?" I ask.

"I think he's in his room. You can just go up there," he tells me, carelessly waving through the door. I nod, and step in. The familiar scent of his home fills my nose. I don't take my jacket off, and I immediately go up the stairs and into his room. His door is closed, so I knock on it lightly.

"Mum?" Dan asks.

"No, it's Ann," I answer through the door.

"Oh. Come in," he tells me. I turn the doorhandle and I step into his room. He's sitting on his bed, fiddling with his keyboard.

"What'cha doing?" I lightheartedly ask.

"Trying to fix this," he explains as he presses down on a key. The sound of the note soars through the air. "Ah, there it goes."

"I didn't know you could play piano," I tell him.

"Well, I do. I don't think I'm all that good at it, but my friends think I play like an angel," he smiles slightly.

"Well, I play too. Care to judge me?" I ask of him.

"I don't mind," he answers, placing the keyboard on my lap. I place my hands on the keys, and I play the only real tune I know: it's the beginning of a song, and it consists of a series of eleven notes being repeated once.

"I know this!" Dan exclaims as I am on the third note after the repeat. I stop playing.

"I thought you would," I slightly grin.

"Welcome to The Black Parade!" he smiles, flashing all of his teeth at me. I think I blush.

"So, are you also a Killjoy?" I wonder.

"Do you even have to ask?" he laughs, and I laugh as well. After we're done laughing, the silence consumes the good mood. Two long minutes drag past. Then, finally, Dan asks, "So...about that whole kiss thing when we were in Manchester..." he slowly stutters.

"It was nice. I'm not sure how I feel about it. But you're a good kisser," I somewhat jokingly comment. His cheeks turn bright red, and he tries to hide his smile.

"So what does that make us now?" he raises his eyebrows.

"I don't know. Whatever you want it to be, I guess," I shrug. I think I can tell where he's going with this. But I'm not sure; he's kind of shy.

He rubs the back of his neck. "We're just friends."

I see a look of true sadness on his face, even though I know he's trying to hide it. What does he want? Does he want a more meaningful relationship? Does he not like me as much as he used to? I have no idea.

"Anyway, do you want to teach me how to play that song?" he tries to get off of the other topic. I hesitate for a split second.

"Sure. So, first, you put your hand here..." I explain.

After I leave, I am left with a strange feeling. It's almost like I need him. For what, I could not answer. It's as if he is next to me, but I know he's still at his house, probably practicing the song I taught him. Or, he's playing Guitar Hero with his brother. The icy December wind makes my cheeks rosy and flushed. I look down at my hands, which are chapped. I really need to buy gloves.

I am about five to ten minutes from my house. I turn around the corner of a row of shops, and I see a small store about ten feet ahead. I walk in the door, hoping to find some gloves to keep my hands warm. Instead, I see a man with his hand raised high against a woman's skull. I turn, and see that he has a gun pointed at the woman's head. As soon as he notices me, he points the handgun towards my body. I freeze.

"Give me any money you have. All of it," he commands. I take my purse off of my body, and he clicks the trigger on the gun. Briefly, my eyes make contact with the woman's. I ever so slightly raise my eyebrows, as if to tell her, Push the panic alarm. She raises her eyebrows as well, and cautiously moves her hand towards the button, and presses it. I then continue to open my purse, slowly, and I am shaking.

"Don't try to do anything funny," the man warns. His handgun is still trained on me. I shake harder, and my hands fumble over the purse. It slips out of my hands.

For one brief moment, all is calm. Then, the burst of a loud gunshot fills the store, and I'm on the ground in the blink of an eye. I fight to stay awake, but my eyes flutter closed.

Then, I am lost to darkness.

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