Chapter 10 - Never

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Ann's POV

   "No! I'm not moving for him! I'm not moving for you, I'm not moving for dad; I am staying here!" I yell at my mother.

   "But he is being transferred again, and you can't stay here," my mother tries to bargain.

   "Never! He is always moving us around, putting us through heartbreak and stress, and he's never here for us! Why the hell should I listen to what he has to say?" I cry.

   "Because he's still your father," my mom sighs.

   "By blood maybe, but he has never been a dad to me," I reply angrily.

   "Fine, Ann. I'll talk to him. Maybe we can get something worked out," my mom exhales, and leaves the room. I then wheel myself back over to the couch, where I pick up my laptop. I need to vent to someone, and my mom is not the person to vent to. I decide to talk to Dan, since maybe I can talk to him about this and he might be able to help me get my memory back.

   "Hello," I send to Dan via Facebook message.

  "What's up?" He replies minutes later.

   "I've just been told that my dad wants my mom and I to move again," I tell him straight forward.

   "Why? You've only lived here for like two months! You can't leave!" he replies super quickly.

   "I don't want to leave either! My mom's trying to reason with him," I type kind of slowly, starting to get sad.

   "Is there anything I can do?" Dan asks me.

   "Just come over here...I don't think my mom would mind at all," I type.

   "Sure. But it might take me a second. I'll leave in about fifteen minutes. See ya later!" he sends me in his last message. I then power down my laptop and close it.

   The room is silent and I take this time to try and recollect any memories I have from the time I've lived here. I vaguely remember a feeling of loneliness, fear. Not much else resurfaces. I feel like my world is slowly escaping my grip. Nothing makes sense. Nobody cares. I can't help any of it.

   After waiting for an eternity in my mind, Dan knocks at the door. I wheel over and answer it, opening the door for him to come in.

   "Ann, who is it?" my mom asks from the kitchen.

   "It's Dan, mom," I holler back.

   "Alright," she replies before resuming her conversation with my father.

   "So, what did you need me for?" Dan asks sweetly.

   "Well, my dad wants us to move again...dammit," I sigh angrily.

   "And...? Why?" he asks, sitting down on the couch.

   "I don't know why," I grit my teeth, "but I've had enough of it. I hate him. He thinks that he can just push my mom and I anywhere in the world and it won't hurt us. Well guess what? I HATE IT!"

   "What's your mum doing about it?" Dan raises his eyebrows.

   "My mom? She's doing nothing about it, as usual," I exhale, cupping my face in my hands. I can feel my cheeks getting hot, and I know I'm about to cry.

   "Come here," Dan holds out his arms, and I wheel over to him so he can hug me. I start sobbing like a maniac, and Dan rubs circles into my back.

   "Nothing is fair," I squeak.

   "It'll be okay. You'll always be my friend," Dan whispers softly in my ear.

   "I thought you said we kissed. Did you ever want something more?" I ask through the tears.

   "Not unless you want there to be," Dan shrugs, but thoughtfully.

   "I just don't want to leave you. I remember when I kissed you," I sob.

   "You remember?" Dan pulls back, astonished. I'm still crying, so he pulls my chin up with his finger. "Hey, Ann. Did you just say you remember?"

   "Yeah," I nod, wiping away the tears with my sleeve. Then it finally clicks. I gasp. "I remember! Dan, I remember!" I forget about my stupid dad making me move, and I take joy in this moment.

   "What do you remember?" Dan asks through a bright smile.

   "I remember meeting you, I remember Penelope, I remember talking to you, going to Manchester, kissing you," I trip over my words, "and I remember falling in love with y-" I clamp my hand over my mouth. My eyes are wide open. I can't believe I just said that. I close my eyes, then reopen them before I take my hand away from my mouth. Dan is kind of shocked, but then I find myself slamming my lips onto his. He returns the kiss, and he gently places his left hand on my cheek. When we both pull away, I sit there for a second, and I stare into his eyes.

   "Can I finally say we're a couple now?" Dan playfully asks.

   "Yes. Definitely," I smile, my eyes finally losing most of their puffiness from crying.

   "Good," Dan laughs. I then wheel myself into the kitchen, and he follows.

   "Hello Dan," my mom greets warmily as Dan and I enter the kitchen.

   "What did dad say?" I ask her.

   "Well," she begins, "he is going to come home for a day or two. He'll talk to us about it."

   "When?" I ask, trying to hide the fact that I'm dreading my father coming home.

   "He'll try to make it next week if he can," my mother informs me.

   "Great..." I sigh under my breath.

   I freaking hate bottling up my emotions.

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