♠ Session #1 |Title & Synopsis Writing

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Hey everyone!

Let's get started with our first official session of Summer Workshop 2016! Be sure to comment 'seen' on this chapter along with the activity we assign.

We need to mention a couple of people who did NOT write their book in the last chapter, you have received a warning (yay! no strike!): @pathetic2001 @geekybooks2 @DanyelleSilver @ellieplays @MandyCambellWriters @Free_Me_From_This @Jamisters @judajudaas PLEASE, BE SURE TO COMPLETE THAT BEFORE THE DEADLINE OF THIS ASSIGNMENT OR ELSE YOU'LL RECEIVE A STRIKE.

This week's focus is going to be on Title & Synopsis Writing!

Having a title for your book is very important for your audience. What a title does is give a hint and the synopsis gives a teaser of what your story is about.


        -          For example, having 'The Bad Boy Is My Tutor' isn't a very good idea.
1) Gives away too much.
2) Doesn't draw mystification.
3) Isn't very book-like.

-          Remember that your title should have some relation to the story. You can't make a title which doesn't have any meaning to the content of the story.

-          Title ideas: Character name, a short phrase emphasized in the book, a short song lyric pertaining to the book, an object (mainly for horror/mystery/thriller/fantasy), and a metaphorical phrase to suit the book.

-          This is the absolute first thing the reader will make an effort to read.


-          Having a synopsis that suits your book is very important. The person who is browsing YOUR book needs to click it in order to read it. BUT, if you don't engage them enough in your title and synopsis, chances are they'll just whiz by your book and search for another one.

-          Most synopses are 2 short paragraphs. You don't want something so long that the reader gets bored while just reading the absolute first bit of information.

-          You'll often see some people just paste a quote as their synopsis. Many times, this does work. However, sometimes (especially with beginner readers) this quote doesn't do any justice to the synopsis.

-          Three main important pieces of information you must give in your synopsis:
1)      Who is the main character?
2)      1-2 things about the main character.
3)      What journey is this main character going on?/what is the problem?

A C T I V I T Y :

Alright, now let's get started with our first official activity! Just a note that you must complete all assignments because it IS mandatory, unless we say it is not. THIS ONE IS MANDATORY!

Write a title + synopsis for this information that we provide you in the COMMENTS section. It's all up to your creativity and you may add more information if you wish to!

-          Allison Walters (main character)
-          Has lived in an alter universe where "love" is non-existent.
-          Wakes up one morning to realize she's on Earth, where love occurs.
-          (insert your own twist)

You may begin! This assignment is due Thursday June 30th, 2016 at 8:00pm EST. Have fun with this activity! Can't wait for the next assignment (we promise it's more exciting!)

Most INTERESTING title and synopsis combination will have a chance to be featured!

S H O U T O U T :

Now for our weekly shout-out! This week's shout-out goes to gnizzles!

Her book's name is, This Cinderella Is Sold in the genre of Teen Fiction. If you do like reading of such genre, be sure to check her book out! Give her some support, a follow, PM, perhaps a message on her conversations board!

Brownie points for those who do end up doing this ;) (if you don't know what we mean, then you'll see!)

Get out there and meet your featured participant, besides, you're going to be with these people for a while! :) Let's build a friendly community together.

Don't forget your assignment!

Until next time.

Summer Workshop 2016 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now