Chapter 6: Reality

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Allison's P.O.V.

When my parent's got home it was hell.

My mother lectured me about disrespecting others and how I am so desperate for attention and blah blah blah blah blah. I'm tired of these lectures. They're always the same. Ryan stayed in my room the whole time because my father would've lectured him about choosing the wrong daughter. 

That night Ryan had to leave because we had school the next day.

When I woke up I thought things were going to be different. I was wrong. Ryan ignored me. He acted like nothing happened. I knew it was to good to be true! Why did I believe him! Why did I trust him! I should've known it's part of his game.

When I got home Ryan was there. My life is just perfect isn't it. I ignored him, he ignored me.

The next day I was walking down the hallway and I saw Ryan kissing Mary. That crushed me. I knew he was a douche why did I believe him! I hate myself for trusting him!

A week past and my parents noticed and they told me "Sweetheart, no one will ever want you"

I knew they were right. Everyone Ignores me. I'm ugly, fat, and like my mother always says, useless.

I can't take this anymore. I hate being treated like this!

That's when I ran to the medicine cabinet I grabbed the strongest pills that were in there. I walked to my room so that no one would notice me. Not that they would anyway. I locked my door and threw the bottles of pills on my bed.

I opened each one. The first bottle only had 5, the second one had 8 and the last one was full. I grabbed all the pills from the first and second bottle and whatever else would fit in my hand from the third. Just as I was about to put the pills in my mouth. Someone knocked on my room door.

"Who is it?"

I tried not to sound irritated I really wanted to get over this. But sure enough it was one of the people I wanted to see least in this world.

"Allison, please open the door. I need to talk to you" I ignored him

"Allison please" I ignored him again

I heard him take a deep sigh

"Allison please open the door" I gave in.

I shoved the pills inside an empty bottle and hid them in my bathroom.

When I opened the door Ryan was about to walk away but turned around quickly when he heard me open the door.

"What do you want?" I told him with no emotion

"I need to talk to you"


He took another deep sigh

"I saw you the other the hallway...when I was..."

"making out with Mary" I finished his sentence. 


"Ryan there's nothing we need to talk about"

"Yes there is. I'm sorry I've been ignoring. I just..I .. I ..."

"You what Ryan? You feel sorry for me?"

"No! Allison I don't feel sorry for you okay I.."

"Woow thanks nice to know someone cares" I'm starting to get annoyed

"Allison that's not what I meant" he says sounding disappointed with my answer.

"Then what did you mean?"

he tried walking into my room but I didn't let him. That's when he looked on my bed.

"Allison what is that?"

He sounded serious now I turned around and saw a couple of pills that I had left on the bed and completely forgot about.

"That's..that'" I didn't know what to say.

That's when he barged into my room.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled at him he grabbed the pills from my bed and flushed them down the toilet.

"Where's the rest Allison?" He sounds angry now but I didn't answer him.

"Where's the rest Allison!" This time  demanding me to tell him.

I bursted into tears. I saw his face change from angry to sympathetic.

"Allison, babe, don't cry, please" He said trying to bring me to his chest I pushed him away

"Don't call me that and don't touch me" I was done with him. I didn't want anything to do with him. I knew that when we were alone he was a different person. But when we were with other people he was a complete jerk!

When I said that he looked hurt and backed away.

"Leave, now" I told him he didn't listen

"Now!" he looked at me one last time before he walked out my room door. As soon as he walked out I slammed the door shut and locked it.

I ran to my drawer where I hid my blade I took one out and began to cut my skin. Each cut getting deeper.

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