Chapter 12: Derek

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Ryan's P.O.V.

I went up to Allison's room to see why she was ignoring me. I knocked on her door. It took her a while before she actually opened the door. I look in her room and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!"

Why is she with Derek!

Derek escorted himself out. If he hadn't I would have beat the shit out of him.

Allison closed her bedroom door and layed down on her bed. I'm still standing next to the door but she doesn't seem to care.

"What the hell was that Allison?" I try asking her in a calm voice but my anger is taking over.

"What the hell was what? I was just having fun." She said in a calm tone.

"With Derek? Did you smoke anything? What were you two doing with the door locked"

"Yes I did actually, and if you must know we were making out and if you hadn't interrupted we probably would have done more" Her honesty is killing me. I've only kissed her once for a short period of time but Derek gets to make out with her and almost fuck her.

"Well then it's a good thing I came then isn't it." She looks annoyed with my answer.

Allison's P.O.V.

I don't know how to answer him. I am glad he came but I'm also angry. For once I would have been able to be an actual teenager but then again it would have been with Derek. He's hot and all but he doesn't care about anything. 

"So what are you doing here?" I finally spoke

"I came to talk to you." He seems frustrated that I didn't answer his question. "Are you mad at me?" He added

"No." That was the end of our conversation.

He stayed in my room until we heard the music stop. It is to early to end a party. We went downstairs to see what happened.

My parents were home.

"Mom we had nothing to do with this. All these people just showed up! I bet Allison did this" I heard Ashley say when she saw me enter the room. My mouth dropped open when I heard her say that. Of course she would blame me.

My parents made everyone leave including Ryan.

"Explain." She demanded

"It wasn't m..." She cut me off. I felt a sharp sting on my cheek. This wasn't the first time she's slapped me but it isn't the worst either.

"Don't you dare lie to me. I'm done with you, you worthless piece of crap!"

Even though I've heard those words a thousand times before they still hurt. Ashley and Brad are both laughing under their breath. I hate them so freaking much!.

"Clean this mess up. I want this house to be spotless! " She yelled.

I had to clean the entire house alone.

My mother took me around the house to make sure I didn't miss anything. 

"If this happens again you will get it. If it were up to me you wouldn't even be here right now. I hate seeing your hideous face. I hate calling you my daughter. As a matter of fact you aren't my daughter.  I have one beautiful daughter named Ashley.  You're just a charity case." She emphasized one. I wanted to just break down. I don't know  how much longer I can take these hateful words.

After, I locked myself in my room and took out my blade.  I couldn't get myself to place the blade on my skin. I finally decided to just give up. Tomorrow is another day.

*I hope you guys are enjoying my story. If not please tell me what I could improve on :)

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