Chapter 30: The Research Project

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Ryan's P.O.V.

Throughout the week Allison and I weren't talking I was hanging out with Katie more. She's pretty cool and she loves football.

I missed Allison. She's my everything.

Allison finally met my friends. She said she kind of likes Luke and Tyler but Mason creeps her out. I was expecting that.

Mason is a cool guy but he comes onto any hot girl. I'm just mad I wasn't sober when she met him or I would have beaten the shit out of him for coming onto my girl.


The guys are coming over tonight. I hope nothing happens.

It's now 8:30 and I heard a knock on the door. Allison was in the room so I answered.

"Ayyyyye!" Mason entered my condo yelling.

"Whats up man?" Tyler walked in all calm with Luke behind him carrying a box of beers.

After the guys settled Allison came out. She was wearing gray sweats with a black shirt yet Mason couldn't keep his mouth from falling open. I gave him a dirty look and he laughed before licking his lips. Fucking jerk better not try to steal my girl.

Allison sat next to me and I asked her if she wanted a drink. She hesitated but she took it anyways.

I was now on my third bottle. I wasn't drunk but I sure as hell wasn't sober.

Mason tried flirting with Allison but she completely rejected him.


*3 Months later*

Things between Allison and I have been going great. I've had a few to many drinks and we've had arguments but nothing that didn't end with make up sex.

Today my Literature professor assigned us a project again and I chose Katie as my partner.

After class we went to her dorm to start the project.

"So what the hell are we suppose to do?" I ask her. I fucking hate literature. 

"We are suppose to research a famous author and write a paper on it. Then make a PowerPoint on them." Katie was so calm and always did most of the work while I slacked off.

About an hour into the research I started throwing a small foam ball up into the air and catching it.

I was so damn bored.

*The next chapter will be longer I promise!*

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