Chapter 44: Searching for Answers

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Allison's P.O.V.

"What did he tell you?" Derek's voice sounded worried yet demanding

"He didn't tell me anything. Why does that matter? Should he have told me something?" I question him.

Was he hiding something?  if he was I wanted to know now before I even consider leaving with him if we end up leaving.

"No" He's serious now. What is going on?

After nagging him for an hour I still came out empty handed. 

I went to lay on my bed. Derek followed me but I ignored him.

A few days have past and Derek still doesn't want to tell me anything.

I decided to ask Ryan.

I waited for him at his door. I didn't want to call him incase I backed out.

I had my knees close, my head leaning on them, and my back against the wall. 

I heard footsteps so I quickly looked up.

"Allison?" Ryan looked like he had just seen a ghost.

I stood up and before I could answer him Taylor was right behind him.

"Hey aren't you the girl that was behind me waiting in line the other day?"

"Uh...yeah?" This could not be happening. I just wanted to ask Ryan why he was calling Derek and now I'm talking to this slut.

Did I just call this girl a slut?

"What are you doing here?" She asked. She's so annoying. Look at her with her ugly blonde hair.

Why am I so annoyed of her? I don't even know her.

I looked over at Ryan. Taylor noticed. She's so ugly. Can she just leave?

Ryan started to rub his neck.

"Do you two know each other?" she finally asked.

I wanted to let Ryan answer but he didn't and neither did I. Instead of answering her question I spoke to Ryan.

"Leave Derek and I alone. Stop calling." I said as I walked to the elevator.

"Allison..." I heard Ryan call me weakly. I ignored him. He clearly hasn't told her about us. I shouldn't be shocked but for some reason I am.

I pushed the elevator button and waited for it to open when it finally opened I stepped in.

Seconds before the elevator closed Ryan stepped in.

We stood in the elevator silently.

"Didn't you hear me call your name?" He finally spoke. I sure wasn't going to be the one to.

I ignored him. Seconds later the elevator door opened and I started to walk out. Ryan followed me.

He kept his distance until I got to me car. I felt his large hands grab my arm and turn me around.

"I was talking to you" he blurted. I tried to let myself free but his grip was to tight.

"and I was ignoring you" I shot back. I am beyond annoyed now.

"Why? you're the one who came to my condo remember?" I knew I was going to regret it.

"Yeah but I'm leaving now." I tried pulling away but failed again.

"Let go of me" Surprisingly he did. As I got closer to my car I unlocked it. But right before I could open it Ryan had my back against the car.

He was standing pretty close to me. I could feel him breathing and his chest rising and lowering with each breath.

"Why are you here?" he asked softly. His tone completely changed from what it was seconds ago.

"Why did you call Derek?" I asked him trying not to look in his eyes. But he looked into mine and I couldn't fight it.

We stared into each others eyes for a while. I felt calm looking into them. I felt warm. Safe. I forced myself to finally look away.

He took a deep sigh.

"I can't tell you" he said quietly.

"Why not?" He stayed quiet and he wouldn't look me in the eyes anymore. I no longer felt calm. I felt tension growing.

"Is he cheating on me?!" I ask. My heart broke slightly just thinking about it.

"What? No!" he didn't hesitate

"Then what Ryan? Tell me" I demanded.

He took another deep sigh.

"I can't tell you unless he's around." he said softly "That was our deal." he added quietly. I barely heard him.

"Deal?" his eyes widened.

"Ryan what deal?" My heart was racing now.

"Nothing. Just don't come back unless you're with Derek" He walked away before giving me a chance to answer him.

I never thought I'd ever hear him say that to me. Things really have changed.

The entire drive home I couldn't stop thinking about what the deal could be.

When I got home Derek was sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"So, you went to see Ryan?" He asked before I could even take off my shoes.

" wouldn't tell me anything so he was my only option"

He took a deep sigh before he rubbed his neck the same way Ryan did earlier.

"He's on his way"

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