Chapter Two-New House,New Family

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  (Jack's Pov)

 I turned to look at Summer and saw the look in her eyes that certainly said 'this was her home now' and I smiled at the thought.Someone was banging on the window of my car and it ended up being Alex.Summer jumped and looked out the window with wide eyes like a baby deer.She was too cute."Hey douche bag did you find the right kid?"Alex asked smiling his winning smile that I envied him about.I nodded and pointed toward Summer who was still frightened over the sound and looked like she was about to cry so I hugged her to try and calm her down.Alex said "Awww" and took a picture and posted it to Twitter probably."You asshole,you scared Summer and you take a picture of it?That's just low man." I said and Alex laughed.Summer got out of the car and grabbed her stuff so Alex and I helped her get her stuff out."I'm Alex." I heard my best friend say to my daughter and she smiled."Summer."Summer said and held out her hand to shake which he took and kissed it."You are pathetic."I said laughing and walked inside our massive house.

(Summer's Pov)

   When I walked into the house after my dad my mouth was open because of how in awe I was when I saw my new house."Come on,I'll show you your room." I smiled and ran up the stairs to my new room and Jack opened the door.I must have given the most suprised look,because Jack was laughing at my reaction."You like it?"Jack asked and I nodded like a crazy person."I LOVE IT!!!!" I squealed happily and hugged Jack."I'll let you get settled in,dinner will be ready in an hour."He said and walked out of my new room.I smiled and took out my guitar and started strumming.I started to strum the chords to Mayday Parade's Terrible Things and started to sing.

  I finished the song and there was a knock at my door,"Come in!"I yelled and Alex walked in."Hey!Whats up?"I asked Alex who was staring at me in shock."Was that you?"He asked and gave him a look of confusion."What was what?"I asked and just stared at me."Umm your dad sent me to come tell you dinner was ready and to come downstairs to meet the rest of the guys."Alex said shaking the thought off and I smiled and said "okay" Alex walked out and I put my guitar away in its case.

  When I got downstairs I saw my dad,Alex and two other guys I hadn't even known where here."Hey Summer!"Alex said noticing me and everyone turned and looked at me."Summer this is Zack and Rian they just live here along with Alex,even though these weirdos and I are in the same band."Jack laughed and Zack threw a piece of bread at him.

(After dinner)

  I was finally done with my dinner and I asked to be excused and Jack said yeah.I walked into my bedroom and took a shower.I got out and went to sleep,Jack knocked on my door and said goodnight and I heard his door shut along with three other doors.I turned on my side and closed my eyes and couldn't wait for a new day to begin.

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