Chapter Twelve-So Many Concerts

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(Summer's Pov)

"Summer wake up!"I heard my dad yell from the front of the bus and groaned in protest.I felt someone poke my cheek and I opened an eye to see Alex smiling at me from my middle bunk bed.

I smiled at him and said in a groggy voice "Morning babe."

Alex laughed and said good morning in response to mine and pulled me out of my bed and carried me out to the front of the bus where Zack was being show off with his pancakes."Zack,you show off."I said and laughed. He looked at me and tossed a couple pancakes onto a plate and handed it to me with a smile."Yep,you're definitely a show off trying to be the big brother."I laughed and ate my food then going through my suitcase pulling out my Warning:approaching a professional fan girl tank top,ripped jean shorts,my black and white vans,And my PTAD! And my D.C. Comics superheroes wrist bands and went out grabbing my red drawstring backpack.

"I'll see you out there!"I said and walked out of the tour bus.

I heard Alex come out of the tour bus with a hood on and ran towards me interlocking our hands together and we walked around Warped for an hour or two.It felt like a date but it technically wasn't but I was counting it as one.I was laughing at a joke Alex told me and I heard a British voice call Alex's name and we turned around to see Danny Worsnop running towards us.

"Hey Danny."Alex said and gave him this bro hug.

"Hey Jack wanted me to find you so you guys can get ready for your set."Danny said and we ran back to the tour bus.

When we got back to the bus I sat on the couch and when the guys left I grabbed my laptop and booted up Netflix.I started watching Arrow because why not and grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing until the would be getting back from their set which was over in an hour.

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