Chapter Twenty-Three-Wake Me Up

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Two Days Later...
(Summers Pov)

The sun hit my eyes with a piercing shock and I groaned.I opened my eyes and saw Alex crying beside me holding my hand.

"Alex?Why are you crying?"I asked and his head shot up.

"Oh my god!Summer your alive!"Alex said and hugged me tightly.

"Alex,I need to breath!"I said and he let go and looked at me.

I looked down and saw I was in a hospital bed and freaked out.Alex tried calming me down and told me everything and how I got shot by some random guy.The doctor came in and smiled and said since I was awake I was able to go home.Dad came into my room a little bit later with a bag that had clothes in it and I smiled hugging him.

I put on my AWG crew neck sweater,American flag shorts, my black combat boots.and my Ravens beanie.When I came out of the bathroom I saw Alex smiling at me and hugged me.I smiled and breathed in his musky scent with a hint of sweat but he still smelled nice.He let go and I was sad but I soon realized that this man would be my husband soon but I didn't know when.

Rian came in and hugged me as well as dad and Zack.

"Guys I was in a coma for two days I wasn't dead."I said and laughed.

"I don't care,you could have died but even if it was two days it felt like a month."Dad said and hugged me tighter hurting the bullet wound that was stitched up and I was in serious pain still.

I yelped in pain and dad let go and tried to soothe my pain and the doctor came in and gave my prescription to my dad.

"Here is the prescription of the medicine she needs and she needs to take it every four hours to help with the pain.Her stitches will come off in a week or two but other than that she's good to go."the doctor said and then walked out again.

Dad and Alex looked at me with a smile and I smiled back.

"Ready to go kid?"dad asked and I nodded relieved I was able to get out of this sterile hell hole.

  I ran to the car only to be yelled at by Alex to slow down or I was going to break my stitches.When we finally got in the car we drove back to the tour bus and when we got back,Alex and I went into my bunk and we fell asleep.

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