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I'm so upset that I don't even bother looking at the file. Not long after Kingshire leaves, I hear a knock on the door. My eyes are red from crying. This of course goes well with my face, as it's still black and blue from my broken nose. I'm so angry that I can hardly think straight. I'd hoped for more time to compose myself before facing anyone. But when I open the door and see the person standing there, my anger turns to such profound happiness that I burst into fresh tears. I throw my arms around her and hug her fiercely, unable to speak.

"Hey there, sweetheart." Doctor Sue's voice is soft and comforting. "You're okay, baby," she whispers. My arms go too far around her. She's lost a lot of weight. She lets me sob against her neck, for how long I don't know. When she leads me inside to sit down, it's then that I notice David is with her. He sits down at the end of the couch.

Now I'm embarrassed that I've been crying and carrying on like I have in front of him. "David," I say wiping at my eyes, "I didn't break any bones, I swear."

David doesn't say anything but gives me a reassuring smile. I linger for a moment on his kind face. There is so much compassion in his eyes. It's then that I think he will make an amazing doctor someday. I wish I could have seen then how wrong that would turn out to be. "So how come you're here?" I ask curiously. I'm genuinely glad to see him again but am mildly disturbed by the butterflies in my stomach.

"I volunteered," he says.

I'm confused. "I'm sorry?" I turn towards Doctor Sue. "Volunteered?"

Doctor Sue smiles and pats David on the arm. "We'll get to that."

David nods. "Sorry."

"Get to what?" I'm beginning to get a bad feeling. I hear Kingshire's words repeated in my head. There's been a change of plans, my dear. "What's going on?"

Doctor Sue sits a bit taller and squares her shoulders. She's going into full-on doctor mode. "You're going to be working on a new project with David and me," she says.

Okay, bad feeling gone. This doesn't sound so bad. "Really?" I ask, thrilled. "I guess we'll be starting after the mission?"

"You've been removed from the mission, Hannah," Doctor Sue informs me. "Mr. Kingshire wants you to focus all your attention on this."

Bad feeling back in full force. There's been a change of plans, my dear. "No," I groan. "No no no, that can't be right. Doctor Sue, you have to change his mind. I have to go," I say desperately. "If I don't go I can't...I can't..." I suddenly remember Kingshire could be watching, that I'm being recorded.

"Hannah," Doctor Sue says gently but firmly. "You know that isn't possible. When Mr. Kingshire makes up his mind, his decision is final. Plans are always changing, evolving, and new opportunities present themselves." There's something cryptic to her response as she gives me a knowing look. "Those I work with depend on you. All our futures depend on you," she smiles.

Is it coincidence that she used the exact phrase that Jameson used in his letter to me? All our futures depend on you.

"Anyway," she continues, getting to her feet. "Let's move this conversation to the Safe Room and get you briefed on the new project."

It doesn't surprise me that she would be part of a group of people trying to escape. What does surprise me is that she would trust me after what I did to Jameson. She has to know what happened to him. Maybe not. Maybe I have an over active imagination and her choice of words was only a coincidence. And why has she lost so much weight? Her eyes look sunken and hollow. "Are you alright, Doctor Sue?"

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