Chapter 13: Just friends

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Hey!! First can i say thankyou for reading and i'm so proud i have reached 100 reads :) xx-sangeetha

Chapter 13: Just friends

I sighed and looked into my phone. Instead of going inside my house i sat on my driveway and decided to call Jonathan. He hadn't left me any messages but both calls had gone straight to voicemail then he had hung up.

The phone rang twice before he picked up.


"Hey Jonathan i got two missed calls from you and i was just wondering if everything was okay?"

He hesitated, "Oh..yeah, uhm no everything's fine. How come you didn't pick up?"

To tell the truth or not...."I, I was out," i replied. Well TECHNICALLY i was. I just didn't say who with...

"Oh. Did you get my text?"

"Yeah, yeah i did."

"Well, would you like to?"

I thought for a minute. Even if i wasn't going out with Jonathan i could still, be friends with him right? "Uhmm....i'm free tomorrow."

"Same. So do you wanna go tomorrow?" he sounded happier.

"Sure," I smiled into the phone.

"Great. So i'll meet you at the pier sometime...."

"The afternoon would be good."

"Ok. Well, see you then."

"Okay, see ya Jonathan."

"See ya Victoria."

We both hung up and i store at the driveway until my mum opened the door and asked me what i was doing.

"Nothing," i said getting up and walking over to her. "Just, thinking."

"Is this about today? Did something happen? Do you not like Trent now? Did HE do something?" asked mum pounding me with questions.

I laughed, "Mum! Everything's fine, Honestly. I had the best day ever," i smiled.

She searched my eyes. "If you say so Victoria."

We both walked inside.

I turned to mum, "And seriously? Hunny?"


I laughed to myself. "Nothing."

The next day it was sunny but not too hot. As the day reached afternoon, the sun began to go down leaving a bright shimmery haze of yellow, pink and red over the soft white clouds. A cool breeze swept throughout the air.

"Hey mum? Is it okay if i go walk down to the pier for a bit?"

"Sure. ...Who are you meeting?"

I blinked. Mum always knew what i was actually doing and there was just no way to lie to her ever. "..No one."

She turned to face me, "Victoria i'm not letting you go unless you tell me who you're meeting."

I sighed, "He's just a friend."


"Yes mum, 'he'."

"What's his name?"


"And he's really just a friend?"

"Yes mum, he's just a friend."

"Well i'd hope so. And i hope you know what you're doing."

"yes, i assure you i do. Now can i please go?"

"Alright. But be home before it gets dark."

"I will, don't worry," i said walking out the door. Truth is, i wasn't really sure what i was doing. Yeah, i just wanted to be friends. And as far as i'm concerened, Jonathan just wanted to be friends. this meeting would just be a confirmation of where we both stand.

I walked down the beach and the wind swept over me cooling me, soothing me and my worries. Calming me. It was almost sunset and the sun looked beautiful in the sky. I walked and walked until i saw the pier. I looked at it and thought i saw a guy standing at the end of it looking down on the ocean below. I got to the pier and looked around. Jonathan wasn't there. I decided to walk along the pier. I kept walking and when i got close enough i realised i was right. The guy at the end of the pier was in fact Jonathan.

He heard my footsteps and turned around.


"Hey Jonathan, " i smiled.

"You came." He looked surprised.

"..Yeah. I did."

He smiled and walked over to me. "Do you wanna, walk?" he asked gesturing over to the sandy beach along the horizon.


We began walking back down the pier together  and walked back onto the beach, walking along the sand with the sea to our right.

"It's a really nice day today." i said.

"Yeah, it is. Do you come down here often?"

"Now and then. When i want to just get away from everyone."

"Same," he smiled. "It's funny that i've never seen you here before."

"True. I guess we just came down on different days."

"I guess. So, you been doing any modeling lately?"

"Aha uh not recently, but that photographer called me the other day. She wants to get together and do another shoot in a few weeks. Apparantly themed this time."

"What theme?"

"Either American indian or 1960s."

"American Indian?" smiled Jonathan.

"Yeah, i'm not sure about that one. Especially with the whole feather crest on my head.."

Jonathan laughed and i laughed with him.

We talked a bit more until it started getting dark.

"I better go, my mum will be wondering where i am," i said.

"Oh, Victoria, I....."


"I, uhm, I"

"You what?" i asked him.

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak then sighed instead. "You have a flower in your hair."

"Oh," i said beginning to feel around my hair for it.

"Here." Jonathan gently pulled it out before looking into my eyes.

I looked up at him and then wondering what he was thinking, if he was thinking about anything and then....he pressed his lips to mine.

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