Chapter Four

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If this would been a good old normal summer I'd spend with my girls in Canada, I would totally be smiling right now like a crazy girl who passed her exam after so much fails. In fact, I would have been shopping my heart out and eating all the truffles and popcorns that I wanted. But that would be the opposite right now.

The strong heat from the sun nearly burned my skin as the trickling sweat ran down from my face. Yesterday, I just recently spent my wonderful time with my family and friends and had a great time. Who would've thought I'd end up here, walking like mad just to find the stupid directions to our old vacation villa. It had been so long since I have actually came back to North Carolina so, it didn't really surprise me that I would forget the directions from the airport. I felt my legs wobble from all the walking and decided to stop by a store.

"What can I help you with, young lady?" the old woman in her thirties smiled warmly at me as I entered the small shop and gave me a cute family menu.

"One strawberry slurpee sundae with chocolate swirl on top, please." I replied after giving the menu back.

"Coming up." She went inside the kitchen to prepare it so, I decided to sit at the vacant chair at the corner. I watched different couples pass by, enjoying the striking heat from outside. I began to think of those times I was with him.

When he didn't give up on our love..

Realizing my thoughts, I began to remove it from my mind. When I looked to my side, I saw the confused yet worried woman handing me the shake. I nod in apology and she sat with me.

"I don't mean to butt in your business but, its something wrong, dear?"

"No, I'm okay." I lied to not let her worry.

"Is it about boys?" I flinched and she smiled at me warmly. "I experienced that, too. I was hurt, but that didn't stop me from loving. I found someone dear to me and I never regretted it one bit. Cheer up dear, life is full of surprises and love is just around the corner. You may not recognize it at first but, surely. You'll find that special someone." She winked.

"Mary, what are you doing out there?" A man's voice called out to the woman I was talking with.

"I'm just talking with a friend, John. I need to go now, he's waiting for me. I hope you'll enjoy the summer here and welcome to North Carolina." She replied and gave me a warm smile before leaving.

I smiled in return and dashed outside to continue finding the villa but, I still couldn't forget what that woman named Mary said.

Love is just around the corner..

I wonder if what she said was real. I've just been through a tough heart break long enough and what I want right now is to get away from the pain. I would even doubt if I would fall in love again.

I began to ask people directions and after a long walk, I have finally arrived at the villa. I let out a contented sigh and inhaled the fresh smell of the countryside. The villa was beside the sea and it held a beautiful picturesque even from afar. I knocked at the door and was opened by a beautiful woman that was so familiar in my mind.

"Oh, Alexandra! How I missed you so much!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and nearly choked me to death by her crazily strong kind of embrace.

"Uhm, hi?" I asked, unfamiliar of the woman in front of me. She was really beautiful. She had blue orbs and a dark gold hair with large locks. I even thought she was a famous celebrity in Hollywood.

"Don't you remember me? I'm Jessica, your mother's closest friend!" The woman named Jessica said with a large smile on her face.

"Oh, okay." I agreed and returned a smile to the woman named Jessica.

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