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"Why did he say-you can't believe what we prepered for you?" Nat asked nervously, but all I could see was the naked guy.

After a few seconds I looked to my sides to see Nat was gone. I started walking around, maybe to see someone I know.

"Here is Aurora!" I heard someone saying, I recognized his voice. It was no other than Marco.

He was with the naked guy, I quickly felt embarrassed and couldn't grow thr guts to look at him in the eyes.

"Marco, for some reason I had a feeling it was you." I said, making him smile. The naked guy smirked while he was looking at me.

"Aurora is it? That's the girl I told you about earlier." the naked guy told Marco who started laughing. I could feel my cheeks growing red.

I felt so uncomfortable right now, now that Marco also knows about the little experience I've had in the showers earlier.

"You were the girl seeing Robert's penis, that's a good one." Marco said, still laughing. Robert, that's the name of the arrogant yet good looking naked guy.

"It was unexpected." I said, I could feel Robert's eyes staring at me.

"Here you are, Aurora." Paulo said handing me a drink while he put his arm around my shoulders which made marco frown.

"Dybala, you know her?" Marco asked him, Paulo nodded. Robert shot Marco a look and they both went away from where we were.

"Be careful of these two, they caused lots of truoble last year." Paulo said and I slightly nodded my head. What did they possibly do that made so much trouble?

"Where's Nat?" I asked him as he lead the both of us to the dancefloor.

"There, getting along with two seconds year guys." he said pointing at a shy looking Nat. I was so proud of her.

Paulo and I danced a little until I had to go to the bathroom, I was drinking too much beer.

I knocked on a door, when I couldn't hear anyone I decided to open it. I just couldn't believe what I saw.

"Oh my god, not again." I said as I saw Robert and Marco sitting on a bed with four girls around them, they were all naked.

"If you wanted to join you could just say." Robert said with this cocky annoying smirk of his.

It was the second time today that I've seen him naked. Is it always like this in the university of arts here in Germany, or is it just me?

I got out of there as quickly as possible, I bumped into Paulo. I was so relieved to see him.

"Why are you looking at me like this, what has happened?" Paulo asked me, I was still shocked of the sight I've seen a few seconds earlier.

"I literally saw this Robert guy naked in the second time today, this time he was with Marco Reus and some girls all over them." I explained and he rolled his eyes as if it was a regular thing to hear.

"I'm going to kick these guys, I swear." Paulo said, I smiled.

"Can you just walk with me to the bathroom, I have no idea where it is." I said and he nodded his head.

He lead me to the bathroom and waited for me outside, I couldn't ask to meet someone better than Paulo.

When I got out I was surprised to see Paulo talking to Robert. I frowned a little, I just hope Paulo wouldnt really kick his ass, because, to be honest, Robert looks way more physically fit.

"What's going on in here?" I asked as I reached the guys.

"Just told Paulo about the football game we have tomorrow after sculpting class, right?" Robert said, full of confidence, for some reason he seemed to me if he was always so cocky.

"Right." Paulo said as he greeted his teeth, I could see something was off here.

As soon as Robert had left I turned to Paulo and said, "he's in the fourth year and you're in the third, you have no sculpting lesson tomorrow."

"But we do have a football game tomorrow so it's practically half a lie." he said ignoring the fact I want to know what is really going on in here.

I brushed it off and walked to get a drink that's when I saw a widly smiling Nat looking at me, waving for me to come to where she was. I walked to where she was standing, talking to two guys.

"Hey." I said, turning to thoss two guys.

"This is Isco and that's Alvaro, they're both from Spain just like you." she said and I smiled politely at them.

"So, Aurora, where are you from in Spain?" Alvaro asked me curiously.

"Barcelona, what about you?"

"Shots fired, Alvaro is from Madrid." Isco said, laughing, Alvaro made an unamused look.

"You're probably not all about Real Madrid." Alvaro said and I shook my head, laughing slightly. I will never be a fan of Real Madrid.

"I'm a fan of Barça." I simply said, I excused myself and went to take a cup of beer.

It was already four in the morning and I was so tired, I could feel my eyes were about to shut. Drinking a beer in four in the morning a couple of hours before I have my first cass in the university wasn't such a good idea.

Finally, when I found Nat, I dragged her back to the dorms.

When we finally got back, I crashed on my bed without even bothering changing my clothes, I was so tired.

It felt like I slept for only two minutes, I looked at Nat's bed to see she was gone. I looked at the clock to realize I'm late and my painting class is going to start in five minutes.

I got up, hurrying to the showers, I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, I put some macara and ran back to my room. I have only one minute until my class begins. Where the hell is Nat?

I wore a white tee and some black leggings. I put on my adidas shoes and ran to the class. Only there was one problem. I had no clue where my class is taking place at.

"Robert!" I called as I saw someone familiar that might know where my class is.

"Yeah?" he asked as he turned around to face me.

"Do you know where is room 703?" I asked him.

"Follow me, Aurora." he said with a smirk, what is up with this guy?

As soon as we got there I was surprised to see Robert entering the room as well.

"What are you doing here?" I muttered.

"Here is Robert, our naked model for your first project." the professor said, making my jaw drop to the floor.

That's the third time.

NAKED◦ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI [1]Where stories live. Discover now