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"Don't pretend like you didn't hear me." Paulo said, a few students started noticing something is about to happen

"Don't you dare talking about her, Dybala." Robert said as he got close to Paulo, I let out a small shriek. I looked for Marco.

"Why, you are still feeling bad about killing her, don't you?" Paulo spitted out, I was afraid right now, for the health of the both of them. Robert was about to punch him, I finally saw Marco, worry filled his face.

"I swear I'll kill you if you won't stop talking." Robert said and I ran to where he was trying to saparate these two from each other.

"Robert, let's go." I said as I grabbed his hand, I begged him to leave the place.

"I just hope this drunk puto won't kill you as well." Paulo said, he looked directly at me and the only thing I felt toward Paulo right now was disgust.

"Vete a la mierda." I muttered as I wwnt out of the club with Robert, Marco and Raphael.

I looked at Robert who was breathing heavily, he was angry and I could see it in his eyes. The white part of his eyes wasn't so white anymore, it was filled with red little veins, His forehead was sweaty. It was like he was about to lose his mind.

"Relax, don't you remember what he did to you last year, this kid needs to stay away." Marco said, he looked nervous, as if he saw something like this happen before.

"I need to puke." was all I said, I felt sick.

"I'm getting her back to her room, she can't stay here. Take care of this son of a bitch for me, okay?" Robert told Raphael and Marco.

Robert held my hand and lead me to the room, I was dizzy but I could still walk properly. I drank all those shots so fast that it made me sick.

"Are you okay?" Robert asked me, I nodded my head slightly. We were already in the dorms, it was a quick walk from the club to the dorms.

We finally got to room A34 which was mine and Nat's room. I searched for me keys and handed them to Robert so he will open the door. As soon as he opened the door I crashed on my bed.

"Your room is nice." he said as he looked at my side, I had some of my drawing up on the walls and also a big flag of FC Barcelona.

"You didn't drink tonight, right?" I asked him as I looked at him, he sat beside the computer desk. He shook his head.

"Did Paulo told you I was drunk when I drove Scarlett to the dorms?" He suddenly asked me, I assume Scarlett is the one that got killed in this car accident.

"Yes." I said without hesitating. Paulo made me hate him today, he was so cruel and it looked like he wanted to fight with Robert.

"Don't you ever listen to any of the shit that comes out of his mouth, I wasn't drunk that night." he said and it made me wonder how did he crash the car if he wasn't drunk. What really happened that night?

"Then what happened?" I asked him out of curiousity.

"I don't talk about it and you're so drunk right now that you won't even remember." he said as he opened the computer.

"If I won't remember, what's the problem of you telling me?" I asked him as I stood up and took some comfy clothes.

I took my shoes off and looked to Robert's side. He was drawing something. I took off my crop top and my jeans. I looked over at Robert, he was still drawing.

I changed into leggings. I put on a simple grey sweatshirt on and turned to look at Robert, he was still drawing.

"Did you just change in front of me?" he asked as he turned to me, he was staring at me.

Robert looked so good at the moment, I couldn't help but closer to him, he got up from the chair and stood right in front of me.

I got on the tip of my toes, getting closer to his rosy lips, he looked down at my honey colored eyes, he leaned on and pressed his lips lightly to mine.

This time Robert surprised me as he suddenly said, "I have to go." I didn't understand where did it come from, I didn't expect him to run away from me, leaving me hanging like this.

He got out of the room, I was upset, it felt like I didn't give him what he wanted. I was upset that after all I said, I gave up and did the exact opposite from what I planned.

I laid down on the bed, soon enough I fell asleep. The thing that got me awaken was the german music that sounded like it came from inside the room. I opened my eyes to see Robert sitting near the desk, drawing something just like he did yesterday.

It hit me, last night Robert basically rejected me, I was a little bit hurt but I was drunk and didn't think straight. Plus, I rejected him once so I think I deserved it.

"What are you doing in here so early?" I asked him, right then I felt this headache. Did I drink that much yesterday?

"Aurora, it's already 4pm." he said, not taking his eyes off the drawing.

"I think I'm going to the bathroom and then to take a shower." I said to him him as I rubbed my eye. I got up and took some clothes with me.

"Shower later, we are going to run around the whole university." Robert said and I rolled my eyes, I'm defiantly not a running type.

"Give me a few minutes." I said as I made my way out of the room, I walked slowly to the bathroom, I sighed as I saw Marco.

"How are you after yesterday?" Marco asked me as he gave me a quick hug.

"A little hungovered." I said, it wasn't my first time getting drunk. My first time was when I was about sixteen, I drank way more then I did last night, but I drank it wiser.

"Oh, Robert is going to give you the hangover treatment?" Marco asked me and I frowned.

"If you mean running around the whole university, then yes." I said and he smiled. Before Marco walked away he screamed a good luck for me. I don't like running at all.

I got into my bathroom, after that I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a high ponytail. I wore my Nike pink sport bra and some simple leggings. I wore my Nike running shoes on, I looked at the mirror, I can't believe I'm going to run now.

I love the idea of running and doing sports, the only problem is that I don't like doing any of them. I'm so lazy that for some reason I missed all my sport class exams back in high school.

I walked back to my room to see Robert was ready, he finished drawing what he drew. He was wearing a black Nike tee and some dark blue sport shorts.

"Do you really call this nightmare a hangover treatment?" I asked him and he smiled a bit.

"Yeah, do you know how many times Marco has been through this?" he said as he lead me to the university huge yard.

He started running and so did I, "so, you don't really like sport?" he asked me as he ran, I had to take a deep breathe before I talked. I'm not used to doing this much of pysical activties.

"Not really, I assume you love doing sports." I said as I ran faster, I was now running faster than Robert.

"You see, you're making a mistake here, if you're running like this in the beginning you won't be doing much at the end." he said and I slowed down.

"Another mistake right here, you can't just slow down like this, you need to start slow and get faster and faster." he said and I managed to smile.

It was attractive for some reason seeing Robert running and hearing him trying to explain to me how to run correctly.

"Okay, okay, next time I'll be better."

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