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"Aurora, wake up, we have to run." Robert said in his sleepy vpice, he just woke up. We were laying in the same bed and I have to say it wasn't so comfortable.

"Five minutes." I told him, shutting my eyes again, I guess these five minutes became an hour real soon. I couldn't feel Robert in the bed anymore.

"Wake up!" someone screamed, I opened my eyes to see Marco and Robert looking at me. I threw a pillow on them, I just wanted to have a good sleep.

I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom I had in my room, every single room here had a bathroom in it but we didn't have our showers. Ridicules.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I took some sport clothes from my closet.

I knew we are going to run but the inly thing is that I was drinking so little last night, I shouldn't run, I wasn't even drunk.

"Aren't you just a morning person." Marco said sarcastically, I glared at the blonde.

"It's not morning anymore." Robert said, looking at the clock I had in my room, it was already 1pm, I guess I was just that tired?

"My head is pounding please stop talking." I said, I had a headache. I took a pair of leggings and a long sleeves purple Nike shirt. It was freezing outside.

I noticed my calender saying it is a month until Christmas, which means I'm going to fly to Poland with Robert in a month.

I took my clothes to the bathroom, closed the door and changed into the sport outfit. I put my hair into a ponytail and didn't even bother putting a foundation on. When I walked put of the room I noticed Marco looking at ghe collection of photos I had now on the wall.

"I look like a freaking turtle in every single picture while Robert perfect Lewandowski looks like a model." Marco whined, I couldn't help but laugh. Robert did look like a model, like a perfect one but I should admit Marco is a good looking guy as well.

"Oh my god, again with Robert perfect Lewandowski, not that I disagree but Marco." Robert said as he checked me out, he smirked at the sight.

"Marco, you look handsome." I informed my german friend, he smiled and hugged my side, mouthing something to Robert.

"Let's just go." Robert said as he got up from the chair he was sitting on.

As soon as we started running I noticed Marco was wearing his earphones on, Robert and I were running in the same speed, he looked at me with a small smile.

"It wasn't veet comfortable sleeping in the same bed." I stated.

"What if we connect the two beds you have in the room, sounds good?" he asked me and I nodded my head slightly, agreeing to his idea.

For once, Robert's idea was actually really good.

"Wasn't it uncomfortable for you?" I asked him, a smirk appeared on his face. That cocky smirk I learnt to like more and more.

"Your butt was on my stomach all night, you can only assume how it felt for me." he said, I blushed at his comment.

"Do your team have a game any time soomn?" I asked him, knowing he won't play in the next match due to his actions.

"Tomorrow, we'll go to watch the dumbass." Robert said, referring to Marco.

"Why do you want to leave to Munich?" I asked him out of nowhere, I was very curious about knowing his real intentions.

"To play football, I already told you." he answered.

"No, why Munich? You can play here in Dortmund." I told him and he just looked at me.

"Did I tell you my plan already?" he asked me and I shook my head, not knowing what he was talking about.

"I'm going to try to out Borussia Dortmund and if they'll get me I won't leave." he told me, suddenly I hoped with all my heart BVB will get him into their team.

"Why don't you start from the bottom?" I asked him as we reached thw end of our hangover treatment. For some reason Marco got there before.

"I like the challenge." he said, winking at me.

"It took you so long, I've waited ten minutes." Marco said, I rolled my eyes, there was no way he waiting for ten minutes.

"I'll ignore your lie and continue to the showers, are you guys coming?" I asked them, they looked surprised by my suggestion. What? These are communal showers.

Eventually when they realized I was being serious they followed me to the showers. Marco and Robert got naked when they were inside the showers due to an agreement they had. I got undressed inside the shower because I didn't want Marco to see me naked, it's awkward.

"Robert, just please don't sing." Marco begged his best friends.

It didn't matter because real soon I could hear Robert singing a german song I recognized, called Ham Kummst. He listened to it several times when he stayed in my room.

"Oh my god, stop!" I screamed, let's just say his voice want so pleasant to my ears. Robert just laughed it off and stopped, finally.

The guys got out of the showers, when Robert exited he insisted to give me a towel before I get out of the shower. I covered my bare body with the towel he gave me, I thanked him and made my way to my room with Robert. He wanted to stay with me.

"So, what do you think about Borussia Dortmund?" Robert asked me, he knew I was a big fan of football.

"I actually like them, I dislike Bayern the most." I told him, he made a face, god, please don't tell me he is a fan of Bayern Munich.

"I'll change the subject before you'll punch me." he said, I smiled, I liked being around him so much. "How is it like in Barcelona?" he asked.

"It's great, I like the city." I said, I didn't want to talk about Barcelona at all, it reminded me of bad things mostly.

The city of Barcelona is actually very beautiful, I could imagine me living there in the future, it's just the people there that I don't want to face.

Robert noticed his question made me react in some type of way because he hugged my side, making me feel so protected.

"You'll love Poland, it's quite cold but you're going to love it." he said, trying his best comfort me. I opened the door to my room, Robert immediately crashed on the empty bed. I laid down on mine.

It happened to be our routine lately, we lay down on these beds and just talk for a while and it feels like the best thing in the world.

"How's Marco reacting to the fact you want to leave?" I asked him, he looked at me and shrugged.

"He's my best friend, it's going to be hard but Mario, Marco, Mats and I promised we all will try to get into BVB before we decide to leave." he explained to me, I hoped they will success.

"I want you to be in BVB." I told him honestly.

"And why is that?" he asked with this stupid smirk, he knew why and he just wanted to hear it from me.

"Because I don't want you to leave." I mumbled, he looked beyond amused, he got got what he wanted.

"I knew it, I just wanted you to admit it." he informed me as if I didn't know.

"You're so childish sometimes." I told him, he smiled at me, I tried my best not to smile back but his smile was so contiguous.

"But you like me anyway." he said, I siled in defeat, I couldn't lie about it, I liked him more than I should.

My feelings grew bigger, I liked Robert more and more each day that passed and I'm pretty sure he already noticed it. It felt like my time here began to get better just because of his presence, he made me laugh, smile, he made me happier and I knew I was hurting him, leaving him on a hold like this. I never told him how I was truly feeling about him while he opened his heart. I just had to tell him soon before anything will happen.

"You're right."

NAKED◦ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI [1]Where stories live. Discover now