YULTI [oneshot col.] 2

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The first time Tiffany saw her was at the airport when Tiffany was waiting for her flight. It was hard to not see her especially when she was the most attention-commanding person in the departure hall. She was attention-commanding in the good way; she strutted confidently across the hall, her long, straight hair flawless and bouncing with every step and her big sunglasses shielded her eyes but provided a sense of mystery to the woman with a model-like figure.

The second time was when Tiffany arrived at her destination, an island with heavenly beaches away from the hustle bustle of the metropolitan she has left behind. Tiffany was pleasantly surprised to see the woman again but she wasn't given much time to sneak glances at the woman before the latter left in a black limousine.

Picking up her luggage, Tiffany hailed a cab and directed the driver to the hotel she would be spending her week at. Secretly, she hoped that she would see that woman again. After all, she was looking for a distraction to stop her from thinking about the busy life she left behind for a week. And what could be a better distraction than a very gorgeous and head-turning woman?

Needless to say, Tiffany was thrilled when she saw her for the third time. This time around, Tiffany couldn't stop gawking at all.

It was a beautiful sunny day and Tiffany decided to go for a swim at the hotel's pool, which looked so incredibly cool and tempting from her room. And besides, it would be a total waste if she came all the way to the island and not soak up the sun and frolic in the water.

She changed into her swimsuit and headed for the pool with a fluffy white towel, sunglasses, a book and a small bottle of sunscreen in hand. She picked a lounge chair at a shaded area by the pool and sat down, trying to make herself comfortable.

There were several other people by the pool; an elderly couple napping on lounge chairs across the pool from Tiffany, a muscular and tanned man in blue Speedos who checked out Tiffany when she walked by him and a couple who were showing way too much PDA for Tiffany's liking.

Tiffany wore her sunglasses on top her head to keep her hair from falling across her eyes as she read. She picked up the book while idling at the airport before departure and thought it might keep her company sometime during her holiday here.

But before she could read more than a page on the book, she was distracted by something.

A person actually. That very person Tiffany was hoping that she would meet again.

Tiffany almost dropped her book when she saw the woman emerging from the pool. It was as though everything went into slow motion and Tiffany couldn't help staring as the woman got out of the pool and shook her head from side to side to get rid of the excess water from her long dark hair.

It was like that scene from the James Bond movie.

She was wearing a simple two-piece black bikini, which hardly left much to the imagination. Her tanned skin glimmered under the sunlight thanks to the water droplets that fell from her hair down her fit and slim body.

Tiffany gawked so much that her sunglasses dropped from the top of her head and hit her on the chin. She blinked and quickly snapped out of her daze before quickly covering her eyes with the sunglasses.

Thinking that it was less obvious, Tiffany continued to look at the woman who made her way to a lounge chair across the pool from her. The latter sat on the chair and attempted to dry her hair with a towel before proceeding to dry the rest of her.

She held out one arm and wiped it with the towel before moving on to the other. Then she cocked her head and wiped her neck slowly before going lower and lower to the abdomen and thighs.

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