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If this was a movie scene... we the public would have seen a girl on a motorcycle driving really fast and witness as she pushed breaks only the last second also leaving so called 'sun' after herself and stopping in front of black car just in time.

 This scene would be shown for some time until all the dust disappears and then the car doors would open when Taeyeon steps out of it looking more stylish than her younger days obviously more mature now.

 Letting the imagination run wild and pretending that it was a movie, we would continue witnessing Kwon Yuri, the girl on the motorcycle, also taking her helmet letting her long brown hair flew in the wind while she smirked looking Taeyeon up and down sheepishly.

 "You look horrible"

 The unexpected twist of her words made Taeyeon laugh shortly and bristle her hair a little bit "that's all for the act. You know. For family's sake, and don't be mean, I look adorable"

 Yuri laughed almost hysterically.

 "Yeah sure...just like I will have to pretend to be this pretty doll happily dating their perfect daughter".

 "I had my wilder days. Even in front of their eyes. Now I just need to keep the facade and let them imagine that I'm perfect in every way. They only have me to show off... so they're very proud about their successful daughter".

 Yuri finally stopped with the teasing and nod her head.

 "So...let's go pretend for a little while? Just not too long...Yoona  is making dinner tonight...".

 Taeyeon opened her mouth slightly surprised.

 "You think it is a good idea to eat two dinners? You will literally have to eat back at my home...well shortly but still..."

 At that younger girl just shrugged her shoulders "well, as you mentioned it won't take too long and I need to eat a little bit more. People complain about my small appetite sometimes. I won't be surprised if your parents will mention that as well... And about Yoona's cooking... let's face it, most probably she will eat most of the food... So I won't feel as full as you might imagine. By the way... maybe it is time to find a perfect girlfriend for yourself? Like a real person... not me pretending and helping out whenever you need it?"

 Taeyeon sighed a bit disappointed.

 "I will try..." and added after a short pause "next time... but considering that it not happened yet... how about this whole act? What do you think about kissing?"

 Younger girl knew that Taeyeon is just joking around so she just rolled her eyes as an answer "I'm doing you a favor as a friend. Can you please stop mocking me? I will try to behave in front of your parents and then you will help me some other time..that's how favors work.Also... I suggested you taking Sooyoung... but I can understand your decision... considering that she's even wilder than me and might go crazy with acting... I'm all you have left".

 Taeyeon raised her eyebrows jokingly and seductively "my perfect girlfriend".

 "Yeah right."

 Yuri sat down on her motorcycle and added.

 "Let's stop shortly at my place, I will change so I would be presentable as you asked... you can chat with Yoona for a little while... and after that let's rock and roll."

 Taeyeon nodded shortly and turned around walking back to her car.

 After all, that is what friends are for. Helping out with all of your crazy ideas and Taeyeon felt lucky having people like that in her life.

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