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"Dallas, stop! Why are you doing this to me, I thought you loved me" As I felt more and more slaps and hits towards my body. "I don't understand, why are you hitting me every time you get angry, that's not what a couple does to each other" "BE QUIET!" Slap. Slap. More hits. I fell to the ground crying, feeling the burns on my face stunning rapidly, I felt like I had no more oxygen in me. It felt like I was on my last breath. "You are going to be a good girl and you are going to listen to me!" As I see him on top of me, screaming at me, I can feel his nasty breath on my face. "DALLAS GET OFF OF ME!" I tried and tried to break free, but all I felt was a punch to the stomach. He gets off of me and kicks my back. Deep breaths, blurry vision, no air to breath. I need to get from him but how? He left me suffering, struggling. I get up and I can feel tears going down my face. "Dallas, I'm leaving you" He comes to me and pushes me down. "You're not going anywhere, you are going to stay here with me!' He takes out a pistol, already I felt my heart beating, I was scared to death, he was going to kill me. I tried to think of something, I scorch back. "Okay, I will stay with you" He gave that smirk of a smile. "Good girl" I gave a smirk. "What are you smiling about?" "This!" I kicked his legs so hard that he screams in pain. As quick as a flash, I get up and start running for my life. I have to get out of California, it's the only way I can stay away from Dallas. I kept running, I wasn't going to stop for one second of my life. I reach the next bus stop. I get on. "Excuse me sir, where is this bus going?" "It's going to the nearest bus station mam" "Thanks" I look for a seat, I wipe the tears away. How can Dallas do this to me? I loved him , I showed him what real love is. I knew that real love wasn't real as in the romance movies or books. I'm going to miss Cali, this is where my mom lives but I have to leave, I can't take the hits and the bruises and the scars, the pain in my heart anymore. The bus stops, I paid the guy with the little bit of money I have. I get off and I see the nearest bus. I look at the sign "MIAMI" I put my hoodie on so the bus driver won't see my face. I look for the nearest seat. The bus starts moving, goodbye Cali. Goodbye mother. Goodbye Dallas. 


"Ally? Ally?" I felt someone trying to do something to me. Was it Dallas? Did he follow me here? "AAH!" I screamed so loud that my father was concerned. "Ally...Ally It's okay, you are safe now, another bad dream about Dallas?" "Yeah..." "Well don't worry, he is far far away and you never see him again. I'll protect you" For the first time I smiled. "Thanks dad" He gets up from my bed. "Hurry up and change, you got school this morning" School? Crap. I totally forgot that I went to Marino High School when I was "living" here. I get up and look through my bag. A shirt, a hoodie and a pair of pants. Nice outfit to start the first day of school. I get up and begin to change, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face. I look at my side, something was there. I pull up my hoodie, I see a bruise, I remember. Dallas kept punching my side repeatedly. I pulled down my hoodie so I won't remember that horrible memory anymore. "Ally, sweetie. Breakfast is ready" "Okay dad" I check myself in the mirror, I looked better than what happened with Dallas. I grab my phone and my songbook. I forgot I left my songbook here. I opened it up, so many songs I wrote when I was 13. I smiled. "Ally!" "Coming" I closed my songbook and brought it with me downstairs. I can't wait to start writing songs again. 

"Sorry dad, I was in the middle of doing something" "It's okay, I made your fave today" I jumped for joy, ever since I was a little girl, my favorite breakfast meal is smiley face pancakes with side of eggs with chewy bacon and a cup of orange juice. "Thanks Dad" I begin eating until I get a text message from my best friend Trish. Me and Trish has been best friends since we are in kindergarten. "Thanks for the yummy breakfast dad, love you" "Love you too" I hugged him and went off to meet up with Trish. 

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