t w e n t y - f o u r

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(This book is almost over, I just wanted to thank all of you guys for reading this book. Without you guys this book will never be accomplished so tysm💕)


It's been a week since if my mother is going to be okay or not. Here I am trying to cope myself from what I just did to Dallas. I mean in my opinion, he deserved it but then again nobody deserves to die. I hear someone coming; my head immediately looks up.

"Hello, miss Dawson. Your mother is doing okay, right now she is stable. Her injuries are not that serious. She will be out of the hospital tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" The doctor left while I sit here next to my mother's hospital bed room. I can see the tears going down my face. I wanted to hold it in but I couldn't do it.

"Mom, I love you so much, please come back to me please."

Then I hear a knock on her door; I didn't expect anyone. I walk over to the door.

I open it; it was Austin.

"A-Austin, what are you doing here?" I was shocked. I was surprised.

He wraps his arms around me, I smile into his shoulder, this is what I really needed.

He pulls away from me. "I came to see if you are okay, but most importantly I want you, all of you Ally. I think I am in love with you. Every time we hang out, I can't stop smiling. My heart beats every five seconds. Ally, I broke up with Kira, I want you in my life; Ally, I love you."

I stare into his eyes, going to him; kissing him on the lips while my head slides down his neck. 
I couldn't stop; I was so depth in this kiss.

I can feel his fingers into my hair, I love him. I never felt real love before now I have, Austin is the person I love. He is the person who showed me what real love is.

We pull away from each other, I hugged him; good and tight. "I love you too Austin."

"You guys are so cute."

I turn around, my mother is awake! She's awake!

"Mom, you are awake! Thank the lord!"

I hug her so tight, I never want to let her go. I can feel water in my eyes. I was so happy; so relieved. My mother is alive.

"Hey baby girl, I am not going anywhere. I am staying here with you. I love you so much."

"I love you too." I put my arms around her. I smile; she smiles. I see Austin holding my hand.

"Ally, would you go out with me?"

I immediately kiss him.

I pull away from him. "Does that answer your question?" I said while smiling. He smiles too.

I guess life can give you a second chance; you just have to be brave enough to take it.

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