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"Hello? Where am I?!?" I was so confused, everything was dark to the point where I can barely see. Is this a dream? Am I in a dream? I see a tall figure coming towards me. "Who are you?!" Then I knew who that was. "Austin?!" He smiles at me, then he starts coming to me. "Austin, what's going on?! I'm scared" "Don't be" then all I can feel his lips pressing against mine. His kiss felt so good, I can feel like myself again. Austin is the reason. He pulls away. "Ally, I love you. I want you to be in my life"  "Austin, this is all so very sudden, I'm scared, what about Dallas?!?" "Ally, I will protect you for the rest of my life" He came to me and kissed me again. 

I wake up hearing my heart beating, I thought all of this was real. But it was a dream. My first dream. I'm not shaking, I'm not scared of the haunting nightmares. It's Austin. I have feelings for him. But it doesn't matter anyways, he has a girlfriend. So I guess that's that. I go back to sleep waiting for the sun to shine on my skin. 

Beep. Beep. I roll over and turn the annoying noise of the alarm. What a dream last night. I get up and just realized something, I look over at my calendar and it was Saturday. I look over at the clock. 7:45am. Wow, that's early! I decided to get out of the bed and go to Sonic Boom. I changed into some clothes in my pile of clothes. I gather up a red long sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans. I brush my hair while looking at the mirror, thinking about the haunting nightmares and the only one dream I actually had for the first time in a long time. I go inside the bathroom and did my normal bathroom stuff until I look at the mirror and saw someone. It can't be. No. It just can't. I see Dallas standing there. My heart starts beating fast, my hands start getting sweaty. I turn around and he wasn't there. Great! Now I'm seeing things. I get out and gather my items including my songbook. I go downstairs and wrote a note for my father to make sure he knows I'm okay. 

Hey dad, I'm going to Sonic Boom real quick. I will be back in a couple of hours. -Ally. 

I'm not hungry, I exit out of the house and go to Sonic Boom. Miami is so beautiful. The nature. The surroundings. Everything. Miami makes me feel so happy, I smile. I go to a empty page of my songbook and start writing out my feelings while walking. I reach Sonic Boom, I enter. 

I see Austin playing the piano, he looks so handsome, I smile at him. He turned around and smiled at me. "Hey Ally, you ready to work on some songs?!" "So ready. But let's go up to the practice room so we can work better" "Alright" Me and him go up there, it's been so long since I been up there, I remember my mother and I was in the practice room playing the piano. I smile remembering the memories of my mother and I spend time together. I do miss her. 

I sit at the left and he sits at the right. "So what do you have now?" "So far, I have a couple of songs, wanna try them out?" "Sure, but what should the melody be?" "Um..how about this?" I play the first melody and I can feel like the same Ally I was. I turn to him. "I love it" me and him start playing together. I smile. "Perfect" He smiles. "How about this for the chords?" I began playing the chord. I can see him getting into it. "I love it! Perfect song Ally" "Have you figured out the lyrics yet?" "Yes, I have. Let me show you" I see Austin heading towards my songbook, immediately I smack his hand away. "Don't touch my book" He was surprised. "I'm just looking inside it" I go over and automatically grab my songbook from him. "Rule 1. Nobody touches my songbook" "Okaaay"He raised his eyebrow at me but I ignored it. I open up to the page where my creative just blew up. "Here, let's try this"  I start playing the melody we originally chose. I start singing the first verse. "Gonna be first to the finish line, never giving up till we're out of time" "And I'm making it no doubt" "That's what I'm about, I'm about" I stop playing and wait for his response. "So what do you think?" "I like it. Do you have any other songs?" "Tons" "Good cause I'm always going to need you Ally" I smile. "That's so sweet Austin" He smiles. Beep. "Who texted you?" I grab my phone and OH MY GOD! "It's my dad! He says there's been a emergency! I'm sorry Austin, I have to go" I get up and immediately ran out of the practice room. I'm at the door about to leave until I hear Austin's voice. "Ally wait!" He comes downstairs. Please don't say anything stupid Austin! "Let me come with you" "Okay" Then we left. 

I can hear my heart beating and already i feel like I'm going to die. First Dallas messing up with my life. Now my dad is in trouble. Great, just super! Will my life ever be normal for once?

Me and Austin enter the front desk. "Hi, can I help you?" "Yes, we are looking for Lester Dawson. My father. Do you know what room he is in?" "He is in Room 506" "Okay thank you" I run as fast as the superhero Flash, and as my legs can carry me. I search and search. "501, 502 ,504, 506!" The door creaks and I see my dad laying there like a statute. Already my heart is breaking and I start tearing up. What happened? How did this happen? Is he ever going to be the same? Am I ever going to see him again? These questions are swirling in my head and already I can feel myself being lightheaded and dizzy. Austin looks at me with concern. "Ally, are you okay?" I tried so hard to keep my balance on point but honestly I want to faint, I want to this moment to go away. I felt myself began to fall but lucky on time, Austin catches me. "Ally!" Then I regain my balance. "S-Sorry" As I try to get myself together, I hear a annoying creak. "Okay Lester-" It was the doctor. Although I can barely see him because of my blurry vision. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company" "Can you get Ally some water? She is about to pass out" "Oh yes. I will be right back" All I can see is white. My head was pounding so hard that it felt like I was partying too hard. My heart was beating so fast like NASCAR cars zooming all around the tracks. "Don't worry Ally, I'm here. I won't leave you" I feel Austin's arms around my body, keeping me safe which I really need right now. I hear that annoying creak again. "Okay, here is your water" Just out of nowhere, I can the cool, refreshing taste of the water. I get back on my feet and try to regain my vision. I blink my eyes a couple of times and before you know it, everything is crystal clear. "What happened? What's going on?" The doctor gathered all the information about my father and why is in the hospital. "Your dad took a critical hit to his body and he has some serious injuries" Every word is taking my breath away. Austin puts his arm around me. "Do you know what happened to him?" He searches through his clipboard. "Your dad was in a serious car accident that almost took his life" Almost took his life. Those four words broke me and all I can feel is tears. "I'm sorry. I can't take this" I exited out of my dad's room. All I can feel is anger, pain, and hurting. Tears endlessly go down my face. I can hear Austin calling me but I really want to be alone. "Ally! Ally!" I kept ignoring him. How am I going to handle this now? First, Dallas abusing me and now my dad was almost dead. I kept wiping away the tears but every time, I think about it, more tears flowed down. "Ally." "I don't want you to see me like this" He sits next to me and puts his arm around me, I put my head on his shoulder. "It's okay" "Okay" "Okay" We sat there in silence. "Do you want to go bac-" I cut him off. "Can we stay here?" "Sure" I closed my eyes. I feel his arm rubbing my back, I smile. I look at him. "Thank you" He smiles. I put my head back on his shoulder, not saying a single word. 

The question that I keep having over and over when I met Austin. Do I have feelings for him? 

Maybe. Yes. No. I don't know. My feelings are all over the place but for now, I'm just happy that Austin and I are just friends. 

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