n i n e t e e n

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{As promised, I am bringing Elliot in this chapter, so let's get to that. Shall we? OE! Also, I am going to do a surprise book soon!}


Columbus, Ohio

My phone beeps for a second. I put my thumb on my home screen, tapping on the iMessage app. I look at the contact, immediately a smile creeped on my face.


Hey Ally, long time, no see. How are you?

In case you are wondering, Elliot was my first crush in summer camp, and we instantly became best friends. We did everything together ever since summer camp, but we parted ways.

I moved to California, and he stayed in Virginia. We haven't talked in 2 1/2 years. I did miss talking to him, but ever since I moved back to Miami, I haven't had time to talk to him. Although, I didn't even know if he still remembers me.

Guess he does.

I'm good. Thank you. How are you?

Great. I was wondering if you wanna hang out some time.

Of course, I would love to. See you later! ;)

I turned my phone off because it was only like I don't know 2:00 in the morning, and went back to sleep.

I wake up by the sound of my ringtone on my phone. Who the hell is calling me this early?

I look over at the caller ID. Mother. 3 missed calls.

I didn't call her back. I put my phone back on its face, and went back to sleep.

~9:20 in the morning~
My eyelids began to open. I lift up my body. My feet starts walking to the kitchen. Austin wasn't here. That's a shock. Well not really.

I gather up my Apple Mac from my book bag. I pressed down the turn on button. Automatically, the computer screen went black then blue. I put both of my fingers to open up
my computer.

I scan my eyes. Spotify. Then Gmail. My mouse clicked on both programs to open them up.

I look over at my Gmail, something isn't right.

Hello Ally Dawson. You may not know me, but I am here to tell you, that I am coming for YOU.

Automatically, I start to tremble. Who is this? How do he/she know my name? What do they want from me? What did I do to this particular person?

I shut my laptop so fast that I've never did that before. It doesn't matter anyways. Whoever this person is, they won't hurt me.

Austin starts walking inside the small kinda of big kitchen. "Morning Ally. What's up?" he said with a cheerful tone in his voice.

"Oh hey Austin, I just got this weird email from my laptop, come look!" He starts walking over towards me. My heart stops, out of breath. Can't feel anything.

"Huh? That's weird. Who is this person sending this email to you?" I can hear the tone of his voice was getting angry. That's what I love about Austin. He is caring person....for me.

"I don't know. But let's not worry about that. You need to get ready for your concert. So what song do you wanna do?" I said while gathering my songbook all ready to go.

"I was thinking about Chasin the beat of my heart. Or upside down. You write so many songs, you are the best songwriter in the buis"

A smile immediately creeped on my face. He always knew what to say. Always knew how to make me smile.

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