t w e n t y - t h r e e

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{I am probably going to close my book after the 30th chapter. I'm sorry, but there is some new books I want to do in 2017, so stay tuned for that. Now on with the chapter!}


The bus stopped, everyone was getting off. My eyelids open to see a woman trying to wake me up. I guess I was so depth in my sleeping, I forgot. I put my headphones around my neck, gathering up my bags getting off the bus. I step off the bus walking with my bag on my right shoulder, I check the time. 2:00 am. I wrap my headphones back on my ears; walking along the sidewalk trying to find my house I so called use to live in. DING DONG! A message from Austin popped up on my screen.

Austin: Are you okay??

I immediately replied back.

Ally: Yes. I'm fine, talk to you later!

{In the air tonight by Natalie Taylor; background music}

I made it to my so called house that I use to spend so many memories here; now all of those memories were just Dallas hitting all the time like someone hitting a punching bag every five seconds. I open my front door stepping inside.

Seeing my house made me wanna cry; made me wanna be angry; I had to leave my mother, my friends from school; I had to leave everything behind me because of Dallas.

I walk up the stairs to my room where I spent most of my time thinking about how I truly feel; if my doubts is ever going to stop lithering  inside me for days; even months. I went inside my bathroom; immediately jumping inside the shower. Washing my body; my hair; but also my emotions, my fears. I don't wanna feel fear; I don't wanna feel terror in my eyes; I want to feel strong and powerful. I am not scared of Dallas. I am not weak! I am in control of myself.

Ten minutes went by, I step out of the shower looking at myself in the mirror; all I can feel is anger. Anger. Anger. I can feel it in my bones; in my blood. Inside my body. My hands turned into fists, I look at myself, already I can feel strong. My fingers went through my hair. A smirk appeared on my face. I exit out of the bathroom, going to my dresser; brushing my dark brown curls. More memories came in my brain, more anger interrupting my body.

My body went on the top of the bed; I turn the lamp off from my nightstand, then everything went black.

-the next morning-

{break the rules by Charli XCX in the background}

My alarm went off, I roll over to my side; turning it off to make it stop from screaming at me. I sat up seeing what happened last night. For the first time, the nightmares didn't kept me up all night. Adrenaline, pain, hurt, anger that's what I am feeling. Today I don't know if I am going to be the same person I am now. I might be a different person.

DING DONG! I grab my phone seeing a message from Austin. Actually fourteen messages from him.

Austin: Ally, are you okay?

Austin: Call me back when you get this message.

Austin: Ally, seriously what's going with you?

Austin: Ally, I know you are probably asleep or already at Dallas place, but if you get this message please give me a call.

Austin: Ally, please reply back. I'm getting worried.

I replied back to the fifth message he sent me.

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