S i x t e e n

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Nashville, Tennessee.
After the fantastic concert in Los Angles. We moved on to Nashville. It began to rain. Seeing the rain actually brought some sorta of peace in my life. The rain always made me clam in a sorta weird way.

I look over to my phone.

Hey Ally. You don't Austin likes you. He doesn't. You're not worth it to him.

Why would someone sent me this mean, horrible message. I don't understand why Kira is such a jealously (excuse my language) bitch.

Like doesn't she understand that Austin doesn't want HER! All she does is control him like a little string puppet he is towards her.

I don't even know if she even loves Austin anymore.

"Ally. Are you okay?" Austin whispers across from his view to my view.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I don't want to tell you that your so called nice girlfriend just sent me a mean text message saying I'm not worth it to you. I began to twirl my hair since chewing my hair was just gross.

"Ally, what's going on? I know when you twirl your hair. You get nervous" I just can't tell you Austin.

He starts getting out of his bed, and climbs up to mine. He puts the covers over our bodies. Then turns his body facing me.

"What's going on with you?" He whispers. I love when he does that, it makes my body tingle in a way.

"Kira again. She sent me another text message saying how I am not worth it to you" I said in a soft tone.

"Don't listen to her. You are worth it to me. You're more than that. You're important to me than anything else in the world"

I smiled. "Thanks Austin" "Let's get some sleep okay." I nodded my head, and shut my eyes.

~next morning~
The sun was beaming against my bed making my whole body all warm and stuff. I rub my eyes to get my vision back to normal. Then I turn myself, Austin wasn't there.

Don't worry, Ally. He's probably eating breakfast again. I forced my skinny legs to get up, walking over to the tour bus kitchen.

The kitchen wasn't too small, but it wasn't big either. Austin was there eating some sort of sandwich.

"Morning Ally" he said while taking another bite into the brown flackery pancakes.

"Morning Austin. Those pancakes look good" I said trying not to jump over the table, and grab them.

"My pancakes" he took the plate and pushed it against his body. I chuckled.

"So what song are you planning to sing for this concert?"

"I was thinking something like Billion Hits or Chasin the beat of my heart. What do you think?"

"I think you should do something different. Here, I worked on another song for you while I had the free time. I will be right back" I got up walking back to get my songbook.

I come back, and there was a bracelet. "Austin! Is this for me?" he smiles.

"Yeah, I would to show you how it means to me that you believed in me when nobody else did"

A smile creeped on my smile. "Thanks Austin. I love it" then a awkward silence came.

So uh, here is the song I was thinking you should." I showed him the page, by the look of his facial expression, he liked it.

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