Chapter 3

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Cassidy comes back to the table with a single apple. I am highly confused. She took quite a while to get her food and there wasn't a line so it shouldn't have taken her so long. Cassidy notices me staring at her apple and picks it up and tosses it to me.                                                                                                             "I'm not hungry anymore. Lost my appetite." I didn't understand this girl. But I shrug it off and decide to give her a chance.

"So, um, Cassidy. How come you moved to Redwood?" She raises her eyebrows at me and my cheeks flush red. "Isn't that a bit forward? I mean, isn't that something you ask later on or is that just me? I like to ask questions about the person first before I go snooping into their lives." She smiles innocently at me and I couldn't help but smile back and apologise. This girl really was interesting.                     "Well, yes. That does seem more... kinder. Alright, Cassidy. What's your full name?" Cassidy grins as if that was the perfect thing she wanted to hear. "My full name is Cassidy Lee Greene." I like it. It has a ring to it. I open my mouth to ask another question but Dillon speaks.

He places his hands out in front of him and smiles. "Well, Cassidy Lee Greene. I highly suggest you stay out of the way of these three particular girls. Natalia, Alice and Riley. They're the boss bitches of the school." She tilts her head, seeming amused. "Well, if I happen to walk in their paths I'll make sure to introduce myself." Cassidy opens her mouth but hesitates for a moment. She then turns to me and looks me in the eye.                                                                                                                                                                      "I have noticed however, that everyone seems to be very into you, Ethan," she says slowly. " Are you the schools bad boy or something? If so I'm afraid I can't be friends with you. Those kind of people are too shallow and... well plastic." I was very taken back by her and how calm she seemed to be. I wave my hands, a bit too desperately but what can I say? This girl is wonderfully weird and I really want to be friends with her. "No, no no. I, um, was the schools rulers best friend. But I assure you that is long over and I regret having ever been associated with him." She nods then gets up and begins to walk away. But the she stops and slowly turns around. "I like you guys. I think we'd make a very interesting group." She smiles sweetly then walks away. I was left awestruck and then I slowly turn around in my seat to face Dillon again.

He laughs at my expression and shakes his head. He couldn't say much though, I'd caught him staring at her in awe many times. The thing about this new girl wasn't the fact that she was gorgeous. That is just a plus but the fact is she's interesting in so many ways and is wonderfully weird. In the last twenty minutes of speaking to Cassidy, she's kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting to know what's going to come next. She's like a box of chocolates, as cheesy and cliche as that may seem, it's true. Dillon clears his throat and snaps me out of my train of thoughts. "Look, I'm just going to put this simple. Be careful. I've heard... that Cassidy is very unpredictable and has broken many hearts. Badly. She's always on the move. Different town, city all the time. I just don't want you to fall hard. I'm not saying stay away from her.. Just. Be smart." He nods and pats me on the back, "You've had enough heartbreak. You really don't need anymore." He then gets up and walks away. I didn't understand. People in the school know who Cassidy is? I didn't think Cassidy is bad. Dillon's words repeat in my head. Cassidy is unpredictable and has broken many hearts. Badly. Be smart. What? I start to get frustrated so I decide to head to class early.

As I got up from the table, I notice many people whispering and staring at me again. I began to wonder if maybe this wasn't because of what happened with Daniel but more to do with the fact that I had sat with Cassidy. I sigh and begin to get a headache from thinking back to fifth year and that stupid stupid party. See, Daniel betrayed me. And so did my girlfriend, ex girlfriend, Sadie Gavins. It was on a bitter Christmas night that Daniel held this party at his house. I'd gone with Sadie. I had been with Sadie two years at that stage and she meant the world to me. I didn't think that she'd be the girl to break my world and make me depressed. But I was wrong. Anyways, Sadie went off to get drinks a couple hours into the party and after about twenty minutes she still hadn't come back. So, I went off to find her. I'd searched all of downstairs and still couldn't find her so I began to panic. I went upstairs and looked through every room until I came to Daniel's. I slowly opened the door and this was where my world had crumbled.

I found Daniel lying down on his bed with Sadie on top of him straddling his waist and kissing him. Her matte wine tank top was on the floor and her jeans were unbuttoned. See, I would have ran out  but I found myself paralysed. They hadn't noticed me until they rolled over and Sadie gasped. "E-ethan. I, um..." She had stuttered. Daniels face had gone as white as the snow that was falling outside. He pushed Sadie off and jumped off the bed and chased after me as soon as I had run out. I ran past the crowd of drunk and high teenagers. Past the couple making out on the porch. Past the cars parked up along the curb. I ran as far away as I could. I ran so far that everything became blurry because of my tears and I ended up falling. And that's all I remember. After that night I woke up in a cold hospital bed, with worried parents by my side. Apparently I had ran five blocks away and slammed my head off the pavement. Sadie, nor, Daniel apologised to me after that. Didn't even visit me in the hospital. They gave me worried looks in the corridors when I returned to school. After about a month, they got together. They had tried to talk to me a couple times, but I pushed them away.

I don't think I can fall in love again. It just doesn't seem right. But Cassidy is here now and I don't know. But I think I'd like to see what it'd be like to love someone again. I haven't healed and I don't know if I will. But I don't want to be alone forever, so I'm willing to take a risk and let myself open up. I'd like to open up to Cassidy. I'd like to fall in love with this intriguing, weird, lovely girl. I think, I'm going to take a risk.

Hii. Aww omg my poor baby was so badly hurt. *cries* Anyways sorry it's not the best right now but shhh enjoy it anyway? xD Idk. Hope your all well and having a good summer. Love ye! Also pry for my hair. (If u don't know the story read my conversations on my profile!)

Penny for your thoughts...





NU: Thursday

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