Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
A week has pasted since my long explanation to Cassidy. I haven't heard from her since. No text or call. Nothing. It was like she had vanished into thin air because she hasn't shown up at school either. I have called and texted her one too many times and the conversation so far has been one-sided. I'm really worried I scared her off or that something happened to her. I'm currently sitting on my bed when I see Dillon tumbling into my room through my window. He looks up at me and sheepishly smiles.
"I knocked and rang the bell. But you didn't answer so I climbed up to your window and well... Here I am!"
"So I see." I say bluntly. He sits down next to me on the bed and sighs.
"No word at all?" He asks.
"None whatsoever. It's like she's ignoring me." Dillon thinks for a moment before getting up and walking around my room.
"When exactly was the last time you two talked?" I flopped back on my bed and grabbed a pillow and put it over my face. "Last Saturday." I groan into the pillow and sigh. Dillon nods his head and continues to walk around my room.

Eventually Dillon jumps onto my bed and sighs.

"Nope. I've thought of every possible reason of why she's gone A-wall and the only reason that I could think of was that she's being the Cassidy that people are talking about." I look over at him confused and I groan.
"Dillon what?"
"Ya' know the Cassidy I heard about? The unpredictable, disappearing, heart breaking Cassidy." My eyes widen at his words. I refuse to believe that Cassidy is like what everyone says. I refuse to believe that she just took off because of whatever.  But in the back of my mind, there's a small voice telling me it makes sense. But I slap the back of my head and it stops.
"Hey, let's go see a movie?" Dillon suggests. A movie right now sounds nice. I nod and grab my keys and we take off.

Dillon and I, after about twenty minutes of debating which movie to see, finally decide that Central Intelligence is a good choice. We pay for our tickets then go to The Dollar Store to buy some snacks. After we buy our junk and drinks, we head into the movie theatre. About half an hour into the movie, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out and hold it by the side of my thigh so as not to disturb anyone. I open my messages and see and unknown number. I open the conversation and there's one message.
'Meet me in the old playground in twenty.'
That's it. No name or any hints to a name. But I could feel it. I know it's Cassidy. I'm sure of it. I look over at Dillon and he's so into the movie I don't want to ruin it. But if I don't go, will she leave again? Will she take off without warning? I sigh and decide to text her back because I can't leave Dillon.
'Just let me explain?'
'It is you! Listen, I can't meet you. I'm in the cinema with Dillon. I don't wanna bail on him. Can't you explain over text? Please?'  I wait for a reply but that's it. She's gone. Again. I sigh and lean my head back against the seat. Dillon taps my shoulder and looks at me with a confused face.
"Everything alright?" He whispers. I look at my phone and decide to show him our short conversation. He takes the phone and reads the messages. Dillon scrunches up his nose as he always does when he's about to say something he'll most likely regret.
"What? No, Dillon. I wanna be here." I whisper. He shakes his head.
"If you don't go. She'll leave. And you need some answers. We can just watch this again online or something." I look at him and sigh then pat his shoulder, thank him and leave.

It begins to pour from the heavens for the third time today. I race to my car and drive to the park as fast as the rain is falling. I pry that she's still there. I have around ten minutes to get there. It takes about fifteen to get there from here but I speed up a little. After a while, the playground comes into view and I drive into the parking lot, parking my car across two spaces and racing out of the car. I don't even turn off the engine, I just run. I try to see through the heavy rain and my breath hitches in my throat when I see a dark figure leaving.
"Cassidy!" I scream, hoping it's her. As I get closer, I see it's just some girl running through here. I anxiously look around, prying that she's here somewhere. I keep looking, not giving up hope. But after about five minutes, I collapse onto a swing and place my head in my hands. I'm too late. She's gone again and I'm confused as to what the hell is happening. Cassidy really is unpredictable.

My phone vibrates in my jacket pocket and I see my dad calling. I slide the arrow across the screen to answer.
"Hey dad." My voice comes out raspy and I try to get myself together. "What's up?"
"You're mother is getting out today." He says, but he doesn't sound happy about it.
"That's great!"
"I guess..." I hear him mumble and my blood boils at the fact he isn't jumping with glee that she's alive and coming home.
"Just... get home and clean the house up before we arrive."
"I already did that."
"Oh... Okay, well cook food or something then." And then the line goes. That's it? Cook food or something? Asshat. I decide that it would be nice to welcome home mom with a nice dinner. I trudge back over to my car, hop in and drive home.

"Welcome home mom!" I greet her as she walks in the door, shaking from the cold. I hug her gently and I smile as I feel the warmth off her and smell her familiar scent of that rose perfume she always wears. I actually missed having her at home. It was lonely without her. I made a lasagna and a nice crisp salad for her. I set the table properly and even lit some candles to make it feel cosy.
"Oh Ethan." She smiles and places a hand on my cheek. "This looks amazing. Thank you so much!" I nod and help her to her seat and dish up the food. Just as I place the plate in front of her and begin to dish up for dad, I notice Alicia isn't here.
"Where is Alicia?" I ask and sit down after handing my dad his plate.
"I don't know." My dad mumbles. He's acting weird this evening. It's pissing me off.
"What do you mean you don't know? Didn't you call her?" He shakes his head and shrugs, digging into his food. I sigh, push my chair back and stand up, grabbing my phone and excusing myself from the table. I find Alicia's contact and ring her. The line rings for what feels like forever until her voice speaks.
"What?" She grumbles. Everyone is so moody today, what the fuck?
"Where are you? Mom's home and we're eating dinner."
"Good for her and good for you all. I'm out. I'll be home later."
"Get home now. We all want to be together for mom."
"Well, everyone but me. So piss off!" And she hangs up. I sigh and throw my phone onto the sofa and walk back into the kitchen and sit down.
"Unfortunately, Alicia won't be able to make it home in time for dinner." I say and begin to eat. My dad rolls his eyes and picks at his food.
"Everything okay?" My mom asks him.
"Perfect!" He yells and startles my mom. He grabs his plate, walks into the kitchen and throws his plate into the sink and walks away. I look at mom and even she's stopped eating.
"I guess not everyone is happy to have me home. Heh, I'm sorry." She says, and wipes her eye as a tear slips down her cheek. My heart breaks at the fact that she's apologising for everyone else. She should be getting a warm welcoming. Not this. I place a hand on hers and smile.
"Well, I'm happy you're home."





NU:  Thursday

Song Recommendations: Drugs by Eden & Rumours by Gnash

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