Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Cassidy kisses my cheek as we say our goodbyes. I didn't want to leave but I knew my dad would need me back soon.
"I'll talk to you later?" I ask her sheepishly. She smiles sadly and I knew that meant no.
"I have... things to attend to Ethan. But we can only hope they don't occupy my entire day." I sigh, knowing that whatever she has to do, will most likely steal her for the day. I place the key into the ignition and my car roars to life. I wave to her as I pull out of the parking lot. The drive home isn't peaceful whatsoever. The radio is irritating me so I turn it off but then the silence is too much. I need Cassidy's sweet soft voice to fill my ears instead of replays of tonights incident.

My house comes into view and I park on the street. Jumping out of my car and walking into the house, I notice how much of a mess with was left in. The kitchen has broken plates, scattered all over the floor, that I don't remember being broken. I head upstairs to find the bathroom floor wet from mom having left the shower on during her... attempt. My parents bedroom is in complete chaos. There are tissues everywhere from moms crying sleepless nights. A suitcase that's half packed with Dads clothes for his business trip he's meant to go on. Moms clothes are thrown everywhere, basically covering the whole floor. But the one thing I notice out of all the mess, is the fact that Dads side of the bed as been untouched. I've never actually seen him go into their bedroom to stay there for a nap or a nights sleep.

I sigh and take a bag out of moms wardrobe, and begin to fill it with some clean clothes. When I'm done, I head into my bathroom to shower. After a refreshing warm shower, I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a Twenty One Pilots tee. Grabbing moms bag, I notice Alicia's bedroom door slightly open. Being the nosy brother I am, I decide to take a peek. Her room is absolutely spotless, apart from her walls which are covered in her drawings. The girl may be a prick but she sure knows how to draw. But something catches my eye. There's a plastic pocket, half shown under her pillow. I grab it and my eyes widen at the sight of what's inside. Cocaine. Alicia is doing drugs. Anger boils within me. But I'm more angry at myself then her. I'm rarely ever home, so of course I wouldn't have noticed her doing drugs. I should have been a better brother and been home more often to see that things weren't right. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! My phone buzzes in my pocket and Dillon's caller ID pops up. I slide to answer the call.

"Thank the heavens you answered!" he belts out. I cringe.
"What you want Dillon?" My voice comes out harsher than I intended. The line goes dead for a moment and all that can be heard is his shallow breaths.
"Sorry. I just wanted to see how you're doing..." he says, just above a whisper.
I sigh. "Look Dillon, I really appreciate it but I'm not in the mood for a pity conversation. My mom tried to kill herself and I just found Cocaine in Alicia's room. So save the 'I'm sorry man' for later." I hang up on him and instantly regret it. That was way too harsh of me. But I don't got time to apologise right now. I'll make it up to him later.

Grabbing moms bag and shoving the drugs into my pocket, I race out to the car. I buckle up and rush towards the hospital. Once parked, I grab the bag and run inside and to the waiting room. I see my dad asleep on the seats and Alicia on her phone texting. I take a deep breath and walk in. I shake dad's shoulders until his eyes flutter open.
"O-oh E, you're back." I nod and hand the bag to him. "I need to talk to Alicia. Mind giving this to mom?" He nods, takes the bag and walks away. I clench my fists preparing for the conversation that's about to happen. I grab her phone and she looks up and furrows her eyebrows.
"Give it here!" she demands and sticks out her hand. I shake my head, grab her wrist and take her out of the waiting room.
"What's going on!?" I look around to make sure we're alone then slowly take the plastic pocket out of my pocket and hold it up. The colour drains from her face faster than I've ever seen and her eyes fall to her shoes.
"W-where did you get that?" she whispers. I roll my eyes at her attempt to play innocent.
"To hell if you don't know! Explain just what the fuck you think you're doing!" I shout-whisper. I'm trying so hard not to snap at her and scream from the rooftops. She looks up at me and shrugs.
"I don't know."
"Is this a dare? Were you peer pressured? Is this to fit in and make yourself look cool!?" I almost lose it at the thought of Alicia doing this just to look cool.
"No! I just... I was at a party. I got dared to try it and thought 'why not?'. I didn't think I'd get addicted! Cut me some slack fuck sake!"

My dad walks down the hall and gives us a questioning look. Alicia begs me not to tell him and I sigh and say fine.
"But you got to promise me you'll stop. Or else I'll tell him!" I threaten. She sighs and nods her head and walks back into the waiting room with dad. I shove the drugs into my pocket and decide to call Dillon. The line rings for a couple of seconds before Dillon's husky voice answers.
"Thought you didn't want to talk."
"I'm sorry. I really am but things have been stressful you got to understand. I need your help. Meet me at Ballybay in ten minutes." I hang up and tell my dad I'll be back soon.

"You're shitting me. She didn't think she'd get addicted!? The bloody twat!" Dillon cries. We stand on the prier, looking out at the water. It's gotten alot colder now and the wind down here is basically blowing us away.
"I know. But she promised she'd try to stop. I'm just mad at myself that I wasn't around enough to notice that something was wrong with her." I sigh. Dillon pats my back and shakes his head.
"Don't beat yourself up for her mess E. She got herself into this." I nod and guess he's right. I hand over the drugs and he looks at me like I just handed him a bag full of dog shit.
"Get rid of it. Please?" I ask and he tilts his head from side to side as if he's thinking about it.
"Yeah, alright. But you owe me." I laugh a little and nod. He shoves the drugs into his pocket and we head towards town for a coffee.
"Cassidy told me to tell you she's holding a get together at the old playground. By get together she means herself, me and you. She just wants to cheer you up." The thought of Cassidy wanting to cheer me up makes a small smile appear on my face. Dillon scratches his neck and makes an unsure face.
"I don't know if we should go though." he says. I look at him as if he was mad.
"Um, why?"
"Because of what I told you. I'm just looking out for you, ya know? Don't want you getting too close that she hurts you." I groan and slap him playfully on his arm.
"I'm a big boy mom! I can look after myself jeez." He laughs and slings an arm over my shoulder.

We reach town and walk into a bright green coffee shop. What surprises me is that Cassidy is there. But what surprises me more is who she is with. Sadie. Oh god, this can't be good. The girl I like is sitting with my deadly ex. Dillon turns his attention to what I'm looking at then looks back at me.
"Let's go." He garbs my arm but I shrug him off. Without warning, my feet begin to walk towards their table and I internally curse myself for having ever step foot in this place.

Sadie stops mid sentence to look at me and a playful smirk appears on her face. "Ethan." she purrs in a mocking way. "How good to see you! I was just explaining to Cassidy here how popular you are in the school." You were just what now?
"Oh... um." Cassidy looks up at me and dare I say she actually looks disappointed to see me. The look on her face actually hurts.
"Um, haha! Good one Sadie!" I fake laugh, to show that what she said isn't true. Sadie looks at me questioningly.
"What are you laughing at? You know it's true." Cassidy grabs her bag and excuses herself before getting up and leaving. I run after her.
"Cassidy! Wait, please!" She turns around and looks like I just ran over her puppy.
"What you want Ethan? God, I should've known! No wonder everyone always stares at you like you're a big deal." I sigh and guess it's best to tell her what happened.
"I'll explain why everyone stares if you let me. Let's take a walk." She looks at me and is hesitant for a moment but then agrees and we begin to walk. Here it goes.

I apologise that this chapter is shit and not too exciting but things are stressful for me at the moment and I didn't want to bail on updating for the second time this week. So I needed to get something up for you even if it's this crap ^.

Thank you all for reading my shit and actually sticking with it! It means alot you have know idea. I love you all for it! This book already has over a 100 views and let me tell you, I was very happy when I logged on and saw the views it's getting. Let's vote for this book and help it get somewhere? Please comment and say whatever. Even if it is just a mistake because I really appreciate it. Don't be a silent reader.

Penny for your thoughts...






PS: I most likely will not be updating next Thursday as I will be away but I might give an update on Tuesday before I head the next day. Just don't expect too much.

Song recommendations: I'll Be Your Reason by Illenium & Sex by Eden

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