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Boy howdy. I have a whole bunch for this topic.


Have you, by chance, ever noticed that these sexual scenes are often skipped in novels? There is a reason for it. On one hand, the author wants the reader to know what is happening, most likely for plot purposes. On the other, they don't want to outright describe the sex. That is called porn, ladies and gents.
This isn't the only way authors approach this subject. Others will give the rising action leading up to the event before abruptly cutting off. This is another common tactic, and it is one I use often. It allows the reader to grasp what is happening and affirm their suspicions before moving on without getting too intrenched in the nitty gritty.
The final way I've seen authors go about it is to fill out describe everything in detail. This is where the fanfiction writers kick in. At least most of them. Writing smut is well and good, but there are a few key elements to understand.

1.) Have a general understanding of anatomy.
2.) Have a general grasp on how sex works.
3.) Don't be cliche and repetitive.

The first element is simple. Understand the reproductive organs of whatever creature you may be writing about. Whether it's humans, animals, or aliens (this is a judge free zone I promise), you have to know what body parts the creatures partaking in the act have. That's fairly common knowledge.
The second element is also a no-brainer. To write about something, you have to know how it works. Sex is no exception. Allow me to pose a question to you: How do you expect to write an essay about something you've never learned about before? For example, if you were to write an essay about the inner workings of a car, you'd surely do a little research before diving in, wouldn't you? And, no, I'm not condoning anyone to watch pornography. The point I'm trying to emphasize is that you have to have a basic understanding of any concept before you attempt to write and describe it. That's all.
The third element is somewhat touchy. No pun intended. It shifts back to the idea that there needs to be a broadening in vocabulary. That means that you can't use the word "moaned" in every other sentence. You can't repeat the same actions over and over, and you can't copy and paste the same scenario. If you insist on writing about this topic, make it more meaningful than just an animalistic urge. Describe the thoughts and feelings of the people involved. Let the reader know why you included such a scene. (Other than the obvious reasons.) These are just things to keep in mind when writing something like this. It is a very fragile topic to some. Be sure to keep your content and audience in mind when you formulate the plot.


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