Chapter 1: Found You

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Her bruise

Jessica POV: Jessica is 23 Years Old but she is stuck at that Age forever

I Woke up this morning with an bruised mark on my arm, i knew how it got there just trying to get the nightmare out of my head but is not working.

Flashback: Jessica is the same age she is right now since this accident happen last Night

"your nothing to us your just the forgotten child i wish Renesmee was born first not you so then we could've gotten rid of you the minute you were born"My father said to me as he was gripping onto my arms tightly  Why didn't my aunt and uncle stop him oh wait i know because they think the same thing as my father does

"Well if i'm nothing then why don't you let me go and pack my bags and i can leave at least this way i will be away from the people who don't even care about me and find people who do"  i said to him shouting at him but that made him even more angry which caused me to scream even louder that i was since he kept his grip on my arm pulling it so my bones would break 

"Edward Let her go now"i heard a familiar voice say as i looked over beside me was Jacob Black the wolf that imprinted on my sister but he always stuck up for us both well me mostly 

"No this little brat wants us to let her go Jacob, she wants to leave and forget all about us so no i am not letting her go until she gets it through her thick head that she is not leaving this house not until i say she can"my father said to Jacob looking at him then back at me

"Edward if you don't let her go i will hurt you and my bite is lethal to you and there is a cure my blood but you wont be getting it now let her go now before i do it"Jacob said putting his arm around my waist so when my father let go i wouldn't fall on the hard ground and the other hand on my father hand that is holding my arm

"Fine i will let her go but don't think she is going out of my sight"he said as he let go of my arm and i fell into Jacob arms , holding my arm as Jacob picked me up bride style and took me to the bathroom that was in my room and locked my bedroom door behind us 

"Let me have a look Jess"Jacob said as i un covered my arm and me and him both saw a big bruised mark on my arm

"Jake i will be fine you didn't need to do that i would've been fine"I said to him but he shook his hand 

"No Jess listen to me i know i imprinted on you sister but that doesn't mean i wont be there for you and your sister knows this she made me promised her that i would protect you both and i agreed, and don't worry i know you both hate each other but she does love you Jess now lets heal you up" He said before he could do anything there was a knock on the door 

"Jacob, Jessica it's Carlisle let me in please"Carlisle said from behind the door 

Jacob looked at me as i nodded, he walked over to my bedroom door and unlocked it then walked back over to me and in walked Carlisle with his medical kit

"Jess can you hold you arm straight for me please so i can wipe the blood away from it"I heard him say i didn't know what to call him so i just called him Carlisle 

I did what he asked me but it was sore so Jacob had to hold my other hand as he did Carlisle started to wipe the blood away from the bruise but told me it would still be there in the morning i just had to keep it hidden from my mother , Esme, Jasper and Alice since they would kill Edward for this

"Jacob we should go and let Jessica to rest plus Renesmee is looking for you"he said as he walked out with Jacob behind him they both said goodnight then Jacob shut my door behind him 

End of Flashback

I got up from my bed and put on one of my cute outfits that i love wearing.

I Walked down that stairs and saw My Father, My Mother, Carlisle, Esme,  Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie all looking at me my mother, Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Jasper with an nice outfit look but my father, Emmett and Rosalie looked me with disg...

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I Walked down that stairs and saw My Father, My Mother, Carlisle, Esme,  Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie all looking at me my mother, Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Jasper with an nice outfit look but my father, Emmett and Rosalie looked me with disgust but i didn't care about them in fact i really didn't want to think about last night at all 

Mum what time are the Mikaelson coming at"i heard my little sister say as she stood beside me putting her arm in mine which caused my Mother to look at us with an aw look on her face 

"Right now Ness just waiting for them"as she said that there was a knock on the door 

Right on time i thought as my Mother walked over to the door with us standing behind her well me and sister were still standing at the stairs as for the rest of them they stood behind my mother with an Smile on their face, as my mother opened the door i smelt something Minty and flowery but i ignored it probably something that Esme is cooking or something like that 

"Welcome you must be the Mikaelson, please come in" My mother said to them as she moved out of the way to let them come in which they did 

W guided them to the living room and sat down lucky this house has enough seats for everyone, i sat beside my sister and she sat in the middle of between me and Alice but it was only me, my sister and the kids of the Mikaelson sitting down as the rest of them stood in the middle of the room my aunts and uncles and grand parents were sitting on the seats beside me and Renesmee it wasn't long before Alice and Jasper moved since Jacob had walked in the room and sat down beside Renesmee.

"Hi i'm Bella and this is Edward my Husband and this is Emmett and his girlfriend Rosalie, beside them are Alice and her boyfriend Jasper then it's Edward, Emmett and Alice dad and Esme husband Carlisle and his wife Esme and these two beautiful girl beside them are mine and Edwards daughters Jessica and Renesmee Cullen"My mother said putting out her hand which the mother of the Mikaelson shook and looked at all of us smiling at us all which we returned 

"Nice to meet you all i'm Esther and this is my husband Mikael, our kids Freya, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, you have a nice house here" Esther said as my mother,father and Esther and Mikael all sat down but i could still smell that mint and flower smell i was smelling when they came in

I looked around the room, when i stopped at on of Esther's sons who was also looking at me with an loving glare.

"Mate"i heard him say actually i think we all did 

He stood up and made his way towards me, kneeling down in front of me, looking me in the eyes

"I found you"

Chapter 2 on way 

What Mikaelson is it Finn, Elijah, Klaus or Kol

Author Note: this is taking place where Freya didn't get taken away from her parents and Henrik is still dead just in case you guys were confused about it but anyways hope you liked it.

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