REQ: Cell X (Android!) Reader

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Author's Note://

Took me a while to think up of a good plot for this but I think it'll work out well :) Cell isn't in any particular form: I'm leaving it up for you to decide. Dedicated to CoolerSwagEmperor for a handful of ideas, thank you by the way~

{Your POV}

The metal door of the pod containing your body opened, and you felt all your senses slowly but gradually returning to your form. It had been years since you were last activated and you were devastated when you were turned off. Now, you were awakened yet again. When you opened your (e/c) eyes, an unfamiliar face greeted you.

"Gero?" You hesitantly called out, sitting up. The figure standing by your pod stepped back, and you were unsure if it was to give you room or because your sudden movement startled him.

"Gero isn't here," the figure grunted, crossing it's arms. Now that your eyes were used to the dim light, you could make out some of the strange entity's features; green skin specked with darker spots, wing-like appendages, and purple bio-gem markings.

"Who are you? What happened to Gero?" You demanded, finally regaining the strength to get out of the pod that contained you. It was clear the insect-like being activated you.

"I don't get a 'thank you'?" The entity flashed you a smirk. "I wasn't given a title. But if I had to pick, it'd be Cell."

"Uh... thanks?" You rubbed the back of your neck, which was still cramped from being inactive for so long.

Cell watched you, like a curious animal, as you walked around the lab. Everything seemed... well... abandoned. Like no one had been here in years. It appeared your "siblings" were activated as well, the places where their own pods once were gone.

"Where's Gero?" You repeated, this time your tone more irritated and sharp.

Cell gave a small chuckle. "Our brother, Android 17, killed him."

"Really? Gero's dead?" You quirked a brow, as if you didn't believe what the "BugMan" said. You guessed he was being truthful due to the abandoned lab.

Cell nodded. "Yes." His gaze never left you. "I suppose you're free... for the most part." He had a mysterious tone to his voice that made you freeze.

"What do you mean?" You muttered. "I still have to kill Son Goku, right?"

"That, and I need to be certain of something," Cell went on. "You see, I need to asorb our brother and sister, and I'm not sure I'm supposed to asorb you as well."

Asorb? That doesn't even sound pleasant, you thought with a grimance.

"H-how would you know for sure? I mean, I'd prefer not to be asorbed, thank you very much."

Cell finally lifted his intimidating stare from you and walked over to the lab tables, shifting through paperwork and blueprints, the dust flying into the air as he collected a handful. He waved them, shaking more dust off them. A small spider descended to the lab floor, and you watched it crawl past you, the tiny arachnid disappearing under some unknown machine.

"Ahem," Cell coughed, rousing your attention. "These papers contain information. Yet, I can't seem to find yours. As of now, you're off the list." His eyes narrowed.

"Well, I would think Gero would store them with the others, right?" You guessed with a shrug.

Cell dropped the papers on the table. "I checked," he muttered.

You shook your head. "Well, I have a mission to complete," you explained. "I am willing to bet they need me."

Cell chuckled. "I wouldn't worry about them."

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